Dana22222 Posted December 5, 2020 Share Posted December 5, 2020 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 constexpr unsigned int FNVHashEx(const char* const data, const unsigned int value = 2166136261) { return (data[0] == '\0') ? value : (FNVHashEx(&data[1], (value * 16777619) ^ data[0])); } inline float NormalizeYaw(float yaw) { if (yaw > 180) yaw -= (round(yaw / 360) * 360.f); else if (yaw < -180) yaw += (round(yaw / 360) * -360.f); return yaw; } bool playerStoppedMoving(player_t* pEntity) { for (int w = 0; w < 13; w++) { AnimationLayer currentLayer = pEntity->get_animlayers()[1]; const int activity = pEntity->sequence_activity(currentLayer.m_nSequence); float flcycle = currentLayer.m_flCycle, flprevcycle = currentLayer.m_flPrevCycle, flweight = currentLayer.m_flWeight, flweightdatarate = currentLayer.m_flWeightDeltaRate; uint32_t norder = currentLayer.m_nOrder; if (activity == ACT_CSGO_IDLE_ADJUST_STOPPEDMOVING) return true; } return false; } float GetCurtime() { if (!g_csgo.m_engine()->IsConnected()) return 0.f; if (!g_csgo.m_engine()->IsInGame()) return 0.f; if (!g_ctx.m_local) return 0.f; return g_ctx.m_local->m_nTickBase() * g_csgo.m_globals()->m_interval_per_tick; } float GetLBYRotatedYaw(float lby, float yaw) { float delta = NormalizeYaw(yaw - lby); if (fabs(delta) < 25.f) return lby; if (delta > 0.f) return yaw + 25.f; return yaw; } bool lowerBodyPrediction(player_t* pEntity) { static float prediction = 0.f; static bool secondrun = false; float flServerTime = (float)pEntity->m_nTickBase() * g_csgo.m_globals()->m_interval_per_tick; if (playerStoppedMoving(pEntity) && !secondrun) { prediction = flServerTime + 0.22; secondrun = true; } else if (pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() < 0.1f && secondrun && prediction <= pEntity->m_flSimulationTime()) { prediction = pEntity->m_nTickBase() + 1.1f; } else//theyre moving { secondrun = false; return false; } if (prediction <= pEntity->m_flSimulationTime()) { return true; } return false; } inline float NormalizePitch(float pitch) { while (pitch > 89.f) pitch -= 180.f; while (pitch < -89.f) pitch += 180.f; return pitch; } float __fastcall ang_dif(float a1, float a2) { float val = fmodf(a1 - a2, 360.0); while (val < -180.0f) val += 360.0f; while (val > 180.0f) val -= 360.0f; return val; } bool adjusting_stop(player_t* player, AnimationLayer *layer) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { for (int s = 0; s < 14; s++) { auto anim_layer = player->get_animlayer(s); if (!anim_layer.m_pOwner) continue; const int activity = player->sequence_activity(layer.m_nSequence); if (activity == 981 && anim_layer.m_flWeight == 1.f) { return true; } } } return false; } // ACT_CSGO_FIRE_PRIMARY float get_average_lby_standing_update_delta(player_t* player) { static float last_update_time[64]; static float second_laste_update_time[64]; static float oldlowerbody[64]; float lby = static_cast<int>(fabs(player->get_eye_pos().y - player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget())); if (lby != oldlowerbody[player->EntIndex()]) { second_laste_update_time[player->EntIndex()] = last_update_time[player->EntIndex()]; last_update_time[player->EntIndex()] = g_csgo.m_globals()->m_curtime; oldlowerbody[player->EntIndex()] = lby; } return last_update_time[player->EntIndex()] - second_laste_update_time[player->EntIndex()]; } float GetCurTime(CUserCmd* ucmd) { player_t* local_player = g_ctx.m_local; static int g_tick = 0; static CUserCmd* g_pLastCmd = nullptr; if (!g_pLastCmd || g_pLastCmd->m_predicted) { g_tick = (float)local_player->m_nTickBase(); } else { // Required because prediction only runs on frames, not ticks // So if your framerate goes below tickrate, m_nTickBase won't update every tick ++g_tick; } g_pLastCmd = ucmd; float curtime = g_tick * g_csgo.m_globals()->m_interval_per_tick; return curtime; } Vector CalcAngle69(Vector dst, Vector src) { Vector angles; double delta[3] = { (src.x - dst.x), (src.y - dst.y), (src.z - dst.z) }; double hyp = sqrt(delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1]); angles.x = (float)(atan(delta[2] / hyp) * 180.0 / 3.14159265); angles.y = (float)(atanf(delta[1] / delta[0]) * 57.295779513082f); angles.z = 0.0f; if (delta[0] >= 0.0) { angles.y += 180.0f; } return angles; } template<class T, class U> inline T clamp(T in, U low, U high) { if (in <= low) return low; else if (in >= high) return high; else return in; } float lerp_time() { int ud_rate = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("cl_updaterate")->GetFloat(); ConVar *min_ud_rate = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_minupdaterate"); ConVar *max_ud_rate = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_maxupdaterate"); if (min_ud_rate && max_ud_rate) ud_rate = max_ud_rate->GetFloat(); float ratio = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("cl_interp_ratio")->GetFloat(); if (ratio == 0) ratio = 1.0f; float lerp = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("cl_interp")->GetFloat(); ConVar *c_min_ratio = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_client_min_interp_ratio"); ConVar *c_max_ratio = g_csgo.m_cvar()->FindVar("sv_client_max_interp_ratio"); if (c_min_ratio && c_max_ratio && c_min_ratio->GetFloat() != 1) ratio = clamp(ratio, c_min_ratio->GetFloat(), c_max_ratio->GetFloat()); return max(lerp, (ratio / ud_rate)); } bool HasFakeHead(player_t* pEntity) { //lby should update if distance from lby to eye angles exceeds 35 degrees return abs(pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y - pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget()) > 35; } bool Lbywithin35(player_t* pEntity) { //lby should update if distance from lby to eye angles less than 35 degrees return abs(pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y - pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget()) < 35; } bool IsMovingOnGround(player_t* pEntity) { //Check if player has a velocity greater than 0 (moving) and if they are onground. return pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() > 45.f && pEntity->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND; } bool IsMovingOnInAir(player_t* pEntity) { //Check if player has a velocity greater than 0 (moving) and if they are onground. return !(pEntity->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND); } bool OnGround(player_t* pEntity) { //Check if player has a velocity greater than 0 (moving) and if they are onground. return pEntity->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND; } bool IsFakeWalking(player_t* pEntity) { //Check if a player is moving, but at below a velocity of 36 return IsMovingOnGround(pEntity) && pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() < 36.0f; } float tolerance = 10.f; const inline float GetDelta(float a, float b) { return abs(NormalizeYaw(a - b)); } const inline float LBYDelta(player_t* v) { return v->m_angEyeAngles().y - v->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); } const inline bool IsDifferent(float a, float b, float tolerance = 10.f) { return (GetDelta(a, b) > tolerance); } bool HasStaticYawDifference(const std::deque<player_t*>& l, float tolerance) { for (auto i = l.begin(); i < l.end() - 1;) { if (GetDelta(LBYDelta(*i), LBYDelta(*++i)) > tolerance) return false; } return true; } int GetDifferentDeltas(const std::deque<player_t*>& l, float tolerance) { std::vector<float> vec; for (auto var : l) { float curdelta = LBYDelta(var); bool add = true; for (auto fl : vec) { if (!IsDifferent(curdelta, fl, tolerance)) add = false; } if (add) vec.push_back(curdelta); } return vec.size(); } int GetDifferentLBYs(const std::deque<player_t*>& l, float tolerance) { std::vector<float> vec; for (auto var : l) { float curyaw = var->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); bool add = true; for (auto fl : vec) { if (!IsDifferent(curyaw, fl, tolerance)) add = false; } if (add) vec.push_back(curyaw); } return vec.size(); } bool DeltaKeepsChanging(const std::deque<player_t*>& cur, float tolerance) { return (GetDifferentDeltas(cur, tolerance) > (int)cur.size() / 2); } bool LBYKeepsChanging(const std::deque<player_t*>& cur, float tolerance) { return (GetDifferentLBYs(cur, tolerance) > (int)cur.size() / 2); } void LowerBodyYawFix(Vector* & Angle, player_t* Player) { if (Player->m_vecVelocity().Length() > 1 && (Player->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND)) Angle->y = Player->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); } static inline bool IsNearEqual(float v1, float v2, float Tolerance) { return std::abs(v1 - v2) <= std::abs(Tolerance); } static int GetSequenceActivity(player_t* pEntity, int sequence) { const model_t* pModel = pEntity->GetModel(); if (!pModel) return 0; auto hdr = g_csgo.m_modelinfo()->GetStudiomodel(pEntity->GetModel()); if (!hdr) return -1; static auto get_sequence_activity = reinterpret_cast<int(__fastcall*)(void*, studiohdr_t*, int)>(util::pattern_scan("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 83 7D 08 FF 56 8B F1 74 3D")); return get_sequence_activity(pEntity, hdr, sequence); } int player_t::GetSequenceActivity(int sequence) { auto hdr = g_csgo.m_modelinfo()->GetStudiomodel(this->GetModel()); if (!hdr) return -1; static auto getSequenceActivity = (DWORD)(util::pattern_scan("client_panorama.dll", "55 8B EC 83 7D 08 FF 56 8B F1 74")); static auto GetSequenceActivity = reinterpret_cast<int(__fastcall*)(void*, studiohdr_t*, int)>(getSequenceActivity); return GetSequenceActivity(this, hdr, sequence); } bool lby_keeps_updating() { return get_average_lby_standing_update_delta; } bool IsAdjustingBalance(player_t* player, AnimationLayer *layer) { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { const int activity = player->sequence_activity(layer.m_nSequence); if (activity == 979) { return true; } } return false; } bool adjusting_balance(player_t * e, AnimationLayer * set) { const auto activity = e->sequence_activity(set[3].m_nSequence); if (activity == 979) { return true; } return false; } float NormalizeFloatToAngle(float input) { for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (input < -180.0f) input += 360.0f; while (input > 180.0f) input -= 360.0f; } return input; } float FixAusnahmeAngles(float yaw, float desyncdelta) { for (auto i = 0; i < 3; i++) { while (yaw < -desyncdelta) yaw += desyncdelta; while (yaw > desyncdelta) yaw -= desyncdelta; } return yaw; } #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 void LBYBreakerCorrections(player_t* pEntity) { float movinglby[64]; float lbytomovinglbydelta[64]; bool onground = pEntity->m_fFlags() & FL_ONGROUND; if (g_cfg.ragebot.correctlbybreaker) { lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()] = pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() - lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()]; if (pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() > 6 && pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() < 42) { pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y = pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget() + 120; } else if (pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() < 6 || pEntity->m_vecVelocity().Length2D() > 42) // they are moving { pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y = pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); movinglby[pEntity->EntIndex()] = pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); } else if (lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()] > 50 && lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()] < -50 && lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()] < 112 && lbytomovinglbydelta[pEntity->EntIndex()] < -112) // the 50 will allow you to have a 30 degree margin of error (do the math :)) { pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y = movinglby[pEntity->EntIndex()]; } else pEntity->m_angEyeAngles().y = pEntity->m_flLowerBodyYawTarget(); } } void VectorAnglesBruteGay(const Vector& forward, Vector &angles) { float tmp, yaw, pitch; if (forward[1] == 0 && forward[0] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (forward[2] > 0) pitch = 270; else pitch = 90; } else { yaw = (atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; tmp = sqrt(forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1]); pitch = (atan2(-forward[2], tmp) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } angles[0] = pitch; angles[1] = yaw; angles[2] = 0; } void AngleVectors(const Vector &angles, Vector *forward) { Assert(s_bMathlibInitialized); Assert(forward); float sp, sy, cp, cy; sy = sin(DEG2RAD(angles[1])); cy = cos(DEG2RAD(angles[1])); sp = sin(DEG2RAD(angles[0])); cp = cos(DEG2RAD(angles[0])); forward->x = cp * cy; forward->y = cp * sy; forward->z = -sp; } Vector calc_angle_trash(Vector src, Vector dst) { Vector ret; VectorAnglesBruteGay(dst - src, ret); return ret; } void NormalizeNumX(Vector &vIn, Vector &vOut) { float flLen = vIn.Length(); if (flLen == 0) { vOut.Init(0, 0, 1); return; } flLen = 1 / flLen; vOut.Init(vIn.x * flLen, vIn.y * flLen, vIn.z * flLen); } float fov_entX(Vector ViewOffSet, Vector View, player_t* entity, int hitbox) { const float MaxDegrees = 180.0f; Vector Angles = View, Origin = ViewOffSet; Vector Delta(0, 0, 0), Forward(0, 0, 0); Vector AimPos = entity->hitbox_position(hitbox); AngleVectors(Angles, &Forward); VectorSubtract(AimPos, Origin, Delta); NormalizeNumX(Delta, Delta); float DotProduct = Forward.Dot(Delta); return (acos(DotProduct) * (MaxDegrees / PI)); } int closestX() { int index = -1; float lowest_fov = 180.f; // maybe?? player_t* local_player = g_ctx.m_local; if (!local_player) return -1; if (!local_player->is_alive()) return -1; Vector local_position = local_player->GetAbsOrigin() + local_player->m_vecViewOffset(); Vector angles; g_csgo.m_engine()->GetViewAngles(angles); for (int i = 1; i <= g_csgo.m_globals()->m_maxclients; i++) { auto entity = static_cast<player_t *>(g_csgo.m_entitylist()->GetClientEntity(i)); if (!entity || entity->m_iHealth() <= 0 || entity->m_iTeamNum() == local_player->m_iTeamNum() || entity->IsDormant() || entity == local_player) continue; float fov = fov_entX(local_position, angles, entity, 0); if (fov < lowest_fov) { lowest_fov = fov; index = i; } } return index; } #define MASK_SHOT_BRUSHONLY (CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_DEBRIS) float apply_freestanding(player_t *enemy) { auto local_player = g_ctx.m_local; if (!(local_player->m_iHealth() > 0)) return 0.0f; bool no_active = true; float bestrotation = 0.f; float highestthickness = 0.f; static float hold = 0.f; Vector besthead; auto leyepos = enemy->m_vecOrigin() + enemy->m_vecViewOffset(); auto headpos = enemy->hitbox_position(0); auto origin = enemy->m_vecOrigin(); int index = closestX(); if (index == -1) return 0.0f; if (enemy->EntIndex() == closestX()) { auto checkWallThickness = [&](player_t* pPlayer, Vector newhead) -> float { Vector endpos1, endpos2; Vector eyepos = local_player->m_vecOrigin() + local_player->m_vecViewOffset(); Ray_t ray; CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities filter(local_player, enemy); trace_t trace1, trace2; ray.Init(newhead, eyepos); g_csgo.m_trace()->TraceRay(ray, MASK_SHOT_BRUSHONLY, &filter, &trace1); if (trace1.DidHit()) { endpos1 = trace1.endpos; float add = newhead.DistTo(eyepos) - leyepos.DistTo(eyepos) + 75.f; return endpos1.DistTo(eyepos) + add / 2; // endpos2 } else { endpos1 = trace1.endpos; float add = newhead.DistTo(eyepos) - leyepos.DistTo(eyepos) - 75.f; return endpos1.DistTo(eyepos) + add / 2; // endpos2 } }; float radius = Vector(headpos - origin).Length2D(); for (float besthead = 0; besthead < 7; besthead += 0.1) { Vector newhead(radius * cos(besthead) + leyepos.x, radius * sin(besthead) + leyepos.y, leyepos.z); float totalthickness = 0.f; no_active = false; totalthickness += checkWallThickness(enemy, newhead); if (totalthickness > highestthickness) { highestthickness = totalthickness; bestrotation = besthead; } } return RAD2DEG(bestrotation); } } bool predict_lby(player_t* player, float oldlby[64], float lby, float speed) { static bool nextflick[64]; static float add_time[64]; const auto sim = player->m_flSimulationTime(); if (!g_cfg.ragebot.predictlbyupdate) return false; for (auto i = 0; i < g_csgo.m_globals()->m_maxclients; ++i) { if (oldlby != lby && speed <= 0.1f) { add_time = g_csgo.m_globals()->m_interval_per_tick + 1.1f; } if (speed >= 0.1f) { add_time = 0.22f; nextflick = sim + add_time; } if (sim >= nextflick && speed <= 0.1f) { add_time = 1.1f; nextflick = sim + add_time; return true; } } return false; } namespace UTILS { float GetCurtime() { if (!g_csgo.m_engine()->IsConnected() || !g_csgo.m_engine()->IsInGame()) return 0.f; if (!g_ctx.m_local) return 0.f; return g_ctx.m_local->m_nTickBase() * g_csgo.m_globals()->m_interval_per_tick; } float GetLBYRotatedYaw(float lby, float yaw) { float delta = MATH::NormalizeYaw(yaw - lby); if (fabs(delta) < 25.f) return lby; if (delta > 0.f) return yaw + 25.f; return yaw; } } namespace MATH { float flAngleMod(float flAngle) { return((360.0f / 65536.0f) * ((int32_t)(flAngle * (65536.0f / 360.0f)) & 65535)); } float ApproachAngle(float target, float value, float speed) { target = flAngleMod(target); value = flAngleMod(value); float delta = target - value; // Speed is assumed to be positive if (speed < 0) speed = -speed; if (delta < -180) delta += 360; else if (delta > 180) delta -= 360; if (delta > speed) value += speed; else if (delta < -speed) value -= speed; else value = target; return value; } void VectorAngles(const Vector& forward, Vector& angles) { float tmp, yaw, pitch; if (forward[1] == 0 && forward[0] == 0) { yaw = 0; if (forward[2] > 0) pitch = 270; else pitch = 90; } else { yaw = (atan2(forward[1], forward[0]) * 180 / M_PI); if (yaw < 0) yaw += 360; tmp = sqrt(forward[0] * forward[0] + forward[1] * forward[1]); pitch = (atan2(-forward[2], tmp) * 180 / M_PI); if (pitch < 0) pitch += 360; } angles[0] = pitch; angles[1] = yaw; angles[2] = 0; } void inline SinCos(float radians, float* sine, float* cosine) { *sine = sin(radians); *cosine = cos(radians); } float GRD_TO_BOG(float GRD) { return (PI / 180) * GRD; } void AngleVectors(const Vector& angles, Vector* forward, Vector* right, Vector* up) { float sr, sp, sy, cr, cp, cy; SinCos(DEG2RAD(angles[1]), &sy, &cy); SinCos(DEG2RAD(angles[0]), &sp, &cp); SinCos(DEG2RAD(angles[2]), &sr, &cr); if (forward) { forward->x = cp * cy; forward->y = cp * sy; forward->z = -sp; } if (right) { right->x = (-1 * sr * sp * cy + -1 * cr * -sy); right->y = (-1 * sr * sp * sy + -1 * cr * cy); right->z = -1 * sr * cp; } if (up) { up->x = (cr * sp * cy + -sr * -sy); up->y = (cr * sp * sy + -sr * cy); up->z = cr * cp; } } __forceinline float DotProduct(const float* a, const float* b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; } __forceinline float DotProduct(const Vector& a, const Vector& b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z; } void VectorTransform(const float* in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, float* out) { out[0] = DotProduct(in1, in2[0]) + in2[0][3]; out[1] = DotProduct(in1, in2[1]) + in2[1][3]; out[2] = DotProduct(in1, in2[2]) + in2[2][3]; } void VectorTransform(const Vector& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, Vector& out) { VectorTransform(&in1.x, in2, &out.x); } void VectorTransforma(const Vector& in1, const matrix3x4_t& in2, Vector& out) { VectorTransform(&in1.x, in2, &out.x); } float CalcAngle2D(const Vector2D& src, const Vector2D& dst) { float angle; VectorAngle2D(dst - src, angle); return angle; } // SAME AS I SAID IF U CAN NOT PASTE IT NORMALLY DONT PASTE IT. 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R1ot Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 -rep Wrong reversed. Fake. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
135-018 Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 /del wrong reverse wtf is this shit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
135-018 Posted December 15, 2020 Share Posted December 15, 2020 Just now, 135-018 said: /del wrong reverse wtf is this shit or maybe u just pasted from yg and said "OneTap Solverrr" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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