Hello, I want to talk to you about loader, which is aimlity service today. ,,
Forum : Xenforo
Version: All
Loader Langue: C++/QT
Sale Price $200
-> Loader works completely with socket system, there is no string or request sending.
->And anti debug or anti dump is 100% safe in terms of code virtualization.
-> Loader json system is available, once you have compiled it, you can add dll, exe whenever you want.
- >And after the program is compiled, there is no dll next to it and its size is 32 mb.
-> And this is an example of a user-specific encryption system available to the purchaser. ( 41774b434b787a5843377a396d3441522f6954524f43383d )
-> User-to-user chat system clear existing chat /clear user /kick @name
If you want to have a very advanced installer, contact us.
Discord: Lov3yp#2018
Website: Aimlity.com
It is very Advanced.Loader