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  1. Hi, there is a wave of malware. Before running a DLL just scan it in virustotal and check is there a urlmon.dll. You can find info about imports in DLL under "details" Urlmon means URLDownloadToFileA, so basically someone can just run anything while you will just run a dll. tutorial by kossa not me Have fun cheating
  2. ORBIUM.XYZ - A better and more secure way of licensing Greetings, my name is Raven and I'm the creator of a new licensing service called Orbium that I have been working on for quite some time and I have now decided to open it up for a very early alpha access. I won't bore you with a ton of story of why I created this service so I'll keep it short: I simply did not like any of the existing solutions such as auth.gg etc, they all have the same flaw and is built on the same idea and I wanted to create something different. What is Orbium? Orbium is a licensing service primarily focusing on pay 2 cheat providers, Orbium was built to be very flexible and can easily be expanded to suit customers needs. Instead of hosting your cheats on a simple HTTP server or running a custom API to verify users accounts / subscription status you should instead use Orbium, it was designed to easily integrate with all forum software such as XenForo, Invision, MyBB and so on. It also allows streaming of cheat files through sockets / streams so that you cheats are always secure no matter what. How does Orbium work? Orbium is like a all in one solution, in our dashboard you can create new projects, upload cheats to associated project, write news, connect various forums and select what user group should be able to login / use the cheats and so on. Since Orbium is still in a very early stage a lot of things will change, we are also open to suggestions and are more than happy to develop your ideas! What features does Orbium have? A modern and easy to use dashboard. Secure way of storing and downloading cheat DLLs. SDKs for connecting your loader to Orbium invarious languages such as C#, C++, Javascript etc. Connect your forum and groups to Orbium. Write and publish news. Manage your customers / users. Create multiple projects. 24/7 up-time with load balancing. 24/7 support through Discord. API in either TCP sockets or HTTP. And much more to come. Please note that not all features are yet available / active! What does it cost? The current price is 4.99€ for Corsair members only, though this price will be changed to 9.99€ when Orbium leaves the early alpha stage, this is also a ONE TIME payment. How do I get started? You can create an account on our website right now: https://orbium.xyz and purchase a license to get lifetime access, you can also join our Discord to stay up to date with the latest development news! - Orbium team
  3. i need someone who can paste a cheat , my discord - g0d.#3089 мне нужен человек который может пастить, пожалуйста пишите в дс - g0d.#3089
  4. hi i want to go back to hvh on steam servers but i was looking at accgen.cathook not working is there any chance of generating acc?
  5. Hello thereI found a way to unpack and see the VALORANT source file using UModel and FModel Umodel has a 3D viewer Here is a quick tutorial on how to use it : Download UModel Download FModel (!needs .NET5 so you can download it from here) UModel 1. select path to game 2. select unreal engine4.25 and hit OK ========================================================= copy and paste 0x4BE71AF2459CF83899EC9DC2CB60E22AC4B3047E0211034BBABE9D174C069DD6 hit OK ========================================================= taaaadaaa ========================================================= now I can Export Raze Skeletal Mesh !!! ========================================================= FModel 1. select Valorant or Choose path ========================================================== 1. Click on Directory 2. Hit AES Use this 0x4BE71AF2459CF83899EC9DC2CB60E22AC4B3047E0211034BBABE9D174C069DD6 ========================================================== Click which .pak you want ========================================================== taaaaadaaaaa ========================================================== now I can export Agent's sounds with this tutorial you can create your own Skin Changer but its client-side and I don't know if you done that you get ban or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. can anybody code a streamproof csgo esp for nvidia cards? internal, maybe for osiris
  7. how can i change my cheat menu?
  8. How to cheat 101 This guide is using CSGO as the example game but its mostly the same for other games. The first thing you need is a cheat. You can get one from here: https://cheater.fun/csgo_hacks_free/ or from this forum! When you have downloaded a cheat you will also need to download an injector, which you can download from here: https://cheater.fun/injectors/ In this tutorial we will be using CSGhost which you can download from here: https://cheater.fun/injectors/768-download-csghost-bypassing-injector-csgo.html Tutorial The first thing you need to do is to open the CSGhost injector program or the injector you want to use. With CSGhost the injector will automatically open CS:GO but some injectors require you to start CSGO manually. When CS:GO is open you press the "SELECT DLL TO INJECT" button. Then you locate your DLL file/cheat and choose it. Success, now you have injected your cheat! Most Cheat use INSERT to open their menu, but some cheats may use other keybinds
  9. const char* fart[]{ "client.dll", "engine.dll", "server.dll", "studiorender.dll", "materialsystem.dll", "shaderapidx9.dll", "vstdlib.dll", "vguimatsurface.dll" }; long long amongus = 0x69690004C201B0; for (auto sex : fart) WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)util::FindSignature(sex, "55 8B EC 56 8B F1 33 C0 57 8B 7D 08"), &amongus, 7, 0); main.cpp edit and add hooks
  10. RIP OTC 18/1/2022 😭💀 OTC has found eternal rest And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3. OTC is dead R.I.P 💀, now stop posting LW pasta and start update OTC offset for eternal life.
  11. What is Baimless you might ask?: Its a pretty cheap undetected Multihack (Rage and Legit). I personally like it because of the clean menu and stunning visuals (not to mention the aimbot of course). All around its a very solid cheat especially because of the great value you get for your money. Link removed by zot:)
  12. There are many cs go cheats on this market, but Baimless convinces with its Ragebot and its Legitbot. For all those who are looking for a cheat that is cheap has a high quality and is safe, Baimless is a good option.
  13. I'm trying to user GetLargeFriendAvatar() inside a CSGOBasic cheat, but it gives me a lot of errors, how can i fix this? i already imported isteamfriends.h
  14. if (g_cfg.esp.indicators[INDICATOR_MUSIC]) { std::string song_title = ""; static HWND spotify_hwnd = nullptr; static float last_hwnd_time = 0.f; int text_width = 0; if ((!spotify_hwnd || spotify_hwnd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && last_hwnd_time < m_globals()->m_realtime + 2.f) { for (HWND hwnd = GetTopWindow(0); hwnd; hwnd = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)) { last_hwnd_time = m_globals()->m_realtime; if (!(IsWindowVisible)(hwnd)) continue; int length = (GetWindowTextLengthW)(hwnd); if (length == 0) continue; WCHAR filename[300]; DWORD pid; (GetWindowThreadProcessId)(hwnd, &pid); const auto spotify_handle = (OpenProcess)(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE, pid); (K32GetModuleFileNameExW)(spotify_handle, nullptr, filename, 300); std::wstring sane_filename{ filename }; (CloseHandle)(spotify_handle); if (sane_filename.find((L"Spotify.exe")) != std::string::npos) spotify_hwnd = hwnd; } } else if (spotify_hwnd && spotify_hwnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WCHAR title[300]; if (!(GetWindowTextW)(spotify_hwnd, title, 300)) { spotify_hwnd = nullptr; } else { std::wstring sane_title{ title }; std::string Title = " "; std::string Song(sane_title.begin(), sane_title.end()); Title += Song; if (sane_title.find((L"-")) != std::string::npos) { text_width = render::get().text_width(Title); render::get().text(fonts[NAME], 11, 11, Color(255, 255, 255, 220), HFONT_CENTERED_Y, Title.c_str()); song_title = Title; } else if (sane_title.find((L"Advertisment")) != std::string::npos) { text_width = render::get().text_width(fonts[NAME], "advertisment"); song_title = "advertisment"; }
  15. EDIT THİS : hooked_player #include "..\hooks.hpp" #include "..\..\cheats\lagcompensation\local_animations.h" #include "..\..\cheats\misc\prediction_system.h" _declspec(noinline)bool hooks::setupbones_detour(void* ecx, matrix3x4_t* bone_world_out, int max_bones, int bone_mask, float current_time) { auto result = true; static auto r_jiggle_bones = m_cvar()->FindVar(crypt_str("r_jiggle_bones")); auto r_jiggle_bones_backup = r_jiggle_bones->GetInt(); r_jiggle_bones->SetValue(0); if (!ecx) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (!g_cfg.ragebot.enable && !g_cfg.legitbot.enabled) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else { auto player = (player_t*)((uintptr_t)ecx - 0x4); if (!player->valid(false, false)) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else { auto animstate = player->get_animation_state(); auto previous_weapon = animstate ? animstate->m_pLastBoneSetupWeapon : nullptr; if (previous_weapon) animstate->m_pLastBoneSetupWeapon = animstate->m_pActiveWeapon; //-V1004 if (g_ctx.globals.setuping_bones) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (g_cfg.legitbot.enabled && player != g_ctx.local()) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (!g_ctx.local()->is_alive()) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (player == g_ctx.local()) result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (!player->m_CachedBoneData().Count()) //-V807 result = ((SetupBonesFn)original_setupbones)(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); else if (bone_world_out && max_bones != -1) memcpy(bone_world_out, player->m_CachedBoneData().Base(), player->m_CachedBoneData().Count() * sizeof(matrix3x4_t)); if (previous_weapon) animstate->m_pLastBoneSetupWeapon = previous_weapon; } } r_jiggle_bones->SetValue(r_jiggle_bones_backup); return result; } bool __fastcall hooks::hooked_setupbones(void* ecx, void* edx, matrix3x4_t* bone_world_out, int max_bones, int bone_mask, float current_time) { return setupbones_detour(ecx, bone_world_out, max_bones, bone_mask, current_time); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::standardblendingrules_detour(player_t* player, int i, CStudioHdr* hdr, Vector* pos, Quaternion* q, float curtime, int boneMask) { auto backup_effects = player->m_fEffects(); if (player == g_ctx.local()) player->m_fEffects() |= 8; ((StandardBlendingRulesFn)original_standardblendingrules)(player, hdr, pos, q, curtime, boneMask); if (player == g_ctx.local()) player->m_fEffects() = backup_effects; } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_standardblendingrules(player_t* player, int i, CStudioHdr* hdr, Vector* pos, Quaternion* q, float curtime, int boneMask) { return standardblendingrules_detour(player, i, hdr, pos, q, curtime, boneMask); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::doextrabonesprocessing_detour(player_t* player, CStudioHdr* hdr, Vector* pos, Quaternion* q, const matrix3x4_t& matrix, uint8_t* bone_list, void* context) { } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_doextrabonesprocessing(player_t* player, void* edx, CStudioHdr* hdr, Vector* pos, Quaternion* q, const matrix3x4_t& matrix, uint8_t* bone_list, void* context) { return doextrabonesprocessing_detour(player, hdr, pos, q, matrix, bone_list, context); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::updateclientsideanimation_detour(player_t* player) { if (g_ctx.globals.updating_animation) return ((UpdateClientSideAnimationFn)original_updateclientsideanimation)(player); if (player == g_ctx.local()) return ((UpdateClientSideAnimationFn)original_updateclientsideanimation)(player); if (!g_cfg.ragebot.enable && !g_cfg.legitbot.enabled) return ((UpdateClientSideAnimationFn)original_updateclientsideanimation)(player); if (!player->valid(false, false)) return ((UpdateClientSideAnimationFn)original_updateclientsideanimation)(player); } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_updateclientsideanimation(player_t* player, uint32_t i) { return updateclientsideanimation_detour(player); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::physicssimulate_detour(player_t* player) { auto simulation_tick = *(int*)((uintptr_t)player + 0x2AC); if (player != g_ctx.local() || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive() || m_globals()->m_tickcount == simulation_tick) { ((PhysicsSimulateFn)original_physicssimulate)(player); return; } engineprediction::get().restore_netvars(); ((PhysicsSimulateFn)original_physicssimulate)(player); engineprediction::get().store_netvars(); } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_physicssimulate(player_t* player) { return physicssimulate_detour(player); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::modifyeyeposition_detour(c_baseplayeranimationstate* state, Vector& position) { if (state && g_ctx.globals.in_createmove) return ((ModifyEyePositionFn)original_modifyeyeposition)(state, position); } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_modifyeyeposition(c_baseplayeranimationstate* state, void* edx, Vector& position) { return modifyeyeposition_detour(state, position); } _declspec(noinline)void hooks::calcviewmodelbob_detour(player_t* player, Vector& position) { if (!g_cfg.esp.removals[REMOVALS_LANDING_BOB] || player != g_ctx.local() || !g_ctx.local()->is_alive()) return ((CalcViewmodelBobFn)original_calcviewmodelbob)(player, position); } void __fastcall hooks::hooked_calcviewmodelbob(player_t* player, void* edx, Vector& position) { return calcviewmodelbob_detour(player, position); } bool __fastcall hooks::hooked_shouldskipanimframe() { return false; } int hooks::processinterpolatedlist() { static auto allow_extrapolation = *(bool**)(util::FindSignature(crypt_str("client.dll"), crypt_str("A2 ? ? ? ? 8B 45 E8")) + 0x1); if (allow_extrapolation) *allow_extrapolation = false; return ((ProcessInterpolatedListFn)original_processinterpolatedlist)(); }
  16. hi guys, first post on the forum still trynna learn my way around. before the patch i was using Saz injector and OTC v3. after the patch i have been searching everywhere and i just cant find any dll's that work ive tried different injectors and different cheats. i was just posting this to see if anyone on this fourm had any working dll+injector combos they could share for *free*. Thank, webster have a good day
  17. I want create new hvh server but i cant found 2018 server files. Can someone send me ?
  18. Can some on help me? I use madloader and i inject otcv3 and works but when i see a player it crash ...
  19. Hello guys I am new to all this. I am bored with cheaters and I decided to start cheating for myself. Could any of you help me start? Wht programs should I download how do I setup the cheats and what do I have to do after I open the game?
  20. It often happens that when you want to run the program, the message about the missing .dll file suddenly pops up Why is this happening? - Programs written in c ++ need a set of libraries to run, necessary to run an application written in C ++. How do I know which one to download? To know which one to install, run the application and suggest an error. However, you do not have to do this. It is enough to install one of the programs discussed below. 1. WINPGK WinPGK also called "All in One Runtimes" contains all the necessary components needed to run programs. Once you start it, the program will automatically start uninstalling previous versions to install everything again. [The program installs]: NET. Framework 4.6 + additions, Java Runtime Environment 8, Additional DirectX 9.0c files, General executables, Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtimes (v2005 - v2015), Microsoft Visual J # 2.0 SE, Microsoft Silverlight 5, Adobe Flash Player. [instruction]: Download the AIO Runtimes file from the attachment, After downloading, open the file with the winrar program, After enabling, run the executable file (exe), After loading the bar, select the programs you want to install. Click Installeren and wait 10/15 minutes, Close the program and restart the computer. 2. VC Redist Installer The VC Redist Installer includes all the necessary sets of libraries needed to run programs compiled in C ++. [The program installs]: Visual C ++ 2005 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2008 9.0.30729.7523 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2010 10.0.40219.455 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2012 11.0.60830.0 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Visual C ++ 2013 12.0.21005.1 (32-bit and 64-bit versions); Microsoft Visual F Runtime 2.0; [instruction]: Download the file from the attachment named VC Redist Installer After downloading, run the executable file, Next, choose which redists we want to download, After selecting, next and install. We will start installing the Redists, After installation, restart the computer. [ Download VC Redist Installer ]
  21. 1. first of all make sure you are registered and logged into your account because only users can download the various cheats and injectors 2. search out the cheat you want to use and scroll down to download it, ( make sure to read the description first). NOTE: You can see the STATUS of the cheat. Undetected - relatively save to use for now Outdated - Cheat has been detected , is not working in the new update or no one is working on it. 3. You open the file with a 7zip file manager (easiest to use and free on top) and then you can see the .dll file Make sure to disable your firewall/antivirus. Cheats give a false possitive. Every file that you can download is checked by staff and safe to use. 4. you chose the copy option and select the folder where you want your dll 5. then you have to enter the password which is always on the site and most of the time it is cheater.fun there it is in the folder you chose 6. To use a cheat you need an injector. you can find them on the site or on the discord server. You download them the same way as the cheat. NOTE: ANY WORKING INJECTOR IS FINE AS LONG AS YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT. XENOS is detected but easy to use and show how it works 7. You have to run the injector as administrator. Afterwards you press ´´add´´ to chose your dll file 8. then you chose the cs:go in the process section. and lastly you click INJECT in the bottom left. NOTE: THE GAME HAS TO BE RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND. 9. LAST STEP. You go ingame and press the INSERT key on your KEYBOARD. HAVE FUN AND DONT BOTHER SUPPORT IF YOU CAN DO IT THIS EASILY. ITS A MATTER OF MAYBE 2 MINUTES.
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