xzasdSADDSADA Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 (edited) #include "math.hpp" #define M_RADPI 57.295779513082f namespace math { void normalize_angles(Vector& angles) { while (angles.x > 89.0f) angles.x -= 180.0f; while (angles.x < -89.0f) angles.x += 180.0f; while (angles.y < -180.0f) angles.y += 360.0f; while (angles.y > 180.0f) angles.y -= 360.0f; angles.z = 0.0f; } float angle_distance(float firstangle, float secondangle) { if (firstangle == secondangle) //-V550 return 0.f; bool oppositeSides = false; if (firstangle > 0 && secondangle < 0) oppositeSides = true; else if (firstangle < 0 && secondangle > 0) oppositeSides = true; if (!oppositeSides) return fabs(firstangle - secondangle); bool past90 = false; if (firstangle > 90 && secondangle < -90) { firstangle -= (firstangle - 90); secondangle += (secondangle + 90); } else if (firstangle < -90 && secondangle > 90) { firstangle += (firstangle + 90); secondangle -= (secondangle - 90); } float oneTwo; oneTwo = fabs(firstangle - secondangle); return oneTwo; } void normalize_angle(QAngle& angles) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (angles[i] < -180.0f) angles[i] += 360.0f; while (angles[i] > 180.0f) angles[i] -= 360.0f; } } void normalize_vector(Vector & vector) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (vector[i] < -180.0f) vector[i] += 360.0f; while (vector[i] > 180.0f) vector[i] -= 360.0f; } vector[2] = 0.f; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float normalize_yaw(float f) { while (f < -180.0f) f += 360.0f; while (f > 180.0f) f -= 360.0f; return f; } float normalize_pitch(float pitch) { while (pitch > 89.0f) pitch -= 180.0f; while (pitch < -89.0f) pitch += 180.0f; return pitch; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float vector_normalize(Vector& v) { float l = v.Length(); if (l != 0.0f) //-V550 v /= l; else { v.x = v.y = 0.0f; v.z = 1.0f; } return l; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void clamp_angles(Vector& angles) { if (angles.x > 89.0f) angles.x = 89.0f; else if (angles.x < -89.0f) angles.x = -89.0f; if (angles.y > 180.0f) angles.y = 180.0f; else if (angles.y < -180.0f) angles.y = -180.0f; angles.z = 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vector_transform(const Vector& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, Vector& out) { out = Vector(in1.Dot(Vector(in2[0][0], in2[0][1], in2[0][2])) + in2[0][3], in1.Dot(Vector(in2[1][0], in2[1][1], in2[1][2])) + in2[1][3], in1.Dot(Vector(in2[2][0], in2[2][1], in2[2][2])) + in2[2][3]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector calculate_angle(const Vector& src, const Vector& dst) { Vector angles; Vector delta = src - dst; float hyp = delta.Length2D(); angles.y = std::atanf(delta.y / delta.x) * M_RADPI; angles.x = std::atanf(-delta.z / hyp) * -M_RADPI; angles.z = 0.0f; if (delta.x >= 0.0f) angles.y += 180.0f; return angles; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float get_fov(const Vector& view_angle, const Vector& aim_angle) { Vector delta = aim_angle - view_angle; normalize_angles(delta); return min(sqrtf(powf(delta.x, 2.0f) + powf(delta.y, 2.0f)), 180.0f); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void angle_vectors(const Vector& angles, Vector& forward) { float sp, sy, cp, cy; sy = sin(DEG2RAD(angles[1])); cy = cos(DEG2RAD(angles[1])); sp = sin(DEG2RAD(angles[0])); cp = cos(DEG2RAD(angles[0])); forward.x = cp * cy; forward.y = cp * sy; forward.z = -sp; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void angle_vectors(const Vector& angles, Vector* forward, Vector* right, Vector* up) { auto sin_cos = [](float radian, float* sin, float* cos) { *sin = std::sin(radian); *cos = std::cos(radian); }; float sp, sy, sr, cp, cy, cr; sin_cos(M_PI / 180.0f * angles.x, &sp, &cp); sin_cos(M_PI / 180.0f * angles.y, &sy, &cy); sin_cos(M_PI / 180.0f * angles.z, &sr, &cr); if (forward) { forward->x = cp * cy; forward->y = cp * sy; forward->z = -sp; } if (right) { right->x = -1.0f * sr * sp * cy + -1.0f * cr * -sy; right->y = -1.0f * sr * sp * sy + -1.0f * cr * cy; right->z = -1.0f * sr * cp; } if (up) { up->x = cr * sp * cy + -sr * -sy; up->y = cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy; up->z = cr * cp; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vector_angles(const Vector& forward, Vector& angles) { Vector view; if (!forward[0] && !forward[1]) { view[0] = 0.0f; view[1] = 0.0f; } else { view[1] = atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180.0f / M_PI; if (view[1] < 0.0f) view[1] += 360.0f; view[2] = sqrt(forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1]); view[0] = atan2(forward[2], view[2]) * 180.0f / M_PI; } angles[0] = -view[0]; angles[1] = view[1]; angles[2] = 0.f; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vector_angles(const Vector& forward, Vector& up, Vector& angles) { auto left = cross_product(up, forward); left.NormalizeInPlace(); auto forwardDist = forward.Length2D(); if (forwardDist > 0.001f) { angles.x = atan2(-forward.z, forwardDist) * 180.0f / M_PI; angles.y = atan2(forward.y, forward.x) * 180.0f / M_PI; auto upZ = (left.y * forward.x) - (left.x * forward.y); angles.z = atan2(left.z, upZ) * 180.0f / M_PI; } else { angles.x = atan2(-forward.z, forwardDist) * 180.0f / M_PI; angles.y = atan2(-left.x, left.y) * 180.0f / M_PI; angles.z = 0.0f; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VectorMAInline(const float* start, float scale, const float* direction, float* dest) { dest[0] = start[0] + direction[0] * scale; dest[1] = start[1] + direction[1] * scale; dest[2] = start[2] + direction[2] * scale; } void VectorMAInline(const Vector& start, float scale, const Vector& direction, Vector& dest) { dest.x = start.x + direction.x*scale; dest.y = start.y + direction.y*scale; dest.z = start.z + direction.z*scale; } void VectorMA(const Vector& start, float scale, const Vector& direction, Vector& dest) { VectorMAInline(start, scale, direction, dest); } void VectorMA(const float * start, float scale, const float *direction, float *dest) { VectorMAInline(start, scale, direction, dest); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector cross_product(const Vector & a, const Vector & b) { return Vector(a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z, a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float dot_product(const Vector & a, const Vector & b) { return (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool world_to_screen(const Vector &origin, Vector &screen) { return !m_debugoverlay()->ScreenPosition(origin, screen); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SmoothAngle(Vector& From, Vector& To, float Percent) { Vector VecDelta = From - To; math::normalize_angles(VecDelta); VecDelta.x *= Percent; VecDelta.y *= Percent; To = From - VecDelta; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void rotate_triangle(std::array<Vector2D, 3>& points, float rotation) { const auto pointsCenter = (points.at(0) + points.at(1) + points.at(2)) / 3; for (auto& point : points) { point -= pointsCenter; const auto tempX = point.x; const auto tempY = point.y; const auto theta = DEG2RAD(rotation); const auto c = cos(theta); const auto s = sin(theta); point.x = tempX * c - tempY * s; point.y = tempX * s + tempY * c; point += pointsCenter; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float random_float(float min, float max) { typedef float(*RandomFloat_t)(float, float); static RandomFloat_t m_RandomFloat = (RandomFloat_t)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(crypt_str("vstdlib.dll")), crypt_str("RandomFloat")); return m_RandomFloat(min, max); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int random_int(int min, int max) { typedef int(*RandomInt_t)(int, int); static RandomInt_t m_RandomInt = (RandomInt_t)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(crypt_str("vstdlib.dll")), crypt_str("RandomInt")); return m_RandomInt(min, max); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void random_seed(int seed) { typedef void(*RandomSeed_t)(int); static RandomSeed_t m_RandomSeed = (RandomSeed_t)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(crypt_str("vstdlib.dll")), crypt_str("RandomSeed")); return m_RandomSeed(seed); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float segment_to_segment(const Vector& s1, const Vector& s2, const Vector& k1, const Vector& k2) { static auto constexpr epsilon = 0.00000001f; auto u = s2 - s1; auto v = k2 - k1; auto w = s1 - k1; auto a = u.Dot(u); //-V525 auto b = u.Dot(v); auto c = v.Dot(v); auto d = u.Dot(w); auto e = v.Dot(w); auto D = a * c - b * b; auto sn = 0.0f, sd = D; auto tn = 0.0f, td = D; if (D < epsilon) { sn = 0.0f; sd = 1.0f; tn = e; td = c; } else { sn = b * e - c * d; tn = a * e - b * d; if (sn < 0.0f) { sn = 0.0f; tn = e; td = c; } else if (sn > sd) { sn = sd; tn = e + b; td = c; } } if (tn < 0.0f) { tn = 0.0f; if (-d < 0.0f) sn = 0.0f; else if (-d > a) sn = sd; else { sn = -d; sd = a; } } else if (tn > td) { tn = td; if (-d + b < 0.0f) sn = 0.0f; else if (-d + b > a) sn = sd; else { sn = -d + b; sd = a; } } auto sc = fabs(sn) < epsilon ? 0.0f : sn / sd; auto tc = fabs(tn) < epsilon ? 0.0f : tn / td; auto dp = w + u * sc - v * tc; return dp.Length(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool intersect_line_with_bb(Vector& start, Vector& end, Vector& min, Vector& max) { char quadrant[3]; int i; Vector candidatePlane; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (start[i] < min[i]) { quadrant[i] = 1; candidatePlane[i] = min[i]; } else if (start[i] > max[i]) { quadrant[i] = 0; candidatePlane[i] = max[i]; } else { quadrant[i] = 2; } } // Calculate T distances to candidate planes Vector maxT; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (quadrant[i] != 2 && end[i] != 0.f) //-V550 maxT[i] = (candidatePlane[i] - start[i]) / end[i]; else maxT[i] = -1.f; } // Get largest of the maxT's for final choice of intersection int whichPlane = 0; for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) { if (maxT[whichPlane] < maxT[i]) whichPlane = i; } if (maxT[whichPlane] < 0.0f) return false; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (whichPlane != i) { float temp = start[i] + maxT[whichPlane] * end[i]; if (temp < min[i] || temp > max[i]) { return false; } } } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector vector_rotate(const Vector& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2) { return Vector(in1.Dot(in2[0]), in1.Dot(in2[1]), in1.Dot(in2[2])); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector vector_rotate(const Vector& in1, const Vector& in2) { const auto matrix = angle_matrix(in2); return vector_rotate(in1, matrix); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- matrix3x4_t angle_matrix(const Vector& angles) { matrix3x4_t result; m128 angle, sin, cos; angle.f[0] = DEG2RAD(angles.x); angle.f[1] = DEG2RAD(angles.y); angle.f[2] = DEG2RAD(angles.z); sincos_ps(angle.v, &sin.v, &cos.v); result[0][0] = cos.f[0] * cos.f[1]; result[1][0] = cos.f[0] * sin.f[1]; result[2][0] = -sin.f[0]; const auto crcy = cos.f[2] * cos.f[1]; const auto crsy = cos.f[2] * sin.f[1]; const auto srcy = sin.f[2] * cos.f[1]; const auto srsy = sin.f[2] * sin.f[1]; result[0][1] = sin.f[0] * srcy - crsy; result[1][1] = sin.f[0] * srsy + crcy; result[2][1] = sin.f[2] * cos.f[0]; result[0][2] = sin.f[0] * crcy + srsy; result[1][2] = sin.f[0] * crsy - srcy; result[2][2] = cos.f[2] * cos.f[0]; return result; } // void angle_matrix(const Vector& ang, const Vector& pos, matrix3x4_t& out) { out = angle_matrix(ang); out.SetOrigin(pos); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void vector_rotate(const Vector& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, Vector& out) { out.x = in1.x * in2[0][0] + in1.y * in2[1][0] + in1.z * in2[2][0]; out.y = in1.x * in2[0][1] + in1.y * in2[1][1] + in1.z * in2[2][1]; out.z = in1.x * in2[0][2] + in1.y * in2[1][2] + in1.z * in2[2][2]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector matrix_get_origin(const matrix3x4_t& src) { return Vector(src[0][3], src[1][3], src[2][3]); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void matrix_set_origin(const Vector& pos, matrix3x4_t& matrix) { for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++) matrix[i][3] = pos[i]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void fast_rsqrt(float a, float* out) { const auto xx = _mm_load_ss(&a); auto xr = _mm_rsqrt_ss(xx); auto xt = _mm_mul_ss(xr, xr); xt = _mm_mul_ss(xt, xx); xt = _mm_sub_ss(_mm_set_ss(3.f), xt); xt = _mm_mul_ss(xt, _mm_set_ss(0.5f)); xr = _mm_mul_ss(xr, xt); _mm_store_ss(out, xr); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float fast_vec_normalize(Vector& vec) { const auto sqrlen = vec.LengthSqr() + 1.0e-10f; float invlen; fast_rsqrt(sqrlen, &invlen); vec.x *= invlen; vec.y *= invlen; vec.z *= invlen; return sqrlen * invlen; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void math::matrix_copy(const matrix3x4_t& in, matrix3x4_t& out) { memcpy(out.Base(), in.Base(), sizeof(matrix3x4_t)); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void math::concat_transforms(const matrix3x4_t& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, matrix3x4_t& out) { if (&in1 == &out) { matrix3x4_t in1b; matrix_copy(in1, in1b); concat_transforms(in1b, in2, out); return; } if (&in2 == &out) { matrix3x4_t in2b; matrix_copy(in2, in2b); concat_transforms(in1, in2b, out); return; } out[0][0] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][0]; out[0][1] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][1]; out[0][2] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][2]; out[0][3] = in1[0][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[0][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[0][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[0][3]; out[1][0] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][0]; out[1][1] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][1]; out[1][2] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][2]; out[1][3] = in1[1][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[1][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[1][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[1][3]; out[2][0] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][0] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][0] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][0]; out[2][1] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][1] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][1] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][1]; out[2][2] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][2] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][2] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][2]; out[2][3] = in1[2][0] * in2[0][3] + in1[2][1] * in2[1][3] + in1[2][2] * in2[2][3] + in1[2][3]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double fast_sin(double x) { int k; double y; double z; z = x; z *= 0.3183098861837907; z += 6755399441055744.0; k = *((int*)&z); z = k; z *= 3.1415926535897932; x -= z; y = x; y *= x; z = 0.0073524681968701; z *= y; z -= 0.1652891139701474; z *= y; z += 0.9996919862959676; x *= z; k &= 1; k += k; z = k; z *= x; x -= z; return x; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float simple_spline(float value) { auto value_squared = value * value; return 3.0f * value_squared - 2.0f * value_squared * value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float simple_spline_remap_val_clamped(float value, float a, float b, float c, float d) { if (a == b) //-V550 return value >= b ? d : c; auto c_value = math::clamp((value - a) / (b - a), 0.0f, 1.0f); return c + (d - c) * simple_spline(c_value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- float direction_difference(const Vector& first, const Vector& second) { auto a = math::normalize_yaw(RAD2DEG(atan2(first.y, first.x))); auto b = math::normalize_yaw(RAD2DEG(atan2(second.y, second.x))); auto c = fmodf(a - b, 360.0f); if (a > b) { if (c >= 180.f) c -= 360.f; } else { if (c <= -180.f) c += 360.f; } return c; } } anything wrong with this? Edited April 23, 2021 by xzasdSADDSADA typo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
btc Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 After quickly checking this code, I did not find anything wrong in it, where did you get that? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xzasdSADDSADA Posted April 23, 2021 Author Share Posted April 23, 2021 Im missing alot to resolver and prediction, but I cant find anything wrong with them. So my mind went to math Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkz Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 Im confused why did you post this? Its from legendware and that's all I can gather from this post. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darkz Posted April 23, 2021 Share Posted April 23, 2021 1 hour ago, xzasdSADDSADA said: Im missing alot to resolver and prediction, but I cant find anything wrong with them. So my mind went to math Well then update your resolver and prediction, most of this math is for the resolver Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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