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How 2 bhop like a pro uwu


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How to bunny hop in CS:GO

Start moving forward

Press the jump button

Press a directional movement key while you’re in the air (A or D)

Move your mouse in the same direction

If you press A, move your mouse to the left. If you press D, move your mouse to the right

Press on jump one more time, just before you land

Repeat the third step with the opposing button

If used A in the third step, use D this time and vice versa

Move your mouse in the same direction as the directional key of your choice

Track your process

Thinking you’re bunny hopping isn’t enough to call it a day. You’ll need raw numbers and statistics to back up your achievement. Adding the following line to your autoexec file or the console will allow you to keep an eye on your movement speed.

Cl_showpos 1

This command brings up a similar statistics that look similar to the frames-per-second (FPS) information table. The command provides information such as your position in coordinates, angles, and, most importantly, your current velocity. 

Strafing is a must-have element of bunny hopping to break the speed barrier. Angular movements are what we’re looking for to add strafe, and you can accomplish this by synchronizing your left/right movements with your camera.

You’ll need to look slightly towards where you’re strafing, and this has to be a small glance since you’ll also need to look the other way to complete the strafe. It’s more of a constant left and right, which gets easier with practice.

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