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question cheat wont inject

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that happened to me i didnt know what happened but i just played without for like idk couple of hours and i did it again and it worked i dont know what happend or how it workes again

Corsair Injector-https://cheater.fun/index.php?do=download&id=1726

SazZ Injector-https://cheater.fun/index.php?do=download&id=1659

Edited by Aw4k3N
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you have to download all microsoft visuals

On 29/04/2020 at 01:09, izharDxD said:

bem, eu tenho esse problema que o cheat não injeta, tentei com 2 injetores diferentes e 3 dlls diferentes, alguém tem uma solução para isso?

you have to download all microsoft visuals

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