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use at your own risk SkyCheat Source Code | Free Valorant Color Aimbot Hack


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On 2022/4/27 at 午後4時2分, 3nv0y said:

このSkyCheatは、Free Valorant CheatsandHacksシーンで見つけることは非常にまれです。SkyCheatsは完全に無料であるため、常にその状態を維持します。Valorantがまだ存在している限り、デバイスでこのチートを使い続けることができます。チートは完全に外部にあり、画面上の検出ピクセルの色にのみ依存するため、チートがValorantの最新パッチに更新されるのを待つ必要はありません。

sky aim.png


  • セキュアブートを無効にする
  • Hyper-Vを有効にします(残念ながら、Windows 10 Homeでは使用できません)
  • 仮想化を無効にする


  1. まず、古き良きダウンロードボタンをクリックして、ダウンロードページに移動します
  2. チートが含まれているアーカイブがダウンロードされたら、それが含まれているフォルダーを開きます
  3. WINRARや7zipなどのアーカイブエクストラクタを使用してアーカイブのコンテンツを抽出します
  4. まだ行っていない場合はValorantを起動します
  5. チートを抽出したフォルダを開き、管理者として実行します
  6. ラディアントへの登山を楽しんで楽しんでください!

補足:チートはすべてのWindows 10バージョンでテストされていますが、Windows11ではまだテストされていません




  • このトピックに反応するか返信して、非表示のコンテンツを確認してください。




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On 4/27/2022 at 1:02 PM, 3nv0y said:

This SkyCheat is so damn rare to find in the Free Valorant Cheats and Hacks scene. As SkyCheats is completely free, it will always and stay that way. As long as Valorant is still a thing, you can keep using this cheat on your device and not even wait for the cheat to update for the latest patch of Valorant as the cheat is completely external and only depends on detection pixel colors on your screen.

sky aim.png

First of all make sure that;

  • Disable secure boot
  • Enable Hyper-V (Unfortunately not available in Windows 10 Home)
  • Disable virtualization

if you are encountering any issues with the cheat.

  1. First of all, click on the good ol' download button and go on the download page
  2. Once the archive that the cheat is in has been downloaded, open the folder where it is
  3. Extract the archive's contents using an archive extractor such as WINRAR or 7zip
  4. Launch Valorant if you haven't already
  5. Open the folder where you have extracted the cheat and run it as administrator
  6. Enjoy and have fun climbing to radiant!

Side note: the cheat is tested in all Windows 10 version but hasn't been tested yet on Windows 11



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On 4/27/2022 at 6:02 PM, 3nv0y said:

This SkyCheat is so damn rare to find in the Free Valorant Cheats and Hacks scene. As SkyCheats is completely free, it will always and stay that way. As long as Valorant is still a thing, you can keep using this cheat on your device and not even wait for the cheat to update for the latest patch of Valorant as the cheat is completely external and only depends on detection pixel colors on your screen.

sky aim.png

First of all make sure that;

  • Disable secure boot
  • Enable Hyper-V (Unfortunately not available in Windows 10 Home)
  • Disable virtualization

if you are encountering any issues with the cheat.

  1. First of all, click on the good ol' download button and go on the download page
  2. Once the archive that the cheat is in has been downloaded, open the folder where it is
  3. Extract the archive's contents using an archive extractor such as WINRAR or 7zip
  4. Launch Valorant if you haven't already
  5. Open the folder where you have extracted the cheat and run it as administrator
  6. Enjoy and have fun climbing to radiant!

Side note: the cheat is tested in all Windows 10 version but hasn't been tested yet on Windows 11



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