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lua Shared Skin Changer [Beta]


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Before we start, this entire thing is ripped from my skeet post from October 2020. It is no longer being worked on because reasons. (If I feel like updating it, I dunno it would probably be soon)

Just reposting it because some people may not have seen it, and its a good chance to learn FFI  for lua.


I noticed people aren't really posting lua that they created, I hope this gives people a push to do so as much as lua sucks.

It doesn't matter if its just something that doesn't do anything, it is always interesting to look at people's creations.

The server file will also come with a data checker, it could probably be rewritten but this is the best that could be done in the little time we had.

You will need a server ;P I'm not paying for one. Instructions on how to setup a VPS for this script will be on my github which can be found near the bottom of this post.

If you're confused about this lua, whether it be how to use it  or how it was made. You can always contact me I look forward to hearing from you.



WebSocket Client by sapphyrus
CSGO Weapon Data by sapphyrus


[Know Issues]

There are still issues, which will be addressed in this forum post and are on the github repo:
- Like a 0.002% of crashing
- Constantly updates skins, could cause issues on local matches
- Still no knife or glove skin changer
- Hud can get messed up on death (Fixes when respawned)
- If loaded while dead you will not receive updates





We are finally onto the good part,  ITS THE DOWNLOAD, which can be found by clicking on the Download hyperlink or navigating to my github repo, which is as follows:



[Before I go]

I was actually thinking about making a javascript one for all your onetappers, but I believe they still don't have a library for handling data connections like skeet does.

Enough requests and I'll attempt an PoC.


[Free Ideal Tick]


local double_tap, double_tap_key = ui.reference("RAGE", "Other", "Double tap")
local qpeek, qpeek_key = ui.reference("RAGE", "Other", "Quick peek assist")
local dthc = ui.reference("RAGE", "Other", "Double tap hit chance")
local FL_limit = ui.reference("AA", "Fake lag", "Limit")
local mindmg = ui.reference("rage", "aimbot", "minimum damage")
local idealtick = ui.new_hotkey("AA", "Anti-aimbot angles", "Ideal Tick")
local dmg = ui.new_slider('AA', 'Anti-aimbot angles', 'Ideal Tick Damage', 0, 126, 0, true)

local last_value = 0
local should = false

local function on_paint(c)

	if last_value ~= ui.get(mindmg) and not should then
		last_value = ui.get(mindmg)

	if last_value ~= ui.get(FL_limit) and not should then
		last_value_FL = ui.get(FL_limit)

	if last_value_dt ~= ui.get(dthc) and not should then
		last_value_dt = ui.get(dthc)

	if entity.get_prop(entity.get_local_player(), "m_lifeState") ~= 0 then
		should = false
		ui.set(mindmg, last_value)

	local sw, sh = client.screen_size()
	local x, y = sw / 30, sh - 200

	if ui.get(idealtick) then
		should = true
		ui.set(mindmg, ui.get(dmg))
		ui.set(FL_limit, 1)
		ui.set(qpeek, true)
		ui.set(qpeek_key, "always on")
		ui.set(double_tap_key, "always on")
		ui.set(dthc, 0)
		should = false
		ui.set(mindmg, last_value)
		ui.set(FL_limit, last_value_FL)
		ui.set(qpeek_key, "on hotkey")
		ui.set(double_tap_key, "toggle")
		ui.set(dthc, last_value_dt)

	if ui.get(idealtick) then
		client.draw_text(c, 955, y + -375, 255, 255, 255, 255, "dw", 0, ui.get(mindmg))
		client.draw_text(c, 950, y + -365, 255, 255, 255, 255, "dw", 0, "IDEAL")

client.set_event_callback('paint', on_paint)



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