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lw resolver LW resolver (improving the code on this post!)


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Improving this resolver as I go on! Stay tuned!
making this to help pasters hit other cheats. ( don't sell plz )


// This is an independent project of an individual developer. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it.
// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java: http://www.viva64.com

#include "animation_system.h"
#include "..\ragebot\aim.h"

void resolver::initialize(player_t* e, adjust_data* record, const float& goal_feet_yaw, const float& pitch)
    player = e;
    player_record = record;

    original_goal_feet_yaw = math::normalize_yaw(goal_feet_yaw);
    original_pitch = math::normalize_pitch(pitch);

void resolver::reset()
    player = nullptr;
    player_record = nullptr;

    side = false;
    fake = false;

    was_first_bruteforce = false;
    was_second_bruteforce = false;

    original_goal_feet_yaw = 0.0f;
    original_pitch = 0.0f;

bool resolver::Side()
    AnimationLayer layers[13];
    AnimationLayer moveLayers[3][13];
    AnimationLayer preserver_anim_layers[13];

    auto speed = player->m_vecVelocity().Length2D();
   //hit side lanes
    if (speed > 1.1f)
        if (!layers[12].m_flWeight * 1000.f)
            if ((layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f) == (layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f))
                float EyeYaw = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[0][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
                float Negative = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[1][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
                float Positive = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[2][6].m_flPlaybackRate);

                if (Positive >= EyeYaw || Positive >= Negative || (Positive * 1000.f))
                    last_anims_update_time = m_globals()->m_realtime;
                    return true;
                last_anims_update_time = m_globals()->m_realtime;
                return false;
    else if (layers[3].m_flWeight == 0.0f && layers[3].m_flCycle == 0.0f)
        auto delta = std::remainder(math::normalize_yaw(player->m_angEyeAngles().y - player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget()), 360.f) <= 0.f;
        if (2 * delta)
            if (2 * delta == 2)
                return false;
            return true;

float flAngleMod(float flAngle)
    return((360.0f / 65536.0f) * ((int32_t)(flAngle * (65536.0f / 360.0f)) & 65530));
//added approachangle for anglemod
float ApproachAngle(float target, float value, float speed)
    target = flAngleMod(target);
    value = flAngleMod(value);

    float delta = target - value;

    // Speed is assumed to be positive
    if (speed < 0)
        speed = -speed;

    if (delta < -180)
        delta += 360;
    else if (delta > 180)
        delta -= 360;

    if (delta > speed)
        value += speed;
    else if (delta < -speed)
        value -= speed;
        value = target;

    return value;
//main resolver
void resolver::resolve_yaw()
    player_info_t player_info;

    if (!m_engine()->GetPlayerInfo(player->EntIndex(), &player_info))

    if (player_info.fakeplayer || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || player->m_iTeamNum() == g_ctx.local()->m_iTeamNum()) //-V807
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] >= 2 || g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] && aim::get().last_target[player->EntIndex()].record.type != LBY)
        switch (last_side)
            g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] = 0;
            fake = true;
        case RESOLVER_FIRST:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = was_second_bruteforce ? RESOLVER_ZERO : RESOLVER_SECOND;

            was_first_bruteforce = true;
        case RESOLVER_SECOND:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = was_first_bruteforce ? RESOLVER_ZERO : RESOLVER_FIRST;

            was_second_bruteforce = true;
        case RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;

    auto animstate = player->get_animation_state();

    if (!animstate)
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    auto delta = math::normalize_yaw(player->m_angEyeAngles().y - original_goal_feet_yaw);
    auto valid_lby = true;

    if (animstate->m_velocity > 1.1f || fabs(animstate->flUpVelocity) > 100.f)
        valid_lby = animstate->m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving < 0.22f;

    if (fabs(delta) > 30.0f && valid_lby)
        if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()])
            delta = -delta;

        if (delta > 30.0f)
            player_record->type = LBY;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;
        else if (delta < -30.0f)
            player_record->type = LBY;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
        auto trace = false;

        if (m_globals()->m_curtime - lock_side > 2.0f)
            auto first_visible = util::visible(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.first), player, g_ctx.local());
            auto second_visible = util::visible(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.second), player, g_ctx.local());

            if (first_visible != second_visible)
                trace = true;
                side = second_visible;
                lock_side = m_globals()->m_curtime;
                auto first_position = g_ctx.globals.eye_pos.DistTo(player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.first));
                auto second_position = g_ctx.globals.eye_pos.DistTo(player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.second));

                if (fabs(first_position - second_position) > 1.0f)
                    side = first_position > second_position;
            trace = true;

        if (side)
            player_record->type = trace ? TRACE: DIRECTIONAL;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_FIRST;
            player_record->type = trace ? TRACE : DIRECTIONAL;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_SECOND;

//bruteforce alert!!
void bruteforce(player_t* e, player_info_t player, const float& goal_feet_yaw, const float& pitch)
    player_info_t player_info;

    auto animState = player;
    auto& resolverInfo = player;
    // Rebuild setup velocity to receive flMinBodyYaw and flMaxBodyYaw
    Vector velocity = velocity;
    float spd;
    if (spd > std::powf(1.2f * 260.0f, 2.f)) {
        Vector velocity_normalized = velocity.Normalized();
        velocity = velocity_normalized * (1.2f * 260.0f);
    float m_flChokedTime;
    float v25 = (0.0f, 1.0f);
    float v26 = (0.0f);
    float v27 = m_flChokedTime * 6.0f;
    float v28;

    // clamp
    if ((v25 - v26) <= v27) {
        if (-v27 <= (v25 - v26))
            v28 = v25;
            v28 = v26 - v27;
    else {
        v28 = v26 + v27;
    float m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw;
    float flDuckAmount = (v28, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    Vector animationVelocity = (m_flChokedTime * 2000.0f, velocity, velocity);
    float speed = std::fminf(animationVelocity.Length(), 260.0f);

    bool weapon;

    float flMaxMovementSpeed = 260.0f;
    if (weapon) {
        flMaxMovementSpeed = std::fmaxf(weapon, 0.001f);

    float flRunningSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.520f);
    float flDuckingSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.340f);

    flRunningSpeed = (flRunningSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    float m_flGroundFractio;
    float flYawModifier = (((m_flGroundFractio * -0.3f) - 0.2f) * flRunningSpeed) + 1.0f;
    if (flDuckAmount > 0.0f) {
        float flDuckingSpeed = (flDuckingSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        flYawModifier += (flDuckAmount * flDuckingSpeed) * (0.5f - flYawModifier);
    float m_flMinBodyYaw;
    float m_flMaxBodyYaw;
    float flMinBodyYaw = std::fabsf(m_flMinBodyYaw * flYawModifier);
    float flMaxBodyYaw = std::fabsf(m_flMaxBodyYaw * flYawModifier);
    float m_angEyeAngles;
    float flEyeYaw = m_angEyeAngles, yaw;
    float flEyeDiff = std::remainderf(flEyeYaw - m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw, 360.f);

    if (flEyeDiff <= flMaxBodyYaw) {
        if (flMinBodyYaw > flEyeDiff)
            m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = fabs(flMinBodyYaw) + flEyeYaw;
    else {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = flEyeYaw - fabs(flMaxBodyYaw);

    m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = std::remainderf(m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw, 360.f);
    float m_flGroundFraction;
    if (speed > 0.1f || fabs(velocity.z) > 100.0f) {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = (ApproachAngle,
            ((m_flGroundFraction * 29.0f) + 49.0f)
            * m_flChokedTime);
    else {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = (ApproachAngle,

            m_flChokedTime * 100.0f);

    float Left = flEyeYaw - flMinBodyYaw;
    float Right = flEyeYaw + flMaxBodyYaw;

    float resolveYaw;
    int m_iMissedShots;
    switch (m_iMissedShots % 3) {
    case 0: // brute left side
        resolveYaw = m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw;
    case 1: // brute fake side
        resolveYaw = Left;
    case 2: // brute right side
        resolveYaw = Right;

bool InFakeWalkOld(player_t* player)
        bFakewalking = false,
        stage1 = false,            // stages needed cause we are iterating all layers, eitherwise won't work :)
        stage2 = false,
        stage3 = false;
    AnimationLayer animationLayer[15];
    for (int i = 0;  ; i++)
        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 26 &&animationLayer[i].m_flWeight < 0.47f)
            stage1 = true;

        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 7 && animationLayer[i].m_flWeight > 0.001f)
            stage2 = true;

        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 2 && animationLayer[i].m_flWeight == 0)
            stage3 = true;

    if (stage1 && stage2)
        if (stage3 || (player->m_fFlags() & FL_DUCKING)) // since weight from stage3 can be 0 aswell when crouching, we need this kind of check, cause you can fakewalk while crouching, thats why it's nested under stage1 and stage2
            bFakewalking = true;
            bFakewalking = false;
        bFakewalking = false;

    return bFakewalking;

//back to original
float resolver::resolve_pitch()

    if (fabs(original_pitch) > 85.0f)
        fake = true;
    else if (!fake)
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
        return RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    return original_pitch;


Edited by 197k
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  • 197k changed the title to LW resolver (improving the code on this post!)
3 hours ago, 197k said:

Improving this resolver as I go on! Stay tuned!
making this to help pasters hit other cheats. ( don't sell plz )


// This is an independent project of an individual developer. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it.
// PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++, C#, and Java: http://www.viva64.com

#include "animation_system.h"
#include "..\ragebot\aim.h"

void resolver::initialize(player_t* e, adjust_data* record, const float& goal_feet_yaw, const float& pitch)
    player = e;
    player_record = record;

    original_goal_feet_yaw = math::normalize_yaw(goal_feet_yaw);
    original_pitch = math::normalize_pitch(pitch);

void resolver::reset()
    player = nullptr;
    player_record = nullptr;

    side = false;
    fake = false;

    was_first_bruteforce = false;
    was_second_bruteforce = false;

    original_goal_feet_yaw = 0.0f;
    original_pitch = 0.0f;

bool resolver::Side()
    AnimationLayer layers[13];
    AnimationLayer moveLayers[3][13];
    AnimationLayer preserver_anim_layers[13];

    auto speed = player->m_vecVelocity().Length2D();
   //hit side lanes
    if (speed > 1.1f)
        if (!layers[12].m_flWeight * 1000.f)
            if ((layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f) == (layers[6].m_flWeight * 1000.f))
                float EyeYaw = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[0][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
                float Negative = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[1][6].m_flPlaybackRate);
                float Positive = fabs(layers[6].m_flPlaybackRate - moveLayers[2][6].m_flPlaybackRate);

                if (Positive >= EyeYaw || Positive >= Negative || (Positive * 1000.f))
                    last_anims_update_time = m_globals()->m_realtime;
                    return true;
                last_anims_update_time = m_globals()->m_realtime;
                return false;
    else if (layers[3].m_flWeight == 0.0f && layers[3].m_flCycle == 0.0f)
        auto delta = std::remainder(math::normalize_yaw(player->m_angEyeAngles().y - player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget()), 360.f) <= 0.f;
        if (2 * delta)
            if (2 * delta == 2)
                return false;
            return true;

float flAngleMod(float flAngle)
    return((360.0f / 65536.0f) * ((int32_t)(flAngle * (65536.0f / 360.0f)) & 65530));
//added approachangle for anglemod
float ApproachAngle(float target, float value, float speed)
    target = flAngleMod(target);
    value = flAngleMod(value);

    float delta = target - value;

    // Speed is assumed to be positive
    if (speed < 0)
        speed = -speed;

    if (delta < -180)
        delta += 360;
    else if (delta > 180)
        delta -= 360;

    if (delta > speed)
        value += speed;
    else if (delta < -speed)
        value -= speed;
        value = target;

    return value;
//main resolver
void resolver::resolve_yaw()
    player_info_t player_info;

    if (!m_engine()->GetPlayerInfo(player->EntIndex(), &player_info))

    if (player_info.fakeplayer || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || player->m_iTeamNum() == g_ctx.local()->m_iTeamNum()) //-V807
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] >= 2 || g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] && aim::get().last_target[player->EntIndex()].record.type != LBY)
        switch (last_side)
            g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()] = 0;
            fake = true;
        case RESOLVER_FIRST:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = was_second_bruteforce ? RESOLVER_ZERO : RESOLVER_SECOND;

            was_first_bruteforce = true;
        case RESOLVER_SECOND:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = was_first_bruteforce ? RESOLVER_ZERO : RESOLVER_FIRST;

            was_second_bruteforce = true;
        case RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST:
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
            player_record->type = BRUTEFORCE;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;

    auto animstate = player->get_animation_state();

    if (!animstate)
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    auto delta = math::normalize_yaw(player->m_angEyeAngles().y - original_goal_feet_yaw);
    auto valid_lby = true;

    if (animstate->m_velocity > 1.1f || fabs(animstate->flUpVelocity) > 100.f)
        valid_lby = animstate->m_flTimeSinceStartedMoving < 0.22f;

    if (fabs(delta) > 30.0f && valid_lby)
        if (g_ctx.globals.missed_shots[player->EntIndex()])
            delta = -delta;

        if (delta > 30.0f)
            player_record->type = LBY;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_FIRST;
        else if (delta < -30.0f)
            player_record->type = LBY;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_LOW_SECOND;
        auto trace = false;

        if (m_globals()->m_curtime - lock_side > 2.0f)
            auto first_visible = util::visible(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.first), player, g_ctx.local());
            auto second_visible = util::visible(g_ctx.globals.eye_pos, player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.second), player, g_ctx.local());

            if (first_visible != second_visible)
                trace = true;
                side = second_visible;
                lock_side = m_globals()->m_curtime;
                auto first_position = g_ctx.globals.eye_pos.DistTo(player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.first));
                auto second_position = g_ctx.globals.eye_pos.DistTo(player->hitbox_position_matrix(HITBOX_HEAD, player_record->matrixes_data.second));

                if (fabs(first_position - second_position) > 1.0f)
                    side = first_position > second_position;
            trace = true;

        if (side)
            player_record->type = trace ? TRACE: DIRECTIONAL;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_FIRST;
            player_record->type = trace ? TRACE : DIRECTIONAL;
            player_record->side = RESOLVER_SECOND;

//bruteforce alert!!
void bruteforce(player_t* e, player_info_t player, const float& goal_feet_yaw, const float& pitch)
    player_info_t player_info;

    auto animState = player;
    auto& resolverInfo = player;
    // Rebuild setup velocity to receive flMinBodyYaw and flMaxBodyYaw
    Vector velocity = velocity;
    float spd;
    if (spd > std::powf(1.2f * 260.0f, 2.f)) {
        Vector velocity_normalized = velocity.Normalized();
        velocity = velocity_normalized * (1.2f * 260.0f);
    float m_flChokedTime;
    float v25 = (0.0f, 1.0f);
    float v26 = (0.0f);
    float v27 = m_flChokedTime * 6.0f;
    float v28;

    // clamp
    if ((v25 - v26) <= v27) {
        if (-v27 <= (v25 - v26))
            v28 = v25;
            v28 = v26 - v27;
    else {
        v28 = v26 + v27;
    float m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw;
    float flDuckAmount = (v28, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    Vector animationVelocity = (m_flChokedTime * 2000.0f, velocity, velocity);
    float speed = std::fminf(animationVelocity.Length(), 260.0f);

    bool weapon;

    float flMaxMovementSpeed = 260.0f;
    if (weapon) {
        flMaxMovementSpeed = std::fmaxf(weapon, 0.001f);

    float flRunningSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.520f);
    float flDuckingSpeed = speed / (flMaxMovementSpeed * 0.340f);

    flRunningSpeed = (flRunningSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    float m_flGroundFractio;
    float flYawModifier = (((m_flGroundFractio * -0.3f) - 0.2f) * flRunningSpeed) + 1.0f;
    if (flDuckAmount > 0.0f) {
        float flDuckingSpeed = (flDuckingSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f);
        flYawModifier += (flDuckAmount * flDuckingSpeed) * (0.5f - flYawModifier);
    float m_flMinBodyYaw;
    float m_flMaxBodyYaw;
    float flMinBodyYaw = std::fabsf(m_flMinBodyYaw * flYawModifier);
    float flMaxBodyYaw = std::fabsf(m_flMaxBodyYaw * flYawModifier);
    float m_angEyeAngles;
    float flEyeYaw = m_angEyeAngles, yaw;
    float flEyeDiff = std::remainderf(flEyeYaw - m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw, 360.f);

    if (flEyeDiff <= flMaxBodyYaw) {
        if (flMinBodyYaw > flEyeDiff)
            m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = fabs(flMinBodyYaw) + flEyeYaw;
    else {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = flEyeYaw - fabs(flMaxBodyYaw);

    m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = std::remainderf(m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw, 360.f);
    float m_flGroundFraction;
    if (speed > 0.1f || fabs(velocity.z) > 100.0f) {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = (ApproachAngle,
            ((m_flGroundFraction * 29.0f) + 49.0f)
            * m_flChokedTime);
    else {
        m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw = (ApproachAngle,

            m_flChokedTime * 100.0f);

    float Left = flEyeYaw - flMinBodyYaw;
    float Right = flEyeYaw + flMaxBodyYaw;

    float resolveYaw;
    int m_iMissedShots;
    switch (m_iMissedShots % 3) {
    case 0: // brute left side
        resolveYaw = m_flFakeGoalFeetYaw;
    case 1: // brute fake side
        resolveYaw = Left;
    case 2: // brute right side
        resolveYaw = Right;

bool InFakeWalkOld(player_t* player)
        bFakewalking = false,
        stage1 = false,            // stages needed cause we are iterating all layers, eitherwise won't work :)
        stage2 = false,
        stage3 = false;
    AnimationLayer animationLayer[15];
    for (int i = 0;  ; i++)
        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 26 &&animationLayer[i].m_flWeight < 0.47f)
            stage1 = true;

        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 7 && animationLayer[i].m_flWeight > 0.001f)
            stage2 = true;

        if (animationLayer[i].m_nSequence == 2 && animationLayer[i].m_flWeight == 0)
            stage3 = true;

    if (stage1 && stage2)
        if (stage3 || (player->m_fFlags() & FL_DUCKING)) // since weight from stage3 can be 0 aswell when crouching, we need this kind of check, cause you can fakewalk while crouching, thats why it's nested under stage1 and stage2
            bFakewalking = true;
            bFakewalking = false;
        bFakewalking = false;

    return bFakewalking;

//back to original
float resolver::resolve_pitch()

    if (fabs(original_pitch) > 85.0f)
        fake = true;
    else if (!fake)
        player_record->side = RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;
        return RESOLVER_ORIGINAL;

    return original_pitch;



Either im tired or stupid because im gettin errors


this is after voiding it in animation_system.h

Edited by xzasdSADDSADA
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/9/2021 at 8:36 PM, crikadebumae said:

I thinks its very p. But can you put intructions or something? I put it to work but probably not on the right way. Btw thx for the work

that account was my main, now it is lost because ididn't save the password LOL! add my on discord though, mortified#3915

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8 minutes ago, LOLOLwawa said:

that account was my main, now it is lost because ididn't save the password LOL! add my on discord though, mortified#3915

just open ticket on our discord server instead of making the new account.

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On 5/24/2021 at 8:51 PM, BestChen said:


LOLOLOL. he clearly didn't check the code. he literally "scanned" it and slapped a post saying it is "regular resolver" what a joke xd

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