artinyari Posted February 1, 2020 Share Posted February 1, 2020 New Offsets For Cs:Go update 2/1/2020 Offsets.hpp = #pragma once #include <cstdint> // 2020-02-01 16:00:56.140611600 UTC namespace Artin_Yari { constexpr ::std::int64_t timestamp = 1580572856; namespace netvars { constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t cs_gamerules_data = 0x0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_ArmorValue = 0xB368; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_Collision = 0x320; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_CollisionGroup = 0x474; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_Local = 0x2FBC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_MoveType = 0x25C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x31B4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x31B0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_SurvivalGameRuleDecisionTypes = 0x1320; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_SurvivalRules = 0xCF8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngle = 0x302C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x3038; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_angEyeAnglesX = 0xB36C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_angEyeAnglesY = 0xB370; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bBombPlanted = 0x99D; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bFreezePeriod = 0x20; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x3930; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasDefuser = 0xB378; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bHasHelmet = 0xB35C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bInReload = 0x3295; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsDefusing = 0x391C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x74; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsScoped = 0x3914; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bIsValveDS = 0x75; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpotted = 0x93D; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bSpottedByMask = 0x980; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bStartedArming = 0x33E0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_clrRender = 0x70; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x26A8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x3320; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_fFlags = 0x104; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flC4Blow = 0x2990; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseCountDown = 0x29AC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flDefuseLength = 0x29A8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flFallbackWear = 0x31C0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashDuration = 0xA410; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0xA40C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flLastBoneSetupTime = 0x2924; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = 0x3A7C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextAttack = 0x2D70; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 0x3228; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flSimulationTime = 0x268; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_flTimerLength = 0x2994; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_hActiveWeapon = 0x2EF8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_hMyWeapons = 0x2DF8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_hObserverTarget = 0x3388; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwner = 0x29CC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_hOwnerEntity = 0x14C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iAccountID = 0x2FC8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iClip1 = 0x3254; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x1A84; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x1B88; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iCrosshairId = 0xB3D4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iEntityQuality = 0x2FAC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOV = 0x31E4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iFOVStart = 0x31E8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iGlowIndex = 0xA428; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iHealth = 0x100; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x2FAA; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iItemIDHigh = 0x2FC0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iMostRecentModelBoneCounter = 0x2690; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iObserverMode = 0x3374; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iShotsFired = 0xA380; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iState = 0x3248; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_iTeamNum = 0xF4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_lifeState = 0x25F; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x31B8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackSeed = 0x31BC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x31C4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_nForceBone = 0x268C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_nTickBase = 0x342C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_rgflCoordinateFrame = 0x444; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_szCustomName = 0x303C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_szLastPlaceName = 0x35B0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_thirdPersonViewAngles = 0x31D8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_vecOrigin = 0x138; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_vecVelocity = 0x114; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_vecViewOffset = 0x108; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_viewPunchAngle = 0x3020; } // namespace netvars namespace signatures { constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t clientstate_choked_commands = 0x4D28; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t clientstate_delta_ticks = 0x174; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t clientstate_last_outgoing_command = 0x4D24; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t clientstate_net_channel = 0x9C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t convar_name_hash_table = 0x2F0F8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState = 0x588D9C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer = 0x180; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_IsHLTV = 0x4D40; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_Map = 0x28C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_MapDirectory = 0x188; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_MaxPlayer = 0x388; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_PlayerInfo = 0x52B8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_State = 0x108; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwClientState_ViewAngles = 0x4D88; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwEntityList = 0x4D3D6AC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack = 0x316ED60; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceAttack2 = 0x316ED6C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceBackward = 0x316EDB4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceForward = 0x316ED90; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceJump = 0x51E0ED0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceLeft = 0x316EDA8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwForceRight = 0x316EDCC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwGameDir = 0x6274F8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwGetAllClasses = 0xD4FCDC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwGlobalVars = 0x588AA0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwGlowObjectManager = 0x527EF60; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwInput = 0x5188848; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x8F5654; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwLocalPlayer = 0xD29B0C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwMouseEnable = 0xD2F6B0; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwMouseEnablePtr = 0xD2F680; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwPlayerResource = 0x316D0EC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwRadarBase = 0x517240C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwSensitivity = 0xD2F54C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwSensitivityPtr = 0xD2F520; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwSetClanTag = 0x89D60; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwViewMatrix = 0x4D2F0C4; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwWeaponTable = 0x518930C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwWeaponTableIndex = 0x324C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwYawPtr = 0xD2F310; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr = 0xD34530; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwbSendPackets = 0xD36FA; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t dwppDirect3DDevice9 = 0xA6030; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t force_update_spectator_glow = 0x397F32; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t interface_engine_cvar = 0x3E9EC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t is_c4_owner = 0x3A4360; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_bDormant = 0xED; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_pStudioHdr = 0x294C; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_pitchClassPtr = 0x51726A8; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t m_yawClassPtr = 0xD2F310; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t model_ambient_min = 0x58BDBC; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t set_abs_angles = 0x1CEC00; constexpr ::std::ptrdiff_t set_abs_origin = 0x1CEA40; } // namespace signatures } // namespace Artin_Yari Offsets.cs = using System; // 2020-02-01 16:00:56.140611600 UTC namespace Artin_Yari { public const Int32 timestamp = 1580572856; public static class netvars { public const Int32 cs_gamerules_data = 0x0; public const Int32 m_ArmorValue = 0xB368; public const Int32 m_Collision = 0x320; public const Int32 m_CollisionGroup = 0x474; public const Int32 m_Local = 0x2FBC; public const Int32 m_MoveType = 0x25C; public const Int32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x31B4; public const Int32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x31B0; public const Int32 m_SurvivalGameRuleDecisionTypes = 0x1320; public const Int32 m_SurvivalRules = 0xCF8; public const Int32 m_aimPunchAngle = 0x302C; public const Int32 m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x3038; public const Int32 m_angEyeAnglesX = 0xB36C; public const Int32 m_angEyeAnglesY = 0xB370; public const Int32 m_bBombPlanted = 0x99D; public const Int32 m_bFreezePeriod = 0x20; public const Int32 m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x3930; public const Int32 m_bHasDefuser = 0xB378; public const Int32 m_bHasHelmet = 0xB35C; public const Int32 m_bInReload = 0x3295; public const Int32 m_bIsDefusing = 0x391C; public const Int32 m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x74; public const Int32 m_bIsScoped = 0x3914; public const Int32 m_bIsValveDS = 0x75; public const Int32 m_bSpotted = 0x93D; public const Int32 m_bSpottedByMask = 0x980; public const Int32 m_bStartedArming = 0x33E0; public const Int32 m_clrRender = 0x70; public const Int32 m_dwBoneMatrix = 0x26A8; public const Int32 m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x3320; public const Int32 m_fFlags = 0x104; public const Int32 m_flC4Blow = 0x2990; public const Int32 m_flDefuseCountDown = 0x29AC; public const Int32 m_flDefuseLength = 0x29A8; public const Int32 m_flFallbackWear = 0x31C0; public const Int32 m_flFlashDuration = 0xA410; public const Int32 m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0xA40C; public const Int32 m_flLastBoneSetupTime = 0x2924; public const Int32 m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = 0x3A7C; public const Int32 m_flNextAttack = 0x2D70; public const Int32 m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 0x3228; public const Int32 m_flSimulationTime = 0x268; public const Int32 m_flTimerLength = 0x2994; public const Int32 m_hActiveWeapon = 0x2EF8; public const Int32 m_hMyWeapons = 0x2DF8; public const Int32 m_hObserverTarget = 0x3388; public const Int32 m_hOwner = 0x29CC; public const Int32 m_hOwnerEntity = 0x14C; public const Int32 m_iAccountID = 0x2FC8; public const Int32 m_iClip1 = 0x3254; public const Int32 m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x1A84; public const Int32 m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x1B88; public const Int32 m_iCrosshairId = 0xB3D4; public const Int32 m_iEntityQuality = 0x2FAC; public const Int32 m_iFOV = 0x31E4; public const Int32 m_iFOVStart = 0x31E8; public const Int32 m_iGlowIndex = 0xA428; public const Int32 m_iHealth = 0x100; public const Int32 m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x2FAA; public const Int32 m_iItemIDHigh = 0x2FC0; public const Int32 m_iMostRecentModelBoneCounter = 0x2690; public const Int32 m_iObserverMode = 0x3374; public const Int32 m_iShotsFired = 0xA380; public const Int32 m_iState = 0x3248; public const Int32 m_iTeamNum = 0xF4; public const Int32 m_lifeState = 0x25F; public const Int32 m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x31B8; public const Int32 m_nFallbackSeed = 0x31BC; public const Int32 m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x31C4; public const Int32 m_nForceBone = 0x268C; public const Int32 m_nTickBase = 0x342C; public const Int32 m_rgflCoordinateFrame = 0x444; public const Int32 m_szCustomName = 0x303C; public const Int32 m_szLastPlaceName = 0x35B0; public const Int32 m_thirdPersonViewAngles = 0x31D8; public const Int32 m_vecOrigin = 0x138; public const Int32 m_vecVelocity = 0x114; public const Int32 m_vecViewOffset = 0x108; public const Int32 m_viewPunchAngle = 0x3020; } public static class signatures { public const Int32 clientstate_choked_commands = 0x4D28; public const Int32 clientstate_delta_ticks = 0x174; public const Int32 clientstate_last_outgoing_command = 0x4D24; public const Int32 clientstate_net_channel = 0x9C; public const Int32 convar_name_hash_table = 0x2F0F8; public const Int32 dwClientState = 0x588D9C; public const Int32 dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer = 0x180; public const Int32 dwClientState_IsHLTV = 0x4D40; public const Int32 dwClientState_Map = 0x28C; public const Int32 dwClientState_MapDirectory = 0x188; public const Int32 dwClientState_MaxPlayer = 0x388; public const Int32 dwClientState_PlayerInfo = 0x52B8; public const Int32 dwClientState_State = 0x108; public const Int32 dwClientState_ViewAngles = 0x4D88; public const Int32 dwEntityList = 0x4D3D6AC; public const Int32 dwForceAttack = 0x316ED60; public const Int32 dwForceAttack2 = 0x316ED6C; public const Int32 dwForceBackward = 0x316EDB4; public const Int32 dwForceForward = 0x316ED90; public const Int32 dwForceJump = 0x51E0ED0; public const Int32 dwForceLeft = 0x316EDA8; public const Int32 dwForceRight = 0x316EDCC; public const Int32 dwGameDir = 0x6274F8; public const Int32 dwGetAllClasses = 0xD4FCDC; public const Int32 dwGlobalVars = 0x588AA0; public const Int32 dwGlowObjectManager = 0x527EF60; public const Int32 dwInput = 0x5188848; public const Int32 dwInterfaceLinkList = 0x8F5654; public const Int32 dwLocalPlayer = 0xD29B0C; public const Int32 dwMouseEnable = 0xD2F6B0; public const Int32 dwMouseEnablePtr = 0xD2F680; public const Int32 dwPlayerResource = 0x316D0EC; public const Int32 dwRadarBase = 0x517240C; public const Int32 dwSensitivity = 0xD2F54C; public const Int32 dwSensitivityPtr = 0xD2F520; public const Int32 dwSetClanTag = 0x89D60; public const Int32 dwViewMatrix = 0x4D2F0C4; public const Int32 dwWeaponTable = 0x518930C; public const Int32 dwWeaponTableIndex = 0x324C; public const Int32 dwYawPtr = 0xD2F310; public const Int32 dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr = 0xD34530; public const Int32 dwbSendPackets = 0xD36FA; public const Int32 dwppDirect3DDevice9 = 0xA6030; public const Int32 force_update_spectator_glow = 0x397F32; public const Int32 interface_engine_cvar = 0x3E9EC; public const Int32 is_c4_owner = 0x3A4360; public const Int32 m_bDormant = 0xED; public const Int32 m_pStudioHdr = 0x294C; public const Int32 m_pitchClassPtr = 0x51726A8; public const Int32 m_yawClassPtr = 0xD2F310; public const Int32 model_ambient_min = 0x58BDBC; public const Int32 set_abs_angles = 0x1CEC00; public const Int32 set_abs_origin = 0x1CEA40; } } // namespace Artin_Yari Offsets.vb = ' 2020-02-01 16:00:56.140611600 UTC Namespace Artin_Yari Public Const timestamp as Integer = &H5E35A0B8 Public Shared Class netvars Public Const cs_gamerules_data as Integer = &H0 Public Const m_ArmorValue as Integer = &HB368 Public Const m_Collision as Integer = &H320 Public Const m_CollisionGroup as Integer = &H474 Public Const m_Local as Integer = &H2FBC Public Const m_MoveType as Integer = &H25C Public Const m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh as Integer = &H31B4 Public Const m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow as Integer = &H31B0 Public Const m_SurvivalGameRuleDecisionTypes as Integer = &H1320 Public Const m_SurvivalRules as Integer = &HCF8 Public Const m_aimPunchAngle as Integer = &H302C Public Const m_aimPunchAngleVel as Integer = &H3038 Public Const m_angEyeAnglesX as Integer = &HB36C Public Const m_angEyeAnglesY as Integer = &HB370 Public Const m_bBombPlanted as Integer = &H99D Public Const m_bFreezePeriod as Integer = &H20 Public Const m_bGunGameImmunity as Integer = &H3930 Public Const m_bHasDefuser as Integer = &HB378 Public Const m_bHasHelmet as Integer = &HB35C Public Const m_bInReload as Integer = &H3295 Public Const m_bIsDefusing as Integer = &H391C Public Const m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking as Integer = &H74 Public Const m_bIsScoped as Integer = &H3914 Public Const m_bIsValveDS as Integer = &H75 Public Const m_bSpotted as Integer = &H93D Public Const m_bSpottedByMask as Integer = &H980 Public Const m_bStartedArming as Integer = &H33E0 Public Const m_clrRender as Integer = &H70 Public Const m_dwBoneMatrix as Integer = &H26A8 Public Const m_fAccuracyPenalty as Integer = &H3320 Public Const m_fFlags as Integer = &H104 Public Const m_flC4Blow as Integer = &H2990 Public Const m_flDefuseCountDown as Integer = &H29AC Public Const m_flDefuseLength as Integer = &H29A8 Public Const m_flFallbackWear as Integer = &H31C0 Public Const m_flFlashDuration as Integer = &HA410 Public Const m_flFlashMaxAlpha as Integer = &HA40C Public Const m_flLastBoneSetupTime as Integer = &H2924 Public Const m_flLowerBodyYawTarget as Integer = &H3A7C Public Const m_flNextAttack as Integer = &H2D70 Public Const m_flNextPrimaryAttack as Integer = &H3228 Public Const m_flSimulationTime as Integer = &H268 Public Const m_flTimerLength as Integer = &H2994 Public Const m_hActiveWeapon as Integer = &H2EF8 Public Const m_hMyWeapons as Integer = &H2DF8 Public Const m_hObserverTarget as Integer = &H3388 Public Const m_hOwner as Integer = &H29CC Public Const m_hOwnerEntity as Integer = &H14C Public Const m_iAccountID as Integer = &H2FC8 Public Const m_iClip1 as Integer = &H3254 Public Const m_iCompetitiveRanking as Integer = &H1A84 Public Const m_iCompetitiveWins as Integer = &H1B88 Public Const m_iCrosshairId as Integer = &HB3D4 Public Const m_iEntityQuality as Integer = &H2FAC Public Const m_iFOV as Integer = &H31E4 Public Const m_iFOVStart as Integer = &H31E8 Public Const m_iGlowIndex as Integer = &HA428 Public Const m_iHealth as Integer = &H100 Public Const m_iItemDefinitionIndex as Integer = &H2FAA Public Const m_iItemIDHigh as Integer = &H2FC0 Public Const m_iMostRecentModelBoneCounter as Integer = &H2690 Public Const m_iObserverMode as Integer = &H3374 Public Const m_iShotsFired as Integer = &HA380 Public Const m_iState as Integer = &H3248 Public Const m_iTeamNum as Integer = &HF4 Public Const m_lifeState as Integer = &H25F Public Const m_nFallbackPaintKit as Integer = &H31B8 Public Const m_nFallbackSeed as Integer = &H31BC Public Const m_nFallbackStatTrak as Integer = &H31C4 Public Const m_nForceBone as Integer = &H268C Public Const m_nTickBase as Integer = &H342C Public Const m_rgflCoordinateFrame as Integer = &H444 Public Const m_szCustomName as Integer = &H303C Public Const m_szLastPlaceName as Integer = &H35B0 Public Const m_thirdPersonViewAngles as Integer = &H31D8 Public Const m_vecOrigin as Integer = &H138 Public Const m_vecVelocity as Integer = &H114 Public Const m_vecViewOffset as Integer = &H108 Public Const m_viewPunchAngle as Integer = &H3020 End Class Public Shared Class signatures Public Const clientstate_choked_commands as Integer = &H4D28 Public Const clientstate_delta_ticks as Integer = &H174 Public Const clientstate_last_outgoing_command as Integer = &H4D24 Public Const clientstate_net_channel as Integer = &H9C Public Const convar_name_hash_table as Integer = &H2F0F8 Public Const dwClientState as Integer = &H588D9C Public Const dwClientState_GetLocalPlayer as Integer = &H180 Public Const dwClientState_IsHLTV as Integer = &H4D40 Public Const dwClientState_Map as Integer = &H28C Public Const dwClientState_MapDirectory as Integer = &H188 Public Const dwClientState_MaxPlayer as Integer = &H388 Public Const dwClientState_PlayerInfo as Integer = &H52B8 Public Const dwClientState_State as Integer = &H108 Public Const dwClientState_ViewAngles as Integer = &H4D88 Public Const dwEntityList as Integer = &H4D3D6AC Public Const dwForceAttack as Integer = &H316ED60 Public Const dwForceAttack2 as Integer = &H316ED6C Public Const dwForceBackward as Integer = &H316EDB4 Public Const dwForceForward as Integer = &H316ED90 Public Const dwForceJump as Integer = &H51E0ED0 Public Const dwForceLeft as Integer = &H316EDA8 Public Const dwForceRight as Integer = &H316EDCC Public Const dwGameDir as Integer = &H6274F8 Public Const dwGetAllClasses as Integer = &HD4FCDC Public Const dwGlobalVars as Integer = &H588AA0 Public Const dwGlowObjectManager as Integer = &H527EF60 Public Const dwInput as Integer = &H5188848 Public Const dwInterfaceLinkList as Integer = &H8F5654 Public Const dwLocalPlayer as Integer = &HD29B0C Public Const dwMouseEnable as Integer = &HD2F6B0 Public Const dwMouseEnablePtr as Integer = &HD2F680 Public Const dwPlayerResource as Integer = &H316D0EC Public Const dwRadarBase as Integer = &H517240C Public Const dwSensitivity as Integer = &HD2F54C Public Const dwSensitivityPtr as Integer = &HD2F520 Public Const dwSetClanTag as Integer = &H89D60 Public Const dwViewMatrix as Integer = &H4D2F0C4 Public Const dwWeaponTable as Integer = &H518930C Public Const dwWeaponTableIndex as Integer = &H324C Public Const dwYawPtr as Integer = &HD2F310 Public Const dwZoomSensitivityRatioPtr as Integer = &HD34530 Public Const dwbSendPackets as Integer = &HD36FA Public Const dwppDirect3DDevice9 as Integer = &HA6030 Public Const force_update_spectator_glow as Integer = &H397F32 Public Const interface_engine_cvar as Integer = &H3E9EC Public Const is_c4_owner as Integer = &H3A4360 Public Const m_bDormant as Integer = &HED Public Const m_pStudioHdr as Integer = &H294C Public Const m_pitchClassPtr as Integer = &H51726A8 Public Const m_yawClassPtr as Integer = &HD2F310 Public Const model_ambient_min as Integer = &H58BDBC Public Const set_abs_angles as Integer = &H1CEC00 Public Const set_abs_origin as Integer = &H1CEA40 End Class End Namespace Offsets.json Offsets.min.json Offsets.toml Offsets.yaml 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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