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[ help ] syntax error : identifier 'LagRecord'


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trying to compile pandora v3 i have this error
error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'LagRecord'
ive tried some things as remaking the identifier, changing the name of the identifier lol  & etc. so heres the code in case it helps

note: if u gonna answer this thread with learncpp.com dont waste your time, thanks 👍


class AimPlayer;

class LagCompensation {
	enum LagType : size_t {
		INVALID = 0,

	bool StartPrediction(AimPlayer* player);
	void PlayerMove(LagRecord* record);
	void AirAccelerate(LagRecord* record, ang_t angle, float fmove, float smove);
	void PredictAnimations(CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state, LagRecord* record);

extern LagCompensation g_lagcomp;


#include "../includes.h"

LagCompensation g_lagcomp{};;

bool LagCompensation::StartPrediction(AimPlayer* data) {
	// we have no data to work with.
	// this should never happen if we call this
	if (data->m_records.empty())
		return false;

	// meme.
	if (data->m_player->dormant())
		return false;

	// compute the true amount of updated records
	// since the last time the player entered pvs.
	size_t size{};

	// iterate records.
	for (const auto& it : data->m_records) {
		if (it->dormant())

		// increment total amount of data.

	// get first record.
	LagRecord* record = data->m_records[0].get();

	// reset all prediction related variables.
	// this has been a recurring problem in all my hacks lmfao.
	// causes the prediction to stack on eachother.

	// check if lc broken.
	if (size > 1 && ((record->m_origin - data->m_records[1]->m_origin).length_sqr() > 4096.f
		|| size > 2 && (data->m_records[1]->m_origin - data->m_records[2]->m_origin).length_sqr() > 4096.f))
		record->m_broke_lc = true;

	// we are not breaking lagcomp at this point.
	// return false so it can aim at all the records it once
	// since server-sided lagcomp is still active and we can abuse that.
	if (!record->m_broke_lc)
		return false;

	int simulation = game::TIME_TO_TICKS(record->m_sim_time);

	// this is too much lag to fix.
	if (std::abs(g_cl.m_arrival_tick - simulation) >= 128)
		return true;

	// compute the amount of lag that we will predict for, if we have one set of data, use that.
	// if we have more data available, use the prevoius lag delta to counter weird fakelags that switch between 14 and 2.
	int lag = (size <= 2) ? game::TIME_TO_TICKS(record->m_sim_time - data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time)
		: game::TIME_TO_TICKS(data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time - data->m_records[2]->m_sim_time);

	// clamp this just to be sure.
	math::clamp(lag, 1, 15);

	// get the delta in ticks between the last server net update
	// and the net update on which we created this record.
	int updatedelta = g_cl.m_server_tick - record->m_tick;

	// if the lag delta that is remaining is less than the current netlag
	// that means that we can shoot now and when our shot will get processed
	// the origin will still be valid, therefore we do not have to predict.
	if (g_cl.m_latency_ticks <= lag - updatedelta)
		return true;

	// the next update will come in, wait for it.
	int next = record->m_tick + 1;
	if (next + lag >= g_cl.m_arrival_tick)
		return true;

	float change = 0.f, dir = 0.f;

	// get the direction of the current velocity.
	if (record->m_velocity.y != 0.f || record->m_velocity.x != 0.f)
		dir = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(record->m_velocity.y, record->m_velocity.x));

	// we have more than one update
	// we can compute the direction.
	if (size > 1) {
		// get the delta time between the 2 most recent records.
		float dt = record->m_sim_time - data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time;

		// init to 0.
		float prevdir = 0.f;

		// get the direction of the prevoius velocity.
		if (data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.y != 0.f || data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.x != 0.f)
			prevdir = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.y, data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.x));

		// compute the direction change per tick.
		change = (math::NormalizedAngle(dir - prevdir) / dt) * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

	if (std::abs(change) > 6.f)
		change = 0.f;

	// get the pointer to the players animation state.
	CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state = data->m_player->m_PlayerAnimState();

	// backup the animation state.
	CCSGOPlayerAnimState backup{};
	if (state)
		std::memcpy(&backup, state, sizeof(CCSGOPlayerAnimState));

	// add in the shot prediction here.
	int shot = 0;

	/*Weapon* pWeapon = data->m_player->GetActiveWeapon( );
	if( pWeapon && !data->m_fire_bullet.empty( ) ) {

		static Address offset = g_netvars.get( HASH( "DT_BaseCombatWeapon" ), HASH( "m_fLastShotTime" ) );
		float last = pWeapon->get< float >( offset );

		if( game::TIME_TO_TICKS( data->m_fire_bullet.front( ).m_sim_time - last ) == 1 ) {
			WeaponInfo* wpndata = pWeapon->GetWpnData( );

			if( wpndata )
				shot = game::TIME_TO_TICKS( last + wpndata->m_cycletime ) + 1;

	int pred = 0;

	// start our predicton loop.
	while (true) {
		// can the player shoot within his lag delta.
		/*if( shot && shot >= simulation && shot < simulation + lag ) {

			// if so his new lag will be the time until he shot again.
			lag = shot - simulation;
			math::clamp( lag, 3, 15 );

			// only predict a shot once.
			shot = 0;

		// see if by predicting this amount of lag
		// we do not break stuff.
		next += lag;
		if (next >= g_cl.m_arrival_tick)

		// predict lag.
		for (int sim{}; sim < lag; ++sim) {
			// predict movement direction by adding the direction change per tick to the previous direction.
			// make sure to normalize it, in case we go over the -180/180 turning point.
			dir = math::NormalizedAngle(dir + change);

			// pythagorean theorem
			// a^2 + b^2 = c^2
			// we know a and b, we square them and add them together, then root.
			float hyp = record->m_pred_velocity.length_2d();

			// compute the base velocity for our new direction.
			// since at this point the hypotenuse is known for us and so is the angle.
			// we can compute the adjacent and opposite sides like so:
			// cos(x) = a / h -> a = cos(x) * h
			// sin(x) = o / h -> o = sin(x) * h
			record->m_pred_velocity.x = std::cos(math::deg_to_rad(dir)) * hyp;
			record->m_pred_velocity.y = std::sin(math::deg_to_rad(dir)) * hyp;

			// we hit the ground, set the upwards impulse and apply CS:GO speed restrictions.
			if (record->m_pred_flags & FL_ONGROUND) {
				if (!g_csgo.sv_enablebunnyhopping->GetInt()) {

					// 260 x 1.1 = 286 units/s.
					float max = data->m_player->m_flMaxspeed() * 1.1f;

					// get current velocity.
					float speed = record->m_pred_velocity.length();

					// reset velocity to 286 units/s.
					if (max > 0.f && speed > max)
						record->m_pred_velocity *= (max / speed);

				// assume the player is bunnyhopping here so set the upwards impulse.
				record->m_pred_velocity.z = g_csgo.sv_jump_impulse->GetFloat();

			// we are not on the ground
			// apply gravity and airaccel.
			else {
				// apply one tick of gravity.
				record->m_pred_velocity.z -= g_csgo.sv_gravity->GetFloat() * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

				// compute the ideal strafe angle for this velocity.
				float speed2d = record->m_pred_velocity.length_2d();
				float ideal = (speed2d > 0.f) ? math::rad_to_deg(std::asin(15.f / speed2d)) : 90.f;
				math::clamp(ideal, 0.f, 90.f);

				float smove = 0.f;
				float abschange = std::abs(change);

				if (abschange <= ideal || abschange >= 30.f) {
					static float mod{ 1.f };

					dir += (ideal * mod);
					smove = 450.f * mod;
					mod *= -1.f;

				else if (change > 0.f)
					smove = -450.f;

					smove = 450.f;

				// apply air accel.
				AirAccelerate(record, ang_t{ 0.f, dir, 0.f }, 0.f, smove);

			// predict player.
			// convert newly computed velocity
			// to origin and flags.

			// move time forward by one.
			record->m_pred_time += g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

			// increment total amt of predicted ticks.

			// the server animates every first choked command.
			// therefore we should do that too.
			if (sim == 0 && state)
				PredictAnimations(state, record);

	// restore state.
	if (state)
		std::memcpy(state, &backup, sizeof(CCSGOPlayerAnimState));

	if (pred <= 0)
		return true;

	// lagcomp broken, invalidate bones.

	// re-setup bones for this record.
	g_bones.setup(data->m_player, nullptr, record);

	return true;

void LagCompensation::PlayerMove(LagRecord* record) {
	vec3_t                start, end, normal;
	CGameTrace            trace;
	CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;

	// define trace start.
	start = record->m_pred_origin;

	// move trace end one tick into the future using predicted velocity.
	end = start + (record->m_pred_velocity * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval);

	// trace.
	g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace);

	// we hit shit
	// we need to fix hit.
	if (trace.m_fraction != 1.f) {

		// fix sliding on planes.
		for (int i{}; i < 2; ++i) {
			record->m_pred_velocity -= trace.m_plane.m_normal * record->m_pred_velocity.dot(trace.m_plane.m_normal);

			float adjust = record->m_pred_velocity.dot(trace.m_plane.m_normal);
			if (adjust < 0.f)
				record->m_pred_velocity -= (trace.m_plane.m_normal * adjust);

			start = trace.m_endpos;
			end = start + (record->m_pred_velocity * (g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval * (1.f - trace.m_fraction)));

			g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace);
			if (trace.m_fraction == 1.f)

	// set new final origin.
	start = end = record->m_pred_origin = trace.m_endpos;

	// move endpos 2 units down.
	// this way we can check if we are in/on the ground.
	end.z -= 2.f;

	// trace.
	g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace);

	// strip onground flag.
	record->m_pred_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;

	// add back onground flag if we are onground.
	if (trace.m_fraction != 1.f && trace.m_plane.m_normal.z > 0.7f)
		record->m_pred_flags |= FL_ONGROUND;

void LagCompensation::AirAccelerate(LagRecord* record, ang_t angle, float fmove, float smove) {
	vec3_t fwd, right, wishvel, wishdir;
	float  maxspeed, wishspd, wishspeed, currentspeed, addspeed, accelspeed;

	// determine movement angles.
	math::AngleVectors(angle, &fwd, &right);

	// zero out z components of movement vectors.
	fwd.z = 0.f;
	right.z = 0.f;

	// normalize remainder of vectors.

	// determine x and y parts of velocity.
	for (int i{}; i < 2; ++i)
		wishvel[i] = (fwd[i] * fmove) + (right[i] * smove);

	// zero out z part of velocity.
	wishvel.z = 0.f;

	// determine maginitude of speed of move.
	wishdir = wishvel;
	wishspeed = wishdir.normalize();

	// get maxspeed.
	// TODO; maybe global this or whatever its 260 anyway always.
	maxspeed = record->m_player->m_flMaxspeed();

	// clamp to server defined max speed.
	if (wishspeed != 0.f && wishspeed > maxspeed)
		wishspeed = maxspeed;

	// make copy to preserve original variable.
	wishspd = wishspeed;

	// cap speed.
	if (wishspd > 30.f)
		wishspd = 30.f;

	// determine veer amount.
	currentspeed = record->m_pred_velocity.dot(wishdir);

	// see how much to add.
	addspeed = wishspd - currentspeed;

	// if not adding any, done.
	if (addspeed <= 0.f)

	// Determine acceleration speed after acceleration
	accelspeed = g_csgo.sv_airaccelerate->GetFloat() * wishspeed * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

	// cap it.
	if (accelspeed > addspeed)
		accelspeed = addspeed;

	// add accel.
	record->m_pred_velocity += (wishdir * accelspeed);

void LagCompensation::PredictAnimations(CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state, LagRecord* record) {
	struct AnimBackup_t {
		float  curtime;
		float  frametime;
		int    flags;
		int    eflags;
		vec3_t velocity;

	// get player ptr.
	Player* player = record->m_player;

	// backup data.
	AnimBackup_t backup;
	backup.curtime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime;
	backup.frametime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime;
	backup.flags = player->m_fFlags();
	backup.eflags = player->m_iEFlags();
	backup.velocity = player->m_vecAbsVelocity();

	// set globals appropriately for animation.
	g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime = record->m_pred_time;
	g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

	// skip call to C_BaseEntity::CalcAbsoluteVelocity
	player->m_iEFlags() &= ~0x1000;

	// set predicted flags and velocity.
	player->m_fFlags() = record->m_pred_flags;
	player->m_vecAbsVelocity() = record->m_pred_velocity;

	// enable re-animation in the same frame if animated already.
	if (state->m_frame >= g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame)
		state->m_frame = g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame - 1;

	bool fake = g_cfg[XOR("rage_aimbot_correct")].get<bool>();

	// rerun the resolver since we edited the origin.
	if (fake)
		g_resolver.ResolveAngles(player, record);

	// update animations.
	game::UpdateAnimationState(state, record->m_eye_angles);

	// rerun the pose correction cuz we are re-setupping them.
	if (fake)
		g_resolver.ResolvePoses(player, record);

	// get new rotation poses and layers.
	record->m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles();

	// restore globals.
	g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime = backup.curtime;
	g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime = backup.frametime;

	// restore player data.
	player->m_fFlags() = backup.flags;
	player->m_iEFlags() = backup.eflags;
	player->m_vecAbsVelocity() = backup.velocity;


// pre-declare.
class LagRecord;

class BackupRecord {
	BoneArray* m_bones;
	int        m_bone_count;
	vec3_t     m_origin, m_abs_origin;
	vec3_t     m_mins;
	vec3_t     m_maxs;
	ang_t      m_abs_ang;

	__forceinline void store(Player* player) {
		// get bone cache ptr.
		CBoneCache* cache = &player->m_BoneCache();

		// store bone data.
		m_bones = cache->m_pCachedBones;
		m_bone_count = cache->m_CachedBoneCount;
		m_origin = player->m_vecOrigin();
		m_mins = player->m_vecMins();
		m_maxs = player->m_vecMaxs();
		m_abs_origin = player->GetAbsOrigin();
		m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles();

	__forceinline void restore(Player* player) {
		// get bone cache ptr.
		CBoneCache* cache = &player->m_BoneCache();

		cache->m_pCachedBones = m_bones;
		cache->m_CachedBoneCount = m_bone_count;

		player->m_vecOrigin() = m_origin;
		player->m_vecMins() = m_mins;
		player->m_vecMaxs() = m_maxs;

class LagRecord {
	// data.
	Player* m_player;
	float   m_immune;
	int     m_tick;
	int     m_lag;
	bool    m_dormant;

	// netvars.
	float  m_sim_time;
	float  m_old_sim_time;
	int    m_flags;
	vec3_t m_origin;
	vec3_t m_old_origin;
	vec3_t m_velocity;
	vec3_t m_mins;
	vec3_t m_maxs;
	ang_t  m_eye_angles;
	ang_t  m_abs_ang;
	float  m_body;
	float  m_duck;
	bool m_bDidShot;

	// anim stuff.
	C_AnimationLayer m_layers[13];
	float            m_poses[24];
	vec3_t           m_anim_velocity;

	// bone stuff.
	bool       m_setup;
	BoneArray* m_bones;
	BoneArray m_pMatrix[128];
	BoneArray m_pMatrix_Resolved[128];

	vec3_t m_vecOrigin;

	// lagfix stuff.
	bool   m_broke_lc;
	vec3_t m_pred_origin;
	vec3_t m_pred_velocity;
	float  m_pred_time;
	int    m_pred_flags;

	// resolver stuff.
	size_t m_mode;
	bool   m_fake_walk;
	bool   m_shot;
	float  m_away;
	float  m_anim_time;

	// other stuff.
	float  m_interp_time;

	// default ctor.
	__forceinline LagRecord() :
		m_setup{ false },
		m_broke_lc{ false },
		m_fake_walk{ false },
		m_shot{ false },
		m_bones{} {}

	// ctor.
	__forceinline LagRecord(Player* player) :
		m_setup{ false },
		m_broke_lc{ false },
		m_fake_walk{ false },
		m_shot{ false },
		m_bones{} {


	// dtor.
	__forceinline ~LagRecord() {
		// free heap allocated game mem.

	__forceinline void invalidate() {
		// free heap allocated game mem.

		// mark as not setup.
		m_setup = false;

		// allocate new memory.
		m_bones = (BoneArray*)g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Alloc(sizeof(BoneArray) * 128);

	// function: allocates memory for SetupBones and stores relevant data.
	void store(Player* player) {
		// allocate game heap.
		m_bones = (BoneArray*)g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Alloc(sizeof(BoneArray) * 128);

		// player data.
		m_player = player;
		m_immune = player->m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime();
		m_tick = g_csgo.m_cl->m_server_tick;

		// netvars.
		m_pred_time = m_sim_time = player->m_flSimulationTime();
		m_old_sim_time = player->m_flOldSimulationTime();
		m_pred_flags = m_flags = player->m_fFlags();
		m_pred_origin = m_origin = player->m_vecOrigin();
		m_old_origin = player->m_vecOldOrigin();
		m_eye_angles = player->m_angEyeAngles();
		m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles();
		m_body = player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget();
		m_mins = player->m_vecMins();
		m_maxs = player->m_vecMaxs();
		m_duck = player->m_flDuckAmount();
		m_pred_velocity = m_velocity = player->m_vecVelocity();

		// save networked animlayers.

		// normalize eye angles.
		math::clamp(m_eye_angles.x, -90.f, 90.f);

		// get lag.
		m_lag = game::TIME_TO_TICKS(m_sim_time - m_old_sim_time);

		// compute animtime.
		m_anim_time = m_old_sim_time + g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval;

	// function: restores 'predicted' variables to their original.
	__forceinline void predict() {
		m_broke_lc = false;
		m_pred_origin = m_origin;
		m_pred_velocity = m_velocity;
		m_pred_time = m_sim_time;
		m_pred_flags = m_flags;

	// function: writes current record to bone cache.
	__forceinline void cache() {
		// get bone cache ptr.
		CBoneCache* cache = &m_player->m_BoneCache();

		cache->m_pCachedBones = m_bones;
		cache->m_CachedBoneCount = 128;

		m_player->m_vecOrigin() = m_pred_origin;
		m_player->m_vecMins() = m_mins;
		m_player->m_vecMaxs() = m_maxs;


	__forceinline bool dormant() {
		return m_dormant;

	__forceinline bool immune() {
		return m_immune > 0.f;

	// function: checks if LagRecord obj is hittable if we were to fire at it now.
	bool valid() {
		// use prediction curtime for this.
		float curtime = game::TICKS_TO_TIME(g_cl.m_local->m_nTickBase());

		// correct is the amount of time we have to correct game time,
		float correct = g_cl.m_lerp + g_cl.m_latency;

		// stupid fake latency goes into the incoming latency.
		float in = g_csgo.m_net->GetLatency(INetChannel::FLOW_INCOMING);
		correct += in;

		// check bounds [ 0, sv_maxunlag ]
		math::clamp(correct, 0.f, g_csgo.sv_maxunlag->GetFloat());

		// calculate difference between tick sent by player and our latency based tick.
		// ensure this record isn't too old.
		return std::abs(correct - (curtime - m_sim_time)) < 0.19f;


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