Luc York-Shakeur Posted November 19, 2019 Share Posted November 19, 2019 Go in source code and replace by this ez fix ;D #include "csgostructs.hpp" #include "../helpers/math.h" #include "../helpers/utils.h" #include "../helpers/console.h" using fnUpdateAnimState = void(__vectorcall*)(void*, void*, float, float, float, void*); int c_base_entity::GetSequenceActivity(const int& sequence) { auto hdr = interfaces::mdl_info->GetStudiomodel(GetModel()); if (!hdr) return -1; static const auto offset = utils::pattern_scan(GET_SEQUENCE_ACTIVITY); assert(offset); static auto get_sequence_activity = reinterpret_cast<int(__fastcall*)(void*, studiohdr_t*, int)>(offset); return get_sequence_activity(this, hdr, sequence); } int filterException(int code, PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ex) { return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } uint8_t* UpdateVisibilityAllEntitiesOffset = nullptr; void c_base_entity::UpdateVisibilityAllEntities() { if (!UpdateVisibilityAllEntitiesOffset) UpdateVisibilityAllEntitiesOffset = utils::pattern_scan(UPDATE_VISIBILITY_ENTITIES); __try { auto fn_offset = reinterpret_cast<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(UpdateVisibilityAllEntitiesOffset); fn_offset(this); } __except (filterException(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation())) { #ifdef _DEBUG console::print("[error] UpdateVisibilityAllEntities"); #endif } } const matrix3x4_t& c_base_entity::m_rgflCoordinateFrame() { return *(matrix3x4_t*)(uintptr_t(this) + 0x444); } Vector& c_base_entity::GetAbsOrigin() { return CallVFunction<Vector & (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 10)(this); } void c_base_entity::SetAbsOrigin(const Vector& origin) { static const auto offset = utils::pattern_scan(SET_ABS_ORIGIN); if (offset) { static auto set_origin_fn = reinterpret_cast<void(__thiscall*)(void*, const Vector&)>(offset); set_origin_fn(this, origin); } } QAngle& c_base_player::GetAbsAngles() { return CallVFunction<QAngle & (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 11)(this); } Vector& c_base_player::GetAbsAngles2() { return CallVFunction<Vector & (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 11)(this); } bool c_base_player::IsNotTarget() { if (!this || this == g::local_player) return true; if (m_iHealth() <= 0) return true; if (m_bGunGameImmunity()) return true; if (m_fFlags() & FL_FROZEN) return true; int entIndex = EntIndex(); return entIndex > g::global_vars->maxClients; } void c_base_player::SetAbsAngles(const QAngle& angles) { static const auto offset = utils::pattern_scan(SET_ABS_ANGLE); if (offset) { static auto set_angle_fn = reinterpret_cast<void(__thiscall*)(void*, const QAngle&)>(offset); set_angle_fn(this, angles); } } int c_base_player::GetFOV() { if (m_iFOV() != 0) return m_iFOV(); return m_iDefaultFOV(); } void c_base_player::SetAngle2(Vector wantedang) { typedef void(__thiscall * SetAngleFn)(void*, const Vector&); static SetAngleFn SetAngle = (SetAngleFn)((DWORD)utils::pattern_scan("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC 64 53 56 57 8B F1")); SetAngle(this, wantedang); } bool c_base_entity::is_dormant() { return GetClientNetworkable()->IsDormant(); } float c_base_combat_weapon::GetInaccuracy() { return CallVFunction<float(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 479)(this); } float c_base_combat_weapon::GetSpread() { return CallVFunction<float(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 449)(this); } void c_base_combat_weapon::UpdateAccuracyPenalty() { CallVFunction<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 480)(this); } void c_base_player::PVSFix() { *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0xA30) = interfaces::global_vars->framecount; *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0xA28) = 0; } CCSPlayerAnimState* c_base_player::GetPlayerAnimState() { //BE A4 3A ? ? ? 74 48 8B 8E ? ? + 0xA return *reinterpret_cast<CCSPlayerAnimState * *>(DWORD(this) + 0x3900); } QAngle* c_base_player::GetVAngles2() { static auto deadflag = netvar_manager::get().get_offset(fnv::hash_runtime("CBasePlayer->deadflag")); return (QAngle*)((uintptr_t)this + deadflag + 0x4); } CCSGOPlayerAnimState* c_base_player::GetPlayerAnimState2() { //BE A4 3A ? ? ? 74 48 8B 8E ? ? + 0xA return *(CCSGOPlayerAnimState * *)((DWORD)this + 0x3900); } void c_base_player::ResetAnimationState(CCSGOPlayerAnimState* state) { using ResetAnimState_t = void(__thiscall*)(CCSGOPlayerAnimState*); static auto ResetAnimState = (ResetAnimState_t)utils::pattern_scan(("client_panorama.dll"), "56 6A 01 68 ? ? ? ? 8B F1"); if (!ResetAnimState) return; ResetAnimState(state); } void c_base_player::InvalidateBoneCache() { static auto invalidate_bone_cache = utils::pattern_scan(INVALIDATE_BONE_CACHE); if (invalidate_bone_cache) { const auto model_bone_counter = **reinterpret_cast<unsigned long**>(invalidate_bone_cache + 10); *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(DWORD(this) + 0x2924) = 0xFF7FFFFF; // m_flLastBoneSetupTime = -FLT_MAX; *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(DWORD(this) + 0x2690) = model_bone_counter - 1; // m_iMostRecentModelBoneCounter = g_iModelBoneCounter - 1; } } void c_base_player::UpdateClientSideAnimation() { CallVFunction<void(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 223)(this); } bool c_base_entity::IsPlayer() { //return GetClientClass()->m_ClassID == EClassId::CCSPlayer; return CallVFunction<bool(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 157)(this); } bool c_base_entity::IsWeapon() { return CallVFunction<bool(__thiscall*)(c_base_entity*)>(this, 165)(this); } bool c_base_entity::IsPlantedC4() { return GetClientClass()->m_ClassID == 128;//CPlantedC4; } bool c_base_entity::IsDefuseKit() { return GetClientClass()->m_ClassID == CBaseAnimating; } CCSWeaponInfo* c_base_combat_weapon::get_weapon_data() { //return interfaces::weapon_system->GetWpnData(m_iItemDefinitionIndex()); return CallVFunction<CCSWeaponInfo * (__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 457)(this); } bool c_base_combat_weapon::HasBullets() { return !IsReloading() && m_iClip1() > 0; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::CanFire() { if (!interfaces::local_player) return false; static auto stored_tick = 0; static decltype(this) stored_weapon = nullptr; if (stored_weapon != this || stored_tick >= interfaces::local_player->m_nTickBase()) { stored_weapon = this; stored_tick = interfaces::local_player->m_nTickBase(); return false; } if (IsReloading() || m_iClip1() <= 0 || !interfaces::local_player) return false; auto flServerTime = interfaces::local_player->m_nTickBase() * interfaces::global_vars->interval_per_tick; return m_flNextPrimaryAttack() <= flServerTime; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsGrenade() { return get_weapon_data()->WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsGun() { switch (get_weapon_data()->WeaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_C4: case WEAPONTYPE_GRENADE: case WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE: case WEAPONTYPE_UNKNOWN: return false; default: return true; } } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsKnife() { return m_iItemDefinitionIndex() != WEAPON_TASER && get_weapon_data()->WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsRifle() { switch (get_weapon_data()->WeaponType) { case WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE: case WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN: case WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN: return true; default: return false; } } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsPistol() { return get_weapon_data()->WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_PISTOL; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsSniper() { auto index = m_iItemDefinitionIndex(); return index == WEAPON_AWP || index == WEAPON_SSG08 || index == WEAPON_SCAR20 || index == WEAPON_G3SG1; return get_weapon_data()->WeaponType == WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::HasScope() { auto index = m_iItemDefinitionIndex(); return index == WEAPON_AWP || index == WEAPON_SSG08 || index == WEAPON_SCAR20 || index == WEAPON_G3SG1 || index == WEAPON_AUG || index == WEAPON_SG556; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::IsReloading() { static auto inReload = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(utils::pattern_scan(INRELOAD) + 2); return *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(uintptr_t(this) + inReload); } int c_base_combat_weapon::GetMaxAmmo() { switch (this->m_iItemDefinitionIndex()) { case WEAPON_DEAGLE: return 7; break; case WEAPON_USP_SILENCER: return 12; break; case WEAPON_GLOCK: return 20; break; case WEAPON_P250: return 13; break; case WEAPON_HKP2000: return 13; break; case WEAPON_REVOLVER: return 8; break; case WEAPON_TEC9: return 18; break; case WEAPON_ELITE: return 30; break; case WEAPON_FIVESEVEN: return 20; break; case WEAPON_CZ75A: return 12; break; case WEAPON_MAC10: return 30; break; case WEAPON_MP9: return 30; break; case WEAPON_MP7: return 30; break; case WEAPON_P90: return 50; break; case WEAPON_UMP45: return 25; break; case WEAPON_BIZON: return 64; break; case WEAPON_GALILAR: return 30; break; case WEAPON_AK47: return 30; break; case WEAPON_M4A1: return 30; break; case WEAPON_M4A1_SILENCER: return 25; break; case WEAPON_AUG: return 30; break; case WEAPON_FAMAS: return 25; break; case WEAPON_SG556: return 30; break; case WEAPON_SSG08: return 10; break; case WEAPON_AWP: return 10; break; case WEAPON_G3SG1: return 30; break; case WEAPON_SCAR20: return 30; break; case WEAPON_XM1014: return 7; break; case WEAPON_SAWEDOFF: return 8; break; case WEAPON_NOVA: return 8; break; case WEAPON_MAG7: return 5; break; case WEAPON_NEGEV: return 150; break; case WEAPON_M249: return 100; break; case WEAPON_TASER: return 1; break; case WEAPON_FLASHBANG: return 1; break; case WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE: return 1; break; case WEAPON_HEGRENADE: return 1; break; case WEAPON_MOLOTOV: return 1; break; case WEAPON_INCGRENADE: return 1; break; case WEAPON_DECOY: return 1; break; case WEAPONTYPE_KNIFE: return 1; break; } } CUserCmd*& c_base_player::m_pCurrentCommand() { static auto current_command = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(utils::pattern_scan(CURRENT_COMMAND) + 2); return *reinterpret_cast<CUserCmd * *>(uintptr_t(this) + current_command); } Vector c_base_player::GetEyePos() { //return CallVFunction<Vector(__thiscall*)(void*)>(this, 284)(this); return m_vecOrigin() + m_vecViewOffset(); } Vector c_base_player::get_hitbox_position(c_base_player* entity, int hitbox_id) { matrix3x4_t bone_matrix[MAXSTUDIOBONES]; if (entity->SetupBones(bone_matrix, MAXSTUDIOBONES, BONE_USED_BY_HITBOX, 0.0f)) { auto studio_model = interfaces::mdl_info->GetStudiomodel(entity->GetModel()); if (studio_model) { auto hitbox = studio_model->GetHitboxSet(0)->GetHitbox(hitbox_id); if (hitbox) { auto min = Vector{}, max = Vector{}; math::VectorTransform(hitbox->bbmin, bone_matrix[hitbox->bone], min); math::VectorTransform(hitbox->bbmax, bone_matrix[hitbox->bone], max); return Vector((min.x + max.x) * 0.5f, (min.y + max.y) * 0.5f, (min.z + max.z) * 0.5f); } } } return Vector{}; } float c_base_player::GetPlayerXY() { static auto XY = interfaces::local_player->m_angEyeAngles(); auto xy2 = XY.yaw + XY.pitch; return xy2; } player_info_t c_base_player::GetPlayerInfo() { return interfaces::engine_client->GetPlayerInfo(EntIndex()); } bool c_base_player::IsAlive() { return m_lifeState() == LIFE_ALIVE; } bool c_base_player::IsDead() { return m_lifeState() == LIFE_DEAD; } bool c_base_player::IsDying() { return m_lifeState() == LIFE_DYING; } bool c_base_player::IsUnknown() { return !IsPlayer() || is_dormant() || this == interfaces::local_player || m_iHealth() <= 0 || !IsAlive() || m_bGunGameImmunity() || (m_fFlags() & FL_FROZEN); } bool c_base_player::IsFlashed() { return m_flFlashMaxAlphaOffset() > 200.0; } bool c_base_player::HasC4() { static auto fnHasC4 = reinterpret_cast<bool(__thiscall*)(void*)>(utils::pattern_scan(HAS_C4)); return fnHasC4(this); } bool c_base_player::CanSeePlayer(c_base_player* player, const Vector& pos) { CGameTrace tr; Ray_t ray; CTraceFilter filter; filter.pSkip = this; ray.Init(GetEyePos(), pos); interfaces::engine_trace->trace_ray(ray, MASK_VISIBLE, &filter, &tr); return tr.hit_entity == player || tr.fraction > 0.97f; } int& c_base_player::m_nMoveType() { return *reinterpret_cast<int*>(uintptr_t(this) + 0x25C); } void c_base_attributable_item::SetModelIndex(int modelIndex) { return CallVFunction<void(__thiscall*)(void*, int)>(this, 75)(this, modelIndex); } void c_base_view_model::SendViewModelMatchingSequence(int sequence) { return CallVFunction<void(__thiscall*)(void*, int)>(this, 214)(this, sequence); } bool c_base_combat_weapon::is_grenade() { auto m_ClassID = GetClientClass()->m_ClassID; return m_ClassID == EClassId::CDecoyGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CHEGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CIncendiaryGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CMolotovGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CSensorGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CSmokeGrenade || m_ClassID == EClassId::CFlashbang; } bool c_base_combat_weapon::check_detonate(const Vector& vecThrow, const trace_t& tr, int tick, float interval) { switch (m_iItemDefinitionIndex()) { case WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE: case WEAPON_DECOY: if (vecThrow.Length2D() < 0.1f) { int det_tick_mod = (int)(0.2f / interval); return !(tick % det_tick_mod); } return false; case WEAPON_MOLOTOV: case WEAPON_INCGRENADE: if (tr.fraction != 1.0f && tr.plane.normal.z > 0.7f) return true; case WEAPON_FLASHBANG: case WEAPON_HEGRENADE: return (float)tick * interval > 1.5f && !(tick % (int)(0.2f / interval)); default: //assert(false); return false; } } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zayviator Posted November 20, 2019 Share Posted November 20, 2019 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dutchyyy Posted November 29, 2019 Share Posted November 29, 2019 Doesn't work i get alot of errors i put it in csgoconstructs as the code there somewhat matches Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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