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  1. Here's SEOWNED 1.0.4 Cheat. you can try it out if you want and this isnt made by me It's made by Lak3 TeamFortress2.zip
  2. someone fix this and give it me on discord (i will give whoever fixes it a high five) ✞PeanutSeeds✞#1985 Luxeware.zip
  3. I recently started using madloader to inject weave and when i go ingame and load a cfg, the cfg loads but after 5 mins the game crashes. can someone help me to fix it Discord : Sir Miind#8078
  4. Hi i find this source but it crashes when I join any team. Whether its T, CT or spectator it crashes. I dont know whats the cause. Raz#3330 111.rar
  5. Hello, I currently have a source of a csgo cheat and I would need the help of some programmer or knowledgeable person to help me fix it. My discord is: kid dorgs#1217 I'll be waiting if someone can help me.
  6. Hello big boys of corsair! I've been struggling for a long time now... I tried fixing my autowall but I have no success. Basically from what I can tell my fraction is always returning 1.f so it breaks the loop... why tho? Could anyone tell me what func has a issue? Link to the code. Happy to provide more info if needed.
  7. i need a good one tag crack cfg if anyone can find one, i like playing anti vac community run hvh servers and i dont want to always get my ass beat by skeet and aw users, i atleast want a chance, i dont want any of your bad cfgs, i want your best if thats possible, ty ❤️
  8. trying to compile pandora v3 i have this error error C2061: syntax error: identifier 'LagRecord' ive tried some things as remaking the identifier, changing the name of the identifier lol & etc. so heres the code in case it helps note: if u gonna answer this thread with learncpp.com dont waste your time, thanks 👍 lagcomp.h class AimPlayer; class LagCompensation { public: enum LagType : size_t { INVALID = 0, CONSTANT, ADAPTIVE, RANDOM, }; public: bool StartPrediction(AimPlayer* player); void PlayerMove(LagRecord* record); void AirAccelerate(LagRecord* record, ang_t angle, float fmove, float smove); void PredictAnimations(CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state, LagRecord* record); }; extern LagCompensation g_lagcomp; lagcomp.cpp #include "../includes.h" LagCompensation g_lagcomp{};; bool LagCompensation::StartPrediction(AimPlayer* data) { // we have no data to work with. // this should never happen if we call this if (data->m_records.empty()) return false; // meme. if (data->m_player->dormant()) return false; // compute the true amount of updated records // since the last time the player entered pvs. size_t size{}; // iterate records. for (const auto& it : data->m_records) { if (it->dormant()) break; // increment total amount of data. ++size; } // get first record. LagRecord* record = data->m_records[0].get(); // reset all prediction related variables. // this has been a recurring problem in all my hacks lmfao. // causes the prediction to stack on eachother. record->predict(); // check if lc broken. if (size > 1 && ((record->m_origin - data->m_records[1]->m_origin).length_sqr() > 4096.f || size > 2 && (data->m_records[1]->m_origin - data->m_records[2]->m_origin).length_sqr() > 4096.f)) record->m_broke_lc = true; // we are not breaking lagcomp at this point. // return false so it can aim at all the records it once // since server-sided lagcomp is still active and we can abuse that. if (!record->m_broke_lc) return false; int simulation = game::TIME_TO_TICKS(record->m_sim_time); // this is too much lag to fix. if (std::abs(g_cl.m_arrival_tick - simulation) >= 128) return true; // compute the amount of lag that we will predict for, if we have one set of data, use that. // if we have more data available, use the prevoius lag delta to counter weird fakelags that switch between 14 and 2. int lag = (size <= 2) ? game::TIME_TO_TICKS(record->m_sim_time - data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time) : game::TIME_TO_TICKS(data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time - data->m_records[2]->m_sim_time); // clamp this just to be sure. math::clamp(lag, 1, 15); // get the delta in ticks between the last server net update // and the net update on which we created this record. int updatedelta = g_cl.m_server_tick - record->m_tick; // if the lag delta that is remaining is less than the current netlag // that means that we can shoot now and when our shot will get processed // the origin will still be valid, therefore we do not have to predict. if (g_cl.m_latency_ticks <= lag - updatedelta) return true; // the next update will come in, wait for it. int next = record->m_tick + 1; if (next + lag >= g_cl.m_arrival_tick) return true; float change = 0.f, dir = 0.f; // get the direction of the current velocity. if (record->m_velocity.y != 0.f || record->m_velocity.x != 0.f) dir = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(record->m_velocity.y, record->m_velocity.x)); // we have more than one update // we can compute the direction. if (size > 1) { // get the delta time between the 2 most recent records. float dt = record->m_sim_time - data->m_records[1]->m_sim_time; // init to 0. float prevdir = 0.f; // get the direction of the prevoius velocity. if (data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.y != 0.f || data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.x != 0.f) prevdir = math::rad_to_deg(std::atan2(data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.y, data->m_records[1]->m_velocity.x)); // compute the direction change per tick. change = (math::NormalizedAngle(dir - prevdir) / dt) * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; } if (std::abs(change) > 6.f) change = 0.f; // get the pointer to the players animation state. CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state = data->m_player->m_PlayerAnimState(); // backup the animation state. CCSGOPlayerAnimState backup{}; if (state) std::memcpy(&backup, state, sizeof(CCSGOPlayerAnimState)); // add in the shot prediction here. int shot = 0; /*Weapon* pWeapon = data->m_player->GetActiveWeapon( ); if( pWeapon && !data->m_fire_bullet.empty( ) ) { static Address offset = g_netvars.get( HASH( "DT_BaseCombatWeapon" ), HASH( "m_fLastShotTime" ) ); float last = pWeapon->get< float >( offset ); if( game::TIME_TO_TICKS( data->m_fire_bullet.front( ).m_sim_time - last ) == 1 ) { WeaponInfo* wpndata = pWeapon->GetWpnData( ); if( wpndata ) shot = game::TIME_TO_TICKS( last + wpndata->m_cycletime ) + 1; } }*/ int pred = 0; // start our predicton loop. while (true) { // can the player shoot within his lag delta. /*if( shot && shot >= simulation && shot < simulation + lag ) { // if so his new lag will be the time until he shot again. lag = shot - simulation; math::clamp( lag, 3, 15 ); // only predict a shot once. shot = 0; }*/ // see if by predicting this amount of lag // we do not break stuff. next += lag; if (next >= g_cl.m_arrival_tick) break; // predict lag. for (int sim{}; sim < lag; ++sim) { // predict movement direction by adding the direction change per tick to the previous direction. // make sure to normalize it, in case we go over the -180/180 turning point. dir = math::NormalizedAngle(dir + change); // pythagorean theorem // a^2 + b^2 = c^2 // we know a and b, we square them and add them together, then root. float hyp = record->m_pred_velocity.length_2d(); // compute the base velocity for our new direction. // since at this point the hypotenuse is known for us and so is the angle. // we can compute the adjacent and opposite sides like so: // cos(x) = a / h -> a = cos(x) * h // sin(x) = o / h -> o = sin(x) * h record->m_pred_velocity.x = std::cos(math::deg_to_rad(dir)) * hyp; record->m_pred_velocity.y = std::sin(math::deg_to_rad(dir)) * hyp; // we hit the ground, set the upwards impulse and apply CS:GO speed restrictions. if (record->m_pred_flags & FL_ONGROUND) { if (!g_csgo.sv_enablebunnyhopping->GetInt()) { // 260 x 1.1 = 286 units/s. float max = data->m_player->m_flMaxspeed() * 1.1f; // get current velocity. float speed = record->m_pred_velocity.length(); // reset velocity to 286 units/s. if (max > 0.f && speed > max) record->m_pred_velocity *= (max / speed); } // assume the player is bunnyhopping here so set the upwards impulse. record->m_pred_velocity.z = g_csgo.sv_jump_impulse->GetFloat(); } // we are not on the ground // apply gravity and airaccel. else { // apply one tick of gravity. record->m_pred_velocity.z -= g_csgo.sv_gravity->GetFloat() * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; // compute the ideal strafe angle for this velocity. float speed2d = record->m_pred_velocity.length_2d(); float ideal = (speed2d > 0.f) ? math::rad_to_deg(std::asin(15.f / speed2d)) : 90.f; math::clamp(ideal, 0.f, 90.f); float smove = 0.f; float abschange = std::abs(change); if (abschange <= ideal || abschange >= 30.f) { static float mod{ 1.f }; dir += (ideal * mod); smove = 450.f * mod; mod *= -1.f; } else if (change > 0.f) smove = -450.f; else smove = 450.f; // apply air accel. AirAccelerate(record, ang_t{ 0.f, dir, 0.f }, 0.f, smove); } // predict player. // convert newly computed velocity // to origin and flags. PlayerMove(record); // move time forward by one. record->m_pred_time += g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; // increment total amt of predicted ticks. ++pred; // the server animates every first choked command. // therefore we should do that too. if (sim == 0 && state) PredictAnimations(state, record); } } // restore state. if (state) std::memcpy(state, &backup, sizeof(CCSGOPlayerAnimState)); if (pred <= 0) return true; // lagcomp broken, invalidate bones. record->invalidate(); // re-setup bones for this record. g_bones.setup(data->m_player, nullptr, record); return true; } void LagCompensation::PlayerMove(LagRecord* record) { vec3_t start, end, normal; CGameTrace trace; CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter; // define trace start. start = record->m_pred_origin; // move trace end one tick into the future using predicted velocity. end = start + (record->m_pred_velocity * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval); // trace. g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace); // we hit shit // we need to fix hit. if (trace.m_fraction != 1.f) { // fix sliding on planes. for (int i{}; i < 2; ++i) { record->m_pred_velocity -= trace.m_plane.m_normal * record->m_pred_velocity.dot(trace.m_plane.m_normal); float adjust = record->m_pred_velocity.dot(trace.m_plane.m_normal); if (adjust < 0.f) record->m_pred_velocity -= (trace.m_plane.m_normal * adjust); start = trace.m_endpos; end = start + (record->m_pred_velocity * (g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval * (1.f - trace.m_fraction))); g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace); if (trace.m_fraction == 1.f) break; } } // set new final origin. start = end = record->m_pred_origin = trace.m_endpos; // move endpos 2 units down. // this way we can check if we are in/on the ground. end.z -= 2.f; // trace. g_csgo.m_engine_trace->TraceRay(Ray(start, end, record->m_mins, record->m_maxs), CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &trace); // strip onground flag. record->m_pred_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; // add back onground flag if we are onground. if (trace.m_fraction != 1.f && trace.m_plane.m_normal.z > 0.7f) record->m_pred_flags |= FL_ONGROUND; } void LagCompensation::AirAccelerate(LagRecord* record, ang_t angle, float fmove, float smove) { vec3_t fwd, right, wishvel, wishdir; float maxspeed, wishspd, wishspeed, currentspeed, addspeed, accelspeed; // determine movement angles. math::AngleVectors(angle, &fwd, &right); // zero out z components of movement vectors. fwd.z = 0.f; right.z = 0.f; // normalize remainder of vectors. fwd.normalize(); right.normalize(); // determine x and y parts of velocity. for (int i{}; i < 2; ++i) wishvel[i] = (fwd[i] * fmove) + (right[i] * smove); // zero out z part of velocity. wishvel.z = 0.f; // determine maginitude of speed of move. wishdir = wishvel; wishspeed = wishdir.normalize(); // get maxspeed. // TODO; maybe global this or whatever its 260 anyway always. maxspeed = record->m_player->m_flMaxspeed(); // clamp to server defined max speed. if (wishspeed != 0.f && wishspeed > maxspeed) wishspeed = maxspeed; // make copy to preserve original variable. wishspd = wishspeed; // cap speed. if (wishspd > 30.f) wishspd = 30.f; // determine veer amount. currentspeed = record->m_pred_velocity.dot(wishdir); // see how much to add. addspeed = wishspd - currentspeed; // if not adding any, done. if (addspeed <= 0.f) return; // Determine acceleration speed after acceleration accelspeed = g_csgo.sv_airaccelerate->GetFloat() * wishspeed * g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; // cap it. if (accelspeed > addspeed) accelspeed = addspeed; // add accel. record->m_pred_velocity += (wishdir * accelspeed); } void LagCompensation::PredictAnimations(CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state, LagRecord* record) { struct AnimBackup_t { float curtime; float frametime; int flags; int eflags; vec3_t velocity; }; // get player ptr. Player* player = record->m_player; // backup data. AnimBackup_t backup; backup.curtime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime; backup.frametime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime; backup.flags = player->m_fFlags(); backup.eflags = player->m_iEFlags(); backup.velocity = player->m_vecAbsVelocity(); // set globals appropriately for animation. g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime = record->m_pred_time; g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime = g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; // EFL_DIRTY_ABSVELOCITY // skip call to C_BaseEntity::CalcAbsoluteVelocity player->m_iEFlags() &= ~0x1000; // set predicted flags and velocity. player->m_fFlags() = record->m_pred_flags; player->m_vecAbsVelocity() = record->m_pred_velocity; // enable re-animation in the same frame if animated already. if (state->m_frame >= g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame) state->m_frame = g_csgo.m_globals->m_frame - 1; bool fake = g_cfg[XOR("rage_aimbot_correct")].get<bool>(); // rerun the resolver since we edited the origin. if (fake) g_resolver.ResolveAngles(player, record); // update animations. game::UpdateAnimationState(state, record->m_eye_angles); // rerun the pose correction cuz we are re-setupping them. if (fake) g_resolver.ResolvePoses(player, record); // get new rotation poses and layers. player->GetPoseParameters(record->m_poses); player->GetAnimLayers(record->m_layers); record->m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles(); // restore globals. g_csgo.m_globals->m_curtime = backup.curtime; g_csgo.m_globals->m_frametime = backup.frametime; // restore player data. player->m_fFlags() = backup.flags; player->m_iEFlags() = backup.eflags; player->m_vecAbsVelocity() = backup.velocity; } lagrecord.h // pre-declare. class LagRecord; class BackupRecord { public: BoneArray* m_bones; int m_bone_count; vec3_t m_origin, m_abs_origin; vec3_t m_mins; vec3_t m_maxs; ang_t m_abs_ang; public: __forceinline void store(Player* player) { // get bone cache ptr. CBoneCache* cache = &player->m_BoneCache(); // store bone data. m_bones = cache->m_pCachedBones; m_bone_count = cache->m_CachedBoneCount; m_origin = player->m_vecOrigin(); m_mins = player->m_vecMins(); m_maxs = player->m_vecMaxs(); m_abs_origin = player->GetAbsOrigin(); m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles(); } __forceinline void restore(Player* player) { // get bone cache ptr. CBoneCache* cache = &player->m_BoneCache(); cache->m_pCachedBones = m_bones; cache->m_CachedBoneCount = m_bone_count; player->m_vecOrigin() = m_origin; player->m_vecMins() = m_mins; player->m_vecMaxs() = m_maxs; player->SetAbsAngles(m_abs_ang); player->SetAbsOrigin(m_origin); } }; class LagRecord { public: // data. Player* m_player; float m_immune; int m_tick; int m_lag; bool m_dormant; // netvars. float m_sim_time; float m_old_sim_time; int m_flags; vec3_t m_origin; vec3_t m_old_origin; vec3_t m_velocity; vec3_t m_mins; vec3_t m_maxs; ang_t m_eye_angles; ang_t m_abs_ang; float m_body; float m_duck; bool m_bDidShot; // anim stuff. C_AnimationLayer m_layers[13]; float m_poses[24]; vec3_t m_anim_velocity; // bone stuff. bool m_setup; BoneArray* m_bones; BoneArray m_pMatrix[128]; BoneArray m_pMatrix_Resolved[128]; vec3_t m_vecOrigin; // lagfix stuff. bool m_broke_lc; vec3_t m_pred_origin; vec3_t m_pred_velocity; float m_pred_time; int m_pred_flags; // resolver stuff. size_t m_mode; bool m_fake_walk; bool m_shot; float m_away; float m_anim_time; // other stuff. float m_interp_time; public: // default ctor. __forceinline LagRecord() : m_setup{ false }, m_broke_lc{ false }, m_fake_walk{ false }, m_shot{ false }, m_lag{}, m_bones{} {} // ctor. __forceinline LagRecord(Player* player) : m_setup{ false }, m_broke_lc{ false }, m_fake_walk{ false }, m_shot{ false }, m_lag{}, m_bones{} { store(player); } // dtor. __forceinline ~LagRecord() { // free heap allocated game mem. g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Free(m_bones); } __forceinline void invalidate() { // free heap allocated game mem. g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Free(m_bones); // mark as not setup. m_setup = false; // allocate new memory. m_bones = (BoneArray*)g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Alloc(sizeof(BoneArray) * 128); } // function: allocates memory for SetupBones and stores relevant data. void store(Player* player) { // allocate game heap. m_bones = (BoneArray*)g_csgo.m_mem_alloc->Alloc(sizeof(BoneArray) * 128); // player data. m_player = player; m_immune = player->m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime(); m_tick = g_csgo.m_cl->m_server_tick; // netvars. m_pred_time = m_sim_time = player->m_flSimulationTime(); m_old_sim_time = player->m_flOldSimulationTime(); m_pred_flags = m_flags = player->m_fFlags(); m_pred_origin = m_origin = player->m_vecOrigin(); m_old_origin = player->m_vecOldOrigin(); m_eye_angles = player->m_angEyeAngles(); m_abs_ang = player->GetAbsAngles(); m_body = player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); m_mins = player->m_vecMins(); m_maxs = player->m_vecMaxs(); m_duck = player->m_flDuckAmount(); m_pred_velocity = m_velocity = player->m_vecVelocity(); // save networked animlayers. player->GetAnimLayers(m_layers); // normalize eye angles. m_eye_angles.normalize(); math::clamp(m_eye_angles.x, -90.f, 90.f); // get lag. m_lag = game::TIME_TO_TICKS(m_sim_time - m_old_sim_time); // compute animtime. m_anim_time = m_old_sim_time + g_csgo.m_globals->m_interval; } // function: restores 'predicted' variables to their original. __forceinline void predict() { m_broke_lc = false; m_pred_origin = m_origin; m_pred_velocity = m_velocity; m_pred_time = m_sim_time; m_pred_flags = m_flags; } // function: writes current record to bone cache. __forceinline void cache() { // get bone cache ptr. CBoneCache* cache = &m_player->m_BoneCache(); cache->m_pCachedBones = m_bones; cache->m_CachedBoneCount = 128; m_player->m_vecOrigin() = m_pred_origin; m_player->m_vecMins() = m_mins; m_player->m_vecMaxs() = m_maxs; m_player->SetAbsAngles(m_abs_ang); m_player->SetAbsOrigin(m_pred_origin); } __forceinline bool dormant() { return m_dormant; } __forceinline bool immune() { return m_immune > 0.f; } // function: checks if LagRecord obj is hittable if we were to fire at it now. bool valid() { // use prediction curtime for this. float curtime = game::TICKS_TO_TIME(g_cl.m_local->m_nTickBase()); // correct is the amount of time we have to correct game time, float correct = g_cl.m_lerp + g_cl.m_latency; // stupid fake latency goes into the incoming latency. float in = g_csgo.m_net->GetLatency(INetChannel::FLOW_INCOMING); correct += in; // check bounds [ 0, sv_maxunlag ] math::clamp(correct, 0.f, g_csgo.sv_maxunlag->GetFloat()); // calculate difference between tick sent by player and our latency based tick. // ensure this record isn't too old. return std::abs(correct - (curtime - m_sim_time)) < 0.19f; } };
  9. ok so i get could not load d3dx9.h so i try download the directx9 june 2010 and i cant bc they took it down anyone know another link i could get it from??
  10. how i can modify that name and icon?
  11. Hi... Why does it always get just ImGui when I download just a menu?
  12. good morning everyone i wanted to know if someone had a file a cheat with walkbot inside (legit cheat) if someone had it put me in a comment thanks
  13. Akishi


    Can Anyone Help me To change this logo or Rename it? ან
  14. Yo can someone here help me with pasting HydraWare or Osiris? i wanna learn abt pasting and i need a little help with it . I would start with adding and removing features or changing menu to some more nasyu menu but idk how to do it (no i dont want to sell paste or anything i just want to learn to use it myself). if some1 wanna help me , here is my discord: PoppaTheAwper#5380
  15. Hey, can someone tell me which things i need to implement this menu into this base. ik it already has a menu but i dont like it so much.
  16. I want to add a new resolver to my paste how can i do that?
  17. I'm using a paste a buddy helped me make. But when I inject it ( using Sazinjector) I get a runtime error and the game closes. Anyone know how to fix this?
  18. It often happens that when you want to run the program, the message about the missing .dll file suddenly pops up Why is this happening? - Programs written in c ++ need a set of libraries to run, necessary to run an application written in C ++. How do I know which one to download? To know which one to install, run the application and suggest an error. However, you do not have to do this. It is enough to install one of the programs discussed below. 1. WINPGK WinPGK also called "All in One Runtimes" contains all the necessary components needed to run programs. Once you start it, the program will automatically start uninstalling previous versions to install everything again. [The program installs]: NET. Framework 4.6 + additions, Java Runtime Environment 8, Additional DirectX 9.0c files, General executables, Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtimes (v2005 - v2015), Microsoft Visual J # 2.0 SE, Microsoft Silverlight 5, Adobe Flash Player. [instruction]: Download the AIO Runtimes file from the attachment, After downloading, open the file with the winrar program, After enabling, run the executable file (exe), After loading the bar, select the programs you want to install. Click Installeren and wait 10/15 minutes, Close the program and restart the computer. 2. VC Redist Installer The VC Redist Installer includes all the necessary sets of libraries needed to run programs compiled in C ++. [The program installs]: Visual C ++ 2005 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2008 9.0.30729.7523 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2010 10.0.40219.455 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2012 11.0.60830.0 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2013 12.0.21005.1 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Microsoft Visual F Runtime 2.0; [instruction]: Download the file from the attachment named VC Redist Installer After downloading, run the executable file, Next, choose which redists we want to download, After selecting, next and install. We will start installing the Redists, After installation, restart the computer. [ Download VC Redist Installer ]
  19. Hello corsair people, so i pasted some legendware paste with better gui. End everytime i try to inject it i get this Error. Please help me out.
  20. so when i use a cheat in a casual match it crashes when i watch a kill cam anyone know how to fix
  21. whenever I inject a dll into cs:go nothing in the console shows up nor when I press ins on my keyboard even thought the injector says it was succsessfull also it does this with every dll/injector anyone know what might be the problem or maybe a solution?
  22. It often happens that when we want to run the program, a message about missing .dll file or other such errors suddenly pops up. Why is this happening? - Programs written in c ++ need a set of libraries to run, which are necessary to run an application written in C ++. How should i do? - Exactly. solution appear here. To know which to install, you need to run the application and suggest an error. However, you don't have to do this. Just install one of the programs discussed below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. WINPGK ← ← Downlaod here : https://www.computerbase.de/downloads/systemtools/all-in-one-runtimes/ The WinPGK program, also known as "All in One Runtimes", contains all the components you need to run programs. Once you run it, the program will automatically start uninstalling previous versions to reinstall everything. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [The program installs]: ← ← NET. Framework 4.6 + add-ons, Java Runtime Environment 8, Additional DirectX 9.0c files, General executable files, Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtimes (v2005 - v2015), Microsoft Visual J # 2.0 SE, Microsoft Silverlight 5, Adobe Flash Player [instruction]: ← ← Download the AIO Runtimes file from the attachment, After downloading, open the file using winrar, After enabling, run the executable (exe) file, After the bar loads, select the programs you want to install. Click Installeren and wait for 10/15 min Close the program and restart the computer, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. VC Redist Installer ← ← Download here : https://www.softpedia.com/get/System/System-Miscellaneous/VC-Redist-Installer.shtml TheVC Redist Installerprogram contains all the necessary library files needed to run programs compiled in C ++. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [The program installs]: ← ← Visual C ++ 2005 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2008 9.0.30729.7523 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2010 10.0.40219.455 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2012 11.0.60830.0 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2013 12.0.21005.1 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Microsoft Visual F Runtime 2.0; [instruction]: ← ← Download the file from the attachment named VC Redist Installer After downloading, run the executable file, Next, choose which redists you want to download, After selecting, next and install. We will start installing redists, After installing, restart your computer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Any Other Issue JOIN OUR DISCORD FOR HELP : https://cheater.fun/discord.html
  23. Hello, I wanted to make a paste sensum myself but when I on cs it crashes. can anyone help? thanks in advance
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