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c++ New double tap for ur weave paste


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int m_iMaxProcessTicks; //sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks
int m_iDummyCommandsToProcess;
int m_iTicksAllowedForProcessing;
int m_iTotalCommandsToSend;
int m_iNumFakeCommandsToSend;
bool m_bReadyToShiftTickbase;
bool m_bIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing;
bool m_bEnableShiftPrinting;
bool m_bShiftedLastSendPacket;
int m_iBackupTickbase;
bool m_bForceNextTickToIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing;
int m_iNumInvalidTicksSent;
int m_iBackupTickbaseFirstCmd;
float m_flDelayTickbaseShiftUntilThisTime;
double m_flLastServerPacketReceiveTime;
int m_iLastServerPacketReceiveTickcount;
int m_nServerTick;
__int32 m_nDeltaTick;
bool m_bForceSend = false;
bool m_bShouldChoke = false;
bool ApplyTickbaseShift = false;
int m_iCustomTickbase[150][2]; //if not set to 0, prediction will set tickbase to this on that command number
int m_iCalculatedTickbase[150];
int lastoutgoingcommand;
CLC_Move moveMsg;
int m_TicksAllowedForProcessing;
void SetForceSend(bool send) { m_bForceSend = send; };
void SetShouldChoke(bool choke) { m_bShouldChoke = choke; };
void InitDoubleTap()
	static bool did_shift_before = false;
	static int double_tapped = 0;
	int i_ticks_to_wait = 15;
	static int prev_shift_ticks = 0;
	static bool reset = false;
	bool ApplyTickbaseShift = false;
	static int shot_tick = 0;
	int networked_tickbase = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase();
	int current_tickbase = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase();
	bool m_bShiftedLastSendPacket = false;
	int num_used_commands = g_csgo->client_state->iChokedCommands + 1;
	int clockcorrect = TIME_TO_TICKS(0.03f);
	static int process_ticks = 0;
	int latencyticks = max(0, TIME_TO_TICKS(interfaces.engine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING)));
	static int limit = 14;
	bool CanShiftShot = false;
	bool PredictionStateIsShifted = false;
	bool WaitForTickbaseBeforeFiring = false;
	int tickb = m_nServerTick + latencyticks + 1;
	int    nIdealFinalTick = tickb + clockcorrect;
	int simulation_ticks = m_iTotalCommandsToSend;
	int _ShiftedTickbase = nIdealFinalTick - simulation_ticks + 1;
	int new_tickbase = current_tickbase;
	int     too_fast_limit = nIdealFinalTick + clockcorrect;
	int     too_slow_limit = nIdealFinalTick - clockcorrect;
	float desiredrealtime = interfaces.global_vars->realtime + TICKS_TO_TIME(abs(networked_tickbase) + g_csgo->client_state->iChokedCommands + 1);
	int nEstimatedFinalTick = current_tickbase + simulation_ticks;
	bool _CanFireAfterShifting = (g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK);
	int nextslot = (g_csgo->cmd->command_number + 1) % 150;
	int slot = g_csgo->cmd->command_number % 150;
	int maxprocessable = TIME_TO_TICKS(0.03f);
	CMAntiAim::Get().shot_dt = false;
	bool _CanFireWithoutShifting = (g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK);
	int _FirstCommandSlot = (g_csgo->cmd->command_number - g_csgo->client_state->iChokedCommands) % 150;
	int nCorrectedTick = nIdealFinalTick - simulation_ticks + 1;
	int servertick = m_nServerTick;
	int nFinalTickbase = nCorrectedTick + moveMsg.m_nNewCommands;
	int old_tickbase = m_iCalculatedTickbase[lastoutgoingcommand % 150];
	if (CanDT() && !g_csgo->game_rules->IsFreezeTime())
		if (vars.ragebot.double_tap->active)
			prev_shift_ticks = 0;

			auto can_shift_shot = CMAntiAim::Get().can_exploit(16);
			auto can_shot = CMAntiAim::Get().can_exploit(abs(-1 - prev_shift_ticks));

			if (m_iNumInvalidTicksSent != 1 || can_shift_shot || !can_shot && !did_shift_before)
				prev_shift_ticks = 16;
				double_tapped = 0;
			else {
				prev_shift_ticks = 0;
			if (m_nDeltaTick == -1)
				for (int i = 0; i < 150; ++i)
					m_iCustomTickbase[i][0] = 0;
					m_iCustomTickbase[i][1] = 0;
					m_iCalculatedTickbase[i] = 0;
			if (g_csgo->send_packet && g_csgo->local->GetTickBase())
				if (prev_shift_ticks > 0)
					if (CMAntiAim::Get().can_exploit(_CanFireAfterShifting && prev_shift_ticks + clockcorrect))
						CMAntiAim::Get().shot_dt = true;
						if (g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK)
							m_bEnableShiftPrinting = false;
							m_iBackupTickbase = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase();
							g_csgo->m_nTickbaseShift = prev_shift_ticks;
							CMAntiAim::Get().did_shot = true;
							PredictionStateIsShifted = true;
							CMAntiAim::Get().cmd_tick = g_csgo->cmd->command_number;
							reset = false;
							interfaces.global_vars->curtime = TICKS_TO_TIME(g_csgo->local->GetTickBase());
							m_bEnableShiftPrinting = true;
							if (m_bShiftedLastSendPacket)
							m_iBackupTickbase = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase(); //store the current tickbase in case we need to restore prediction later if we did not decide to shift
							m_iBackupTickbaseFirstCmd = m_iCustomTickbase[_FirstCommandSlot][0]; //save the first cmd tickbase in case we dont decide to shift
								m_bShiftedLastSendPacket = TICKS_TO_TIME(nCorrectedTick),
									m_bShiftedLastSendPacket = TICKS_TO_TIME(nFinalTickbase),
									m_bShiftedLastSendPacket = TIME_TO_TICKS(TICKS_TO_TIME(old_tickbase) - TICKS_TO_TIME(nCorrectedTick)),
									m_bShiftedLastSendPacket = TICKS_TO_TIME(old_tickbase);
								moveMsg.m_nNewCommands = 1 + g_csgo->client_state->iChokedCommands;
							m_iCustomTickbase[_FirstCommandSlot][0] = _ShiftedTickbase;
							nIdealFinalTick - simulation_ticks + desiredrealtime + 1;
							interfaces.global_vars->curtime = TICKS_TO_TIME(servertick + prev_shift_ticks);
							CMAntiAim::Get().cmd_tick = (g_csgo->cmd->command_number + 1) % 150;
							if (nEstimatedFinalTick > too_fast_limit || nEstimatedFinalTick < too_slow_limit)
								new_tickbase = nIdealFinalTick - simulation_ticks + 1;
							m_iCustomTickbase[nextslot][0] = nIdealFinalTick;
							m_iCustomTickbase[nextslot][1] = 1;
							_CanFireWithoutShifting += _ShiftedTickbase;
							if (m_TicksAllowedForProcessing == -999)
								m_TicksAllowedForProcessing = (m_iTicksAllowedForProcessing);
							CMAntiAim::Get().base_tick = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase();
							if (m_iNumInvalidTicksSent != 1)
								m_bIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing = true;
								m_bForceNextTickToIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing = false;
								m_iNumInvalidTicksSent = 0;
								if (m_bReadyToShiftTickbase && m_iTicksAllowedForProcessing)
									m_bForceNextTickToIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing = true;
							if (m_iCustomTickbase[slot][0] != 0)
								m_iCustomTickbase[slot][0] = 0;
								m_iCustomTickbase[slot][1] = 0;
							interfaces.global_vars->curtime = TICKS_TO_TIME(m_iBackupTickbase);
							interfaces.global_vars->curtime = TICKS_TO_TIME(m_iBackupTickbase + maxprocessable);
							interfaces.global_vars->curtime = TICKS_TO_TIME(_ShiftedTickbase);
							m_bEnableShiftPrinting = true;
							if ((!(g_csgo->cmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK) || !Ragebot::Get().shot) && CMAntiAim::Get().did_shot) {
								g_csgo->dt_charged = false;
								g_csgo->skip_ticks = vars.ragebot.dt_instant ? 16 : 8;
								CMAntiAim::Get().did_shot = false;
								PredictionStateIsShifted = false;
								CMAntiAim::Get().base_tick = g_csgo->local->GetTickBase();
						if (m_bIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing)
							WaitForTickbaseBeforeFiring = true;
						CMAntiAim::Get().shot_dt = false;
						process_ticks = 0;
						reset = true;
						m_iMaxProcessTicks = 16;
						m_iTicksAllowedForProcessing = 0;
						m_iNumFakeCommandsToSend = 0;
						m_bReadyToShiftTickbase = false;
						m_bIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing = false;
						m_iNumInvalidTicksSent = 0;
						m_bEnableShiftPrinting = true;
						m_bForceNextTickToIncrementTicksAllowedForProcessing = false;
						for (int i = 0; i < 150; ++i)
							m_iCustomTickbase[i][0] = 0;
							m_iCustomTickbase[i][1] = 0;
							m_iCalculatedTickbase[i] = 0;
				did_shift_before = prev_shift_ticks != 0;
		else {
			g_csgo->bShootedFirstBullet = false;
			g_csgo->TickShifted = false;
			g_csgo->nSinceUse = 0;

if error change g_csgo to csgo 

Edited by 135-018
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