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source I want to make a external Paste


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5 hours ago, xzasdSADDSADA said:

Thanks its great! Do you have any examples on how a triggerbot would work with this?

I've never really worked on externals so not sure though, best way to make good cheat is internal

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On 3/13/2021 at 9:34 AM, xzasdSADDSADA said:

I want to make an external paste and was wondering if someone can send a good external src/base

Yes I know cpp

My half-pasted sourse in python:
NoFlash dont work with ESP

import sys
import pymem                   
import pymem.process           
import requests                
from threading import Thread   
import keyboard
import time
import ctypes


print ('Starting cheat...')

pm = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe")                                             
client = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, "client.dll").lpBaseOfDll

print ('')
print ('Getting offsets...')

offsets = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frk1/hazedumper/master/csgo.json'
response = requests.get(offsets).json()

dwGlowObjectManager = int(response["signatures"]["dwGlowObjectManager"])
dwEntityList = int(response["signatures"]["dwEntityList"]) #esp

dwLocalPlayer   = int(response["signatures"]["dwLocalPlayer"]) #radar
m_bSpotted      = int(response["netvars"]["m_bSpotted"])

dwForceJump = int(response["signatures"]["dwForceJump"]) #bhop
m_fFlags = int(response["netvars"]["m_fFlags"])

m_iTeamNum = int(response["netvars"]["m_iTeamNum"]) #esp
m_iGlowIndex = int(response["netvars"]["m_iGlowIndex"])

m_flFlashMaxAlpha = int(response["netvars"]["m_flFlashMaxAlpha"]) #noflash

dwForceAttack = int(response["signatures"]["dwForceAttack"]) #triggerbot
m_iCrosshairId = int(response["netvars"]["m_iCrosshairId"]) 

m_iObserverMode =int(response["netvars"]["m_iObserverMode"]) #thirdperson

trigger_key = "c"

def NoFlash():
    while True:
        player = pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer)
        if player:
            flash_value = player + m_flFlashMaxAlpha
            if flash_value:
                pm.write_float(flash_value, float(0))
def BunnyHop():
    while True:
        if pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer):
            player = pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer)
            force_jump = client + dwForceJump
            on_ground = pm.read_int(player + m_fFlags)

            if keyboard.is_pressed("space"):
                if on_ground == 257:
                    pm.write_int(force_jump, 5)
                    pm.write_int(force_jump, 4)
def RadarHack():
    while True:
        if pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer):
            localplayer = pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer)
            localplayer_team = pm.read_int(localplayer + m_iTeamNum)
            for i in range(64):
                if pm.read_int(client + dwEntityList + i * 0x10):
                    entity = pm.read_int(client + dwEntityList + i * 0x10)
                    entity_team = pm.read_int(entity + m_iTeamNum)
                    if entity_team != localplayer_team:
                        pm.write_int(entity + m_bSpotted, 1)
def ESP():
    while True:
        glow_manager = pm.read_int(client + dwGlowObjectManager)

        for i in range(1, 32):
            entity = pm.read_int(client + dwEntityList + i * 0x10)

            if entity:
                entity_team_id = pm.read_int(entity + m_iTeamNum)
                entity_glow = pm.read_int(entity + m_iGlowIndex)

                if entity_team_id == 2:  # Terrorist
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x4, float(espt1))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x8, float(espt2))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0xC, float(espt3))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x10, float(1))
                    pm.write_int(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x24, 1)

                elif entity_team_id == 3:  # Counter-terrorist
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x4, float(espct1))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x8, float(espct2))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0xC, float(espct3))
                    pm.write_float(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x10, float(1))
                    pm.write_int(glow_manager + entity_glow * 0x38 + 0x24, 1)
def TriggerBot():
    shooting = False
    while True:
        player = pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer)

        if keyboard.is_pressed(trigger_key):
            entity = pm.read_int(player + m_iCrosshairId)

            if entity > 0 and entity <= 64:
                entity = pm.read_int(client + dwEntityList + (entity -1) * 0x10)
                entity_team = pm.read_int(entity + m_iTeamNum)
                player_team = pm.read_int(player + m_iTeamNum)
                if player_team != entity_team:
                    shooting = True
                    pm.write_int(client + dwForceAttack, 5)
        if not keyboard.is_pressed(trigger_key) and shooting == True:
            pm.write_int(client + dwForceAttack, 4)
            shooting = False

print ('Choose your version:')
print ('ESP = write "1"')
print ('NoFlash = write "2"')
build = input('>>> ')
if build == '1':
    print ('Choose ESP Terrorist colour...')
    print ('Red = 1')
    print ('Green = 2')
    print ('Blue = 3')
    print ('Yellow = 4')
    print ('White = 5')
    print ('Light blue = 6')
    print ('Pink = 7')
    espt = input('>>> ')
    if espt == '1':
        espt1 = 1
        espt2 = 0
        espt3 = 0
    if espt == '2':
        espt1 = 0
        espt2 = 1
        espt3 = 0
    if espt == '3':
        espt1 = 0
        espt2 = 0
        espt3 = 1
    if espt == '4':
        espt1 = 1
        espt2 = 1
        espt3 = 0
    if espt == '5':
        espt1 = 1
        espt2 = 1
        espt3 = 1
    if espt == '6':
        espt1 = 0
        espt2 = 1
        espt3 = 1
    if espt == '7':
        espt1 = 1
        espt2 = 0
        espt3 = 1
    print ('Okay, just a moment...')
    print ('Choose ESP Counter-Terrorist colour...')
    print ('Red = 1')
    print ('Green = 2')
    print ('Blue = 3')
    print ('Yellow = 4')
    print ('White = 5')
    print ('Light blue = 6')
    print ('Pink = 7')
    espct = input('>>> ')
    if espct == '1':
        espct1 = 1
        espct2 = 0
        espct3 = 0
    if espct == '2':
        espct1 = 0
        espct2 = 1
        espct3 = 0
    if espct == '3':
        espct1 = 0
        espct2 = 0
        espct3 = 1
    if espct == '4':
        espct1 = 1
        espct2 = 1
        espct3 = 0
    if espct == '5':
        espct1 = 1
        espct2 = 1
        espct3 = 1
    if espct == '6':
        espct1 = 0
        espct2 = 1
        espct3 = 1
    if espct == '7':
        espсt1 = 1
        espсt2 = 0
        espсt3 = 1
    print ('')

if build == '2':

print ('>>> Success! Now u can play!')
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