// ==UserScript== // @name Krunker Dogeware - by The Gaming Gurus // @description The most advanced krunker cheat // @version 3.8.4 // @author SkidLamer - From The Gaming Gurus // @supportURL https://skidlamer.github.io/wp // @homepage https://skidlamer.github.io/ // @iconURL https://i.imgur.com/MqW6Ufx.png // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/704479 // @match *://krunker.io/* // @exclude *://krunker.io/editor* // @exclude *://krunker.io/social* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* eslint-env es6 */ /* eslint-disable curly, no-undef, no-loop-func, no-return-assign, no-sequences */ // Donations Expected $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ // BTC: 3CsDVq96KgmyPjktUe1YgVSurJVe7LT53G // ETH: 0x5dbF713F95F7777c84e6EFF5080e2f0e0724E8b1 // ETC: 0xF59BEbe25ECe2ac3373477B5067E07F2284C70f3 // Amazon Giftcard - skidlamer@mail.com (function(dogStr, dog) { function Log() { this.info = (str, args = []) => this.log('info', str, args); this.warn = (str, args = []) => this.log('warn', str, args); this.error = (str, args = []) => this.log('error', str, args); this.log = (level, str, args) => { let colour = []; switch(level) { case 'info':colour=["#07a1d5", "#6e07d5"];break; case 'error':colour=["#d50707", "#d53a07"];break; case 'warn':colour=["#d56e07", "#d5d507"];break; } console.log('%c '.concat('[ ', level.toUpperCase(), ' ] '), [ `background: linear-gradient(${colour[0]}, ${colour[1]})` , 'border: 1px solid #3E0E02' , 'color: white' , 'display: block' , 'text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)' , 'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) inset, 0 5px 3px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0 -13px 5px -10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) inset' , 'line-height: 12px' , 'text-align: center' , 'font-weight: bold' ].join(';')) if (args.length) console.log(str, args); else console.log(str); } } var log = new Log(); class Dogeware { constructor() { dog = this; //this.token = null; //this.gameJS = null; //this.generated = false; console.dir(this); this.settings = Object.assign({}, { aimbot: 1, superSilent: true, AImbot: true, frustumCheck: false, weaponZoom: 1.0, wallbangs: true, alwaysAim: false, pitchHack: 0, thirdPerson: false, autoReload: false, speedHack: false, rangeCheck: false, alwaysTrail: false, spinAimFrames: 10, animatedBillboards: false, esp: 1, espFontSize: 10, tracers: false, showGuiButton: true, awtv: false, uwtv: false, forceUnsilent: false, bhop: 0, spinBot: false, markTarget: true, skinHack: false, aimOffset: 0, aimNoise: 0, keybinds: true, antikick: true, fovbox: false, drawFovbox: true, fovBoxSize: 1, guiOnMMB: false, hideAdverts: false, hideStreams: false, hideMerch: false, hideNewsConsole: false, hideCookieButton: false, chams: false, chamsCol: 1, wireframe: false, kpalCSS: true, customCSS: "", teamChams: false, autoNuke: false, chamsInterval: 500, preventMeleeThrowing: false, //autoSwap: false, forceNametagsOn: false, aimbotRange: 0, }); this.state = Object.assign({}, { bindAimbotOn: true, quickscopeCanShoot: true, spinFrame: 0, pressedKeys: new Set(), spinCounter: 0, activeTab: 0, nameTags: false, frame: 0 }); this.gaybow = 0; this.colors = { White: "#FFFFFF", Black: "#000000", Purple: "#9400D3", Pink: "#FF1493", Blue: "#1E90FF", DarkBlue: "#0000FF", Aqua: "#00FFFF", Green: "#008000", Lime: "#7FFF00", Orange: "#FF8C00", Yellow: "#FFFF00", Red: "#FF0000", } //this.vars = {}; this.isProxy = Symbol("isProxy"); this.GUI = {}; try { this.onLoad(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.trace(e.stack); } } onLoad() { //this.waitFor(_=>document.documentElement instanceof window.HTMLElement).then(_=>{ // this.iframe(); //}) //this.createObservers(); this.defines(); localStorage.kro_setngss_json ? Object.assign(this.settings, JSON.parse(localStorage.kro_setngss_json)) : localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(this.settings); this.createListeners(); this.hooking(); /* this.waitFor(_=>this.token).then(_ => { if (!this.token) location.reload(); this.version = /\['exports']\['gameVersion']='(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',/.exec(this.gameJS)[1]; if ( this.isElectron() || !this.isDefined(GM) ) { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); } else if (GM.info.script.version !== this.version) { if (confirm('This Script Needs Updating by Skidlamer, visit The GamingGurus Discord now?\n\nCancel will attempt to use the script anyway \n(CHANCE OF BAN)')) { return window.location.assign("https://skidlamer.github.io/wp"); } else { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); return this.hooking(); } } else { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); } return this.hooking(); })*/ } isType(item, type) { return typeof item === type; } isDefined(item) { return !this.isType(item, "undefined") && item !== null; } objectHas(obj, arr) { return arr.some(prop => obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)); } createElement(type, html, id) { let newElement = document.createElement(type) if (id) newElement.id = id newElement.innerHTML = html return newElement } getVersion() { //const elems = document.getElementsByClassName('terms'); //const version = elems[elems.length - 1].innerText; return this.version//version; } isElectron() { // Renderer process if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.process === 'object' && window.process.type === 'renderer') { return true; } // Main process if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && !!process.versions.electron) { return true; } // Detect the user agent when the `nodeIntegration` option is set to true if (typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') >= 0) { return true; } return false; } saveAs(name, data) { let blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' }); let el = window.document.createElement("a"); el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); el.download = name; window.document.body.appendChild(el); el.click(); window.document.body.removeChild(el); } saveScript() { this.fetchScript().then(script => { this.saveAs("game_" + this.getVersion() + ".js", script) }) } /* gamePatch() { let entries = { inView: { regex: /(\w+\['(\w+)']\){if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['position']\['clone']\(\))/, index: 2 }, procInputs: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+,\w+\){(this)\['recon']/, index: 1 }, aimVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']-=0x1\/\(this\['weapon']\['\w+']\/\w+\)/, index: 1 }, didShoot: { regex: /--,\w+\['(\w+)']=!0x0/, index: 1 }, nAuto: { regex: /'Single\\x20Fire','varN':'(\w+)'/, index: 1 }, crouchVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=\w\['\w+']\*\w+,0x1<=this\['\w+']/, index: 1 }, ammos: { regex: /\['length'];for\(\w+=0x0;\w+<\w+\['(\w+)']\['length']/, index: 1 }, weaponIndex: { regex: /\['weaponConfig']\[\w+]\['secondary']&&\(\w+\['(\w+)']==\w+/, index: 1 }, objInstances: { regex: /\w+\['\w+']\(0x0,0x0,0x0\);if\(\w+\['(\w+)']=\w+\['\w+']/, index: 1 }, //reloadTimer: {regex: /this\['(\w+)']&&\(\w+\['\w+']\(this\),\w+\['\w+']\(this\)/, index: 1}, reloadTimer: { regex: /0x0>=this\['(\w+')]&&0x0>=this\['swapTime']/, index: 1 }, recoilAnimY: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=this\['\w+']\*\(/, index: 1 }, maxHealth: { regex: /this\['health']\/this\['(\w+)']\?/, index: 1 }, //xVel: { regex: /this\['x']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedX']/, index: 1 }, yVel: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=this\['\w+'],this\['visible']/, index: 1 }, //zVel: { regex: /this\['z']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedZ']/, index: 1 }, // Patches socket: { regex: /\['onopen']=\(\)=>{/, patch: `$&${dogStr}.socket=this;` }, //frustum: {regex: /(;const (\w+)=this\['frustum']\['containsPoint'];.*?return)!0x1/, patch: "$1 $2"}, //videoAds: {regex: /!function\(\){var \w+=document\['createElement']\('script'\);.*?}\(\);/, patch: ""}, anticheat1:{regex: /&&\w+\(\),window\['utilities']&&\(\w+\(null,null,null,!0x0\),\w+\(\)\)/, patch: ""}, //anticheat2:{regex: /(\[]instanceof Array;).*?(var)/, patch: "$1 $2"}, anticheat3:{regex: /windows\['length'\]>\d+.*?0x25/, patch: `0x25`}, //anticheat4:{regex: /(\w+\=)\(!menuItemContainer\['innerHTML']\['includes'].*?\);/, patch: `$1false;`}, //anticheat4:{regex: /kro_utilities_/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, //kpal:{regex: /1tWAEJx/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, //kpal2:{regex: /jjkFpnV/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, writeable: { regex: /'writeable':!0x1/g, patch: "writeable:true" }, configurable: { regex: /'configurable':!0x1/g, patch: "configurable:true" }, typeError: { regex: /throw new TypeError/g, patch: "console.error" }, error: { regex: /throw new Error/g, patch: "console.error" }, //exports: {regex: /(this\['\w+']\['\w+']\(this\);};},function\(\w+,\w+,(\w+)\){)/, patch: `$1 ${dogStr}.exports=$2.c; ${dogStr}.modules=$2.m;`}, inputs: { regex: /(\w+\['\w+']\[\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\?'\w+':'push']\()(\w+)\),/, patch: `$1${dogStr}.inputs($2)),` }, nametags: { regex: /&&(\w+\['\w+'])\){(if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\['\w+'])/, patch: `){if(!$1&&!${dogStr}.state.nameTags)continue;$2` }, wallbangs: { regex: /!(\w+)\['transparent']/, patch: `${dogStr}.settings.wallbangs?!$1.penetrable : !$1.transparent` }, thirdPerson: { regex: /(\w+)\[\'config\'\]\[\'thirdPerson\'\]/g, patch: `${dogStr}.settings.thirdPerson` }, }; let script = this.gameJS; for (let name in entries) { let object = entries[name]; let found = object.regex.exec(script); if (object.hasOwnProperty('index')) { if (!found) { object.val = null; //alert("Failed to Find " + name); console.error("Failed to Find " + name); } else { object.val = found[object.index]; console.log("Found ", name, ":", object.val); } Object.defineProperty(dog.vars, name, { configurable: false, value: object.val }); } else if (found) { script = script.replace(object.regex, object.patch); console.log("Patched ", name); } else console.error("Failed to Patch " + name); //alert("Failed to Patch " + name); } return script; } */ async fetchScript() { const data = await this.request("https://krunker.io/social.html", "text"); const buffer = await this.request("https://krunker.io/pkg/krunker." + /\w.exports="(\w+)"/.exec(data)[1] + ".vries", "arrayBuffer"); const array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)); const xor = array[0] ^ '!'.charCodeAt(0); return array.map((code) => String.fromCharCode(code ^ xor)).join(''); } async request(url, type, opt = {}) { return fetch(url, opt).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response from " + url + " was not ok") } return response[type]() }) } async waitFor(test, timeout_ms = 2e4, doWhile = null) { let sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (typeof timeout_ms != "number") reject("Timeout argument not a number in waitFor(selector, timeout_ms)"); let result, freq = 100; while (result === undefined || result === false || result === null || result.length === 0) { if (doWhile && doWhile instanceof Function) doWhile();; if (timeout_ms % 10000 < freq) console.log("waiting for: ", test); if ((timeout_ms -= freq) < 0) { console.log("Timeout : ", test); resolve(false); return; } await sleep(freq); result = typeof test === "string" ? Function(test)() : test(); } console.log("Passed : ", test); resolve(result); }); }; async hooking() { await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(this.socket)) if (!this.isDefined(this.socket)) location.assign(location.origin); this.socket.send = new Proxy(this.socket.send, { apply(target, that, args) { if (args[0] === "en") { //args[ args.length - 1 ] = true; // AntiPedo that.skinCache = { main: args[1][2][0], secondary: args[1][2][1], hat: args[1][3], body: args[1][4], knife: args[1][9], dye: args[1][14], waist: args[1][17], } } return Reflect.apply(...arguments); } }) this.socket._dispatchEvent = new Proxy(this.socket._dispatchEvent, { apply(target, that, args) { if (dog.settings.skinHack && that.skinCache && args[0] === "0") { let pInfo = args[1][0]; let pSize = 38; while (pInfo.length % pSize !== 0) pSize++; for (let i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i += pSize) { if (pInfo[i] === that.socketId || 0) { pInfo[i + 12] = [that.skinCache.main, that.skinCache.secondary]; pInfo[i + 13] = that.skinCache.hat; pInfo[i + 14] = that.skinCache.body; pInfo[i + 19] = that.skinCache.knife; pInfo[i + 24] = that.skinCache.dye; pInfo[i + 33] = that.skinCache.waist; } } } return target.apply(that, args); } }) await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(this.overlay)) this.ctx = this.overlay.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.overlay.render = new Proxy(this.overlay.render, { apply(target, that, args) { ["scale", "game", "controls", "renderer", "me"].forEach((item, index) => { dog[item] = args[index] }); Reflect.apply(...arguments); if (dog.me && dog.ctx) { dog.ctx.save(); dog.ctx.scale(dog.scale, dog.scale); dog.render(); dog.ctx.restore(); if (!dog.me.procInputs[dog.isProxy]) { dog.me.procInputs = new Proxy(dog.me.procInputs, { apply: function(target, that, [input, game, recon, lock]) { if (that) dog.inputs(input); return target.apply(that, [input, game, recon, lock]); }, get: function(target, key) { return key === dog.isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key); }, }) } // Wallbangs dog.game.map.manager.objects.filter(x => { return x.penetrable }).map((obj, index, array) => { obj.transparent=dog.settings.wallbangs; }); } } }) this.cleanGUI(); this.customCSS(); await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(window.windows)); this.initGUI(); } defines() { const $origSkins = Symbol("origSkins"), $localSkins = Symbol("localSkins"); Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, { //isFaceIT: { // get() { return true } //}, canvas: { set(val) { this._value = val; }, get() { let object = this; if (dog.objectHas(object, ["healthColE", "healthColT", "dmgColor"])) { dog.overlay = this; } return this._value; } }, RENDER: { set(val) { this._value = val; dog.renderer = this._value; Object.defineProperty(this._value, "adsFovMlt", { get() { return dog.settings.weaponZoom } }) dog.fxComposer = this; }, get() { return this._value; } }, OBJLoader: { set(val) { dog.three = this; this._value = val; }, get() { return this._value; } }, skins: { set(fn) { this[$origSkins] = fn; if (void 0 == this.localSkins || !this.localSkins.length) { this[$localSkins] = Array.apply(null, Array(5e3)).map((x, i) => { return { ind: i, cnt: 0x1, } }) } return fn; }, get() { return dog.settings.skinHack && this.stats ? this[$localSkins] : this[$origSkins]; } }, useLooseClient: { enumerable: false, get() { return this._ulc }, set(v) { dog.config = this // Increase the rate in which inView is updated to every frame, making aimbot way more responsive Object.defineProperty(this, "nameVisRate", { value: 0, writable: false, configurable: true, }) this._ulc = v } }, trail: { // All weapon tracers enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.alwaysTrail || this._trail }, set(v) { this._trail = v } }, showTracers: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.alwaysTrail || this._showTracers }, set(v) { this._showTracers = v } }, shaderId: { // Animated billboards enumerable: false, get() { if (this.src && this.src.startsWith("pubs/")) return dog.settings.animatedBillboards ? 1 : this.rshaderId; else return this.rshaderId }, set(v) { this.rshaderId = v } }, // Clientside prevention of inactivity kick idleTimer: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.antikick ? 0 : this._idleTimer }, set(v) { this._idleTimer = v } }, kickTimer: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.antikick ? Infinity : this._kickTimer }, set(v) { this._kickTimer = v } }, cnBSeen: { set (val) { this.inView = val; }, get() { let isEnemy =!dog.isDefined(dog.me)|| !dog.me.team||dog.me.team !=this.team; return this.inView||isEnemy&&dog.state.nameTags; } }, events: { set (val) { if (this.ahNum ===0) { dog.wsSend = this.send.bind(this); dog.wsEvent = this._dispatchEvent.bind(this); dog.socket = this; } this._events = val; }, get() { return this._events; } }, thirdPerson: { get() {return dog.settings.thirdPerson} }, }); // disable audioparam errors Object.keys(AudioParam.prototype).forEach(name => { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(AudioParam.prototype, name).get) return const old = AudioParam.prototype[name] AudioParam.prototype[name] = function() { try { return old.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) { console.log("AudioParam error:\n" + e) return false } } }) } iframe() { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); iframe.setAttribute("id", dogStr); iframe.src = location.origin; document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe); const ifrWin = iframe.contentWindow; const ifrDoc = iframe.contentDocument?iframe.contentDocument:iframe.contentWindow.document; let skidneySplizy = 0; ifrWin.TextDecoder.prototype.decode = new Proxy(window.TextDecoder.prototype.decode, { apply: function(target, that, args) { let string = Reflect.apply(...arguments); if (string.length > 5e4) { log.warn("skidneySplizy = " + skidneySplizy); if (skidneySplizy == 0) { dog.gameJS = string; } else { dog.gameJS += string; } skidneySplizy ++; //console.log(string.length) /* if (!dog.gameJS) { dog.gameJS = string; console.log("1stSTR"); } else { dog.gameJS += string; console.log("2ndSTR"); } */ } //else //console.log(string.length) if (string.includes("generate-token")) dog.generated = true; else if (string.length == 40||dog.generated) { dog.token = string; console.log("Token ", string); document.documentElement.removeChild(iframe); } return string; }, }); } createObservers() { let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { if (node.type === "text/javascript" && node.innerHTML.startsWith("*!", 1)) { node.innerHTML = ""; observer.disconnect(); } else if (node.src) { //console.log(node.src); } } } } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } createListeners() { window.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => { if (e.which === 2 && dog.settings.guiOnMMB) { e.preventDefault() dog.showGUI() } }) window.addEventListener("keyup", event => { if (this.state.pressedKeys.has(event.code)) this.state.pressedKeys.delete(event.code) if (!(document.activeElement.tagName === "INPUT" || !window.endUI && window.endUI.style.display) && dog.settings.keybinds) { switch (event.code) { case "KeyY": this.state.bindAimbotOn = !this.state.bindAimbotOn this.wsEvent("ch", [null, ("Aimbot " + (this.state.bindAimbotOn ? "on" : "off")), 1]) break case "KeyH": this.settings.esp = (this.settings.esp + 1) % 4 this.wsEvent("ch", [null, "ESP: " + ["disabled", "nametags", "box", "full"][this.settings.esp], 1]) break } } }) window.addEventListener("keydown", event => { if (event.code == "F1") { event.preventDefault(); dog.showGUI(); } if ('INPUT' == document.activeElement.tagName || !window.endUI && window.endUI.style.display) return; switch (event.code) { case 'NumpadSubtract': document.exitPointerLock(); //console.log(document.exitPointerLock) console.dirxml(this) break; default: if (!this.state.pressedKeys.has(event.code)) this.state.pressedKeys.add(event.code); break; } }) } inputs(input) { const key = { frame: 0, delta: 1, xdir: 2, ydir: 3, moveDir: 4, shoot: 5, scope: 6, jump: 7, reload: 8, crouch: 9, weaponScroll: 10, weaponSwap: 11, moveLock: 12 } const moveDir = { leftStrafe: 0, forward: 1, rightStrafe: 2, right: 3, backwardRightStrafe: 4, backward: 5, backwardLeftStrafe: 6, left: 7 } this.state.frame = input[key.frame]; this.state.nameTags = [1, 2].some(n => n == this.settings.esp) || this.settings.forceNametagsOn; if (this.me) { // AUTO NUKE if (this.settings.autoNuke && Object.keys(this.me.streaks).length) { this.wsSend("k", 0) } //AUTO BHOP if (this.settings.bhop) { if (this.state.pressedKeys.has("Space") || this.settings.bhop % 2) { this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jump.val] ^= 1; if (this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jump.val]) { this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.jump.val] = 1; } if (this.state.pressedKeys.has("Space") || this.settings.bhop == 3) { if (this.me.yVel < -0.03 && this.me.canSlide) { setTimeout(() => { this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 0; }, this.me.slideTimer || 325); this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 1; this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 1; } } } } // Makes nametags show in custom games, where nametags are disabled if (this.settings.forceNametagsOn) { try { Object.defineProperty(this.game.config, "nameTags", { get() { return dog.settings.forceNametagsOn ? false : this.game._nametags }, set(v) { this.game._nametags = v } }) } catch (e) {} } if (this.settings.spinBot) { const rate = 1 input[key.moveDir] !== -1 && (input[key.moveDir] = (input[key.moveDir] + this.state.spinCounter - Math.round(7 * (input[key.ydir] / (Math.PI * 2000)))) % 7) input[key.ydir] = this.state.spinCounter / 7 * (Math.PI * 2000) input[key.frame] % rate === 0 && (this.state.spinCounter = (this.state.spinCounter + 1) % 7) } // AUTO SWAP (not working idk why) // if (this.settings.autoSwap && !this.me.weapon.secondary && this.me[this.vars.ammos][0] === 0 && this.me[this.vars.ammos][1] > 0 && !this.me.swapTime && !this.me[this.vars.reloadTimer]) { // input[key.weaponSwap] = 1 //} // AUTO RELOAD if (this.settings.autoReload && this.me.ammos[this.me.weaponIndex] === 0) { input[key.reload] = 1 } // PITCH HACK if (this.settings.pitchHack) { switch (this.settings.pitchHack) { case 1: input[key.xdir] = -Math.PI * 500 break case 2: input[key.xdir] = Math.PI * 500 break case 3: input[key.xdir] = Math.sin(Date.now() / 50) * Math.PI * 500 break case 4: input[key.xdir] = Math.sin(Date.now() / 250) * Math.PI * 500 break case 5: input[key.xdir] = input[key.frame] % 2 ? Math.PI * 500 : -Math.PI * 500 break case 6: input[key.xdir] = (Math.random() * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2) * 1000 break } } // Add the `pos` property to Players and AIs const getNoise = () => (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * this.settings.aimNoise this.game.players.list.forEach(v => { v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z }; v.npos = { x: v.x + getNoise(), y: v.y + getNoise(), z: v.z + getNoise() }; v.isTarget = false }) if (this.game.AI.ais) { this.game.AI.ais.forEach(v => v.npos = v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z }) } // AIMBOT if (this.renderer && this.renderer.frustum && this.me.active) { this.controls.target = null // Finds all the visible enemies let targets = this.game.players.list.filter(enemy => !enemy.isYTMP && enemy.hasOwnProperty('npos') && (!this.settings.frustumCheck || this.containsPoint(enemy.npos)) && ((this.me.team === null || enemy.team !== this.me.team) && enemy.health > 0 && enemy.inView)).sort((e, e2) => this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, e.npos.x, e.npos.z) - this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, e2.npos.x, e2.npos.z)); let target = targets[0]; // If there's a fov box, pick an enemy inside it instead (if there is) if (this.settings.fovbox) { const scale = this.scale || parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]) const width = innerWidth / scale, height = innerHeight / scale let foundTarget = false for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { const t = targets[i] const sp = this.world2Screen(new this.three.Vector3(t.x, t.y, t.z), width, height, t.height / 2) let fovBox = [width / 3, height / 4, width * (1 / 3), height / 2] switch (this.settings.fovBoxSize) { // medium case 2: fovBox = [width * 0.4, height / 3, width * 0.2, height / 3] break // small case 3: fovBox = [width * 0.45, height * 0.4, width * 0.1, height * 0.2] break } if (sp.x >= fovBox[0] && sp.x <= (fovBox[0] + fovBox[2]) && sp.y >= fovBox[1] && sp.y < (fovBox[1] + fovBox[3])) { target = targets[i] foundTarget = true break } } if (!foundTarget) { target = void "kpal" } } let isAiTarget = false if (this.game.AI.ais && this.settings.AImbot) { let aiTarget = this.game.AI.ais.filter(ent => ent.mesh && ent.mesh.visible && ent.health && ent.pos && ent.canBSeen).sort((p1, p2) => this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, p1.pos.x, p1.pos.z) - this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, p2.pos.x, p2.pos.z)).shift() if (!target || (aiTarget && this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, aiTarget.pos.x, aiTarget.pos.z) > this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, target.pos.x, target.pos.z))) { target = aiTarget isAiTarget = true } } const isShooting = input[key.shoot] if (target && this.settings.aimbot && this.state.bindAimbotOn && (!this.settings.aimbotRange || this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y, target.z) < this.settings.aimbotRange) && (!this.settings.rangeCheck || this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y, target.z) <= this.me.weapon.range) && !this.me.reloadTimer) { if (this.settings.awtv) { input[key.scope] = 1 } target.isTarget = this.settings.markTarget const yDire = (this.getDir(this.me.z, this.me.x, target.npos.z, target.npos.x) || 0) * 1000 const xDire = isAiTarget ? ((this.getXDir(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.npos.x, target.npos.y - target.dat.mSize / 2, target.npos.z) || 0) - (0.3 * this.me.recoilAnimY)) * 1000 : ((this.getXDir(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.npos.x, target.npos.y - target.crouchVal * 3 + this.me.crouchVal * 3 + this.settings.aimOffset, target.npos.z) || 0) - (0.3 * this.me.recoilAnimY)) * 1000 // aimbot tweak if (this.settings.forceUnsilent) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(400) } // Different aimbot modes can share the same code switch (this.settings.aimbot) { // quickscope, silent, trigger aim, silent on aim, aim correction, unsilent case 1: case 2: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 10: { let onAim = [5, 6, 9].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot) if ((this.settings.aimbot === 5 && input[key.scope]) || this.settings.aimbot === 10) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(400) } if ([2, 10].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot) || (this.settings.aimbot === 1 && this.me.weapon.id)) { !this.me.weapon.melee && (input[key.scope] = 1) } if (this.me.didShoot) { input[key.shoot] = 0 this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false setTimeout(() => { this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true }, this.me.weapon.rate * .85) } else if (this.state.quickscopeCanShoot && (!onAim || input[key.scope])) { if (!this.me.weapon.melee) { input[key.scope] = 1 } if (!this.settings.superSilent && this.settings.aimbot !== 9) { input[key.ydir] = yDire input[key.xdir] = xDire } if ((this.settings.aimbot !== 9 && (!this.me.aimVal || this.me.weapon.noAim || this.me.weapon.melee)) || (this.settings.aimbot === 9 && isShooting)) { input[key.ydir] = yDire input[key.xdir] = xDire input[key.shoot] = 1 } } } break // spin aim useless rn // case 3: { // if (me[dog.vars.didShoot]) { // input[key.shoot] = 0 // dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false // setTimeout(() => { // dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true // }, me.weapon.rate) // } else if (dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot && !dog.state.spinFrame) { // dog.state.spinFrame = input[key.frame] // } else { // const fullSpin = Math.PI * 2000 // const spinFrames = dog.settings.spinAimFrames // const currentSpinFrame = input[key.frame]-dog.state.spinFrame // if (currentSpinFrame < 0) { // dog.state.spinFrame = 0 // } // if (currentSpinFrame > spinFrames) { // if (!dog.settings.superSilent) { // input[key.ydir] = yDire // input[key.xdir] = xDire // } // if (!me[dog.vars.aimVal] || me.weapon.noAim || me.weapon.melee) { // input[key.ydir] = yDire // input[key.xdir] = xDire // input[key.shoot] = 1 // dog.state.spinFrame = 0 // } // } else { // input[key.ydir] = currentSpinFrame/spinFrames * fullSpin // if (!me.weapon.melee) // input[key.scope] = 1 // } // } // } break // aim assist, smooth on aim, smoother, easy aim assist case 4: case 7: case 8: case 11: if (input[key.scope] || this.settings.aimbot === 11) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(({ 4: 400, 7: 110, 8: 70, 11: 400 })[this.settings.aimbot]) if ([4, 11].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot)) { input[key.xdir] = xDire input[key.ydir] = yDire } if (this.me.didShoot) { input[key.shoot] = 0 this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false setTimeout(() => { this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true }, this.me.weapon.rate * 0.85) } else if (this.state.quickscopeCanShoot) { input[this.me.weapon.melee ? key.shoot : key.scope] = 1 } } else { this.controls.target = null } break // trigger bot case 12: { if (!this.three || !this.renderer || !this.renderer.camera || !this.game || !this.game.players || !this.game.players.list.length || !input[key.scope] || this.me.aimVal) { break } // Only create these once for performance if (!this.state.raycaster) { this.state.raycaster = new this.three.Raycaster() this.state.mid = new this.three.Vector2(0, 0) } const playerMaps = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.game.players.list.length; i++) { let p = this.game.players.list[i] if (!p || !p.objInstances || p.isYTMP || !(this.me.team === null || p.team !== this.me.team) || !p.inView) { continue } playerMaps.push(p.objInstances) } const raycaster = this.state.raycaster raycaster.setFromCamera(this.state.mid, this.renderer.camera) if (raycaster.intersectObjects(playerMaps, true).length) { input[key.shoot] = this.me.didShoot ? 0 : 1 } } break } } else { if (this.settings.uwtv) { input[key.scope] = 0 } this.state.spinFrame = 0 } } if (this.settings.alwaysAim) { input[key.scope] = 1 } if (this.settings.preventMeleeThrowing && this.me.weapon.melee) { input[key.scope] = 0 } } return input; } render() { var scale = this.scale || parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]); let width = innerWidth / scale, height = innerHeight / scale let world2Screen = (pos, yOffset = 0) => { pos.y += yOffset pos.project(this.renderer.camera) pos.x = (pos.x + 1) / 2 pos.y = (-pos.y + 1) / 2 pos.x *= width pos.y *= height return pos } let line = (x1, y1, x2, y2, lW, sS) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.lineWidth = lW + 2 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1) this.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.lineWidth = lW this.ctx.strokeStyle = sS this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.restore() } let rect = (x, y, ox, oy, w, h, color, fill) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.translate(~~x, ~~y) this.ctx.beginPath() fill ? this.ctx.fillStyle = color : this.ctx.strokeStyle = color this.ctx.rect(ox, oy, w, h) fill ? this.ctx.fill() : this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() } let getTextMeasurements = (arr) => { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = ~~this.ctx.measureText(arr[i]).width } return arr } let gradient = (x, y, w, h, colors) => { const grad = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, w, h) for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { grad.addColorStop(i, colors[i]) } return grad } let text = (txt, font, color, x, y) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.translate(~~x, ~~y) this.ctx.fillStyle = color this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" this.ctx.font = font this.ctx.lineWidth = 1 this.ctx.strokeText(txt, 0, 0) this.ctx.fillText(txt, 0, 0) this.ctx.restore() } const padding = 2 for (const player of this.game.players.list.filter(v => (!v.isYTMP && v.active && (v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z })))) { const pos = new this.three.Vector3(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.pos.z) const screenR = world2Screen(pos.clone()) const screenH = world2Screen(pos.clone(), player.height) const hDiff = ~~(screenR.y - screenH.y) const bWidth = ~~(hDiff * 0.6) const font = this.settings.espFontSize + "px GameFont" const enemy = this.me.team === null || player.team !== this.me.team; if (!this.containsPoint(player.pos)) { continue } if (this.settings.tracers) { line(width / 2, (dog.settings.tracers === 2 ? height / 2 : height - 1), screenR.x, screenR.y, 2, player.team === null ? "#FF4444" : player.team === this.me.team ? "#44AAFF" : "#FF4444") } // Chams const obj = player.objInstances; if (this.isDefined(obj)) { if (!obj.visible) { Object.defineProperty(player.objInstances, 'visible', { value: true, writable: false }); } else { let chamsEnabled = this.settings.chams; if (dog.gaybow >= 360) dog.gaybow = 0; else dog.gaybow++; obj.traverse(child => { if (child && child.type == "Mesh" && this.isDefined(child.material)) { if (!child.hasOwnProperty(dogStr)) { child[dogStr] = child.material; } else if (child.hasOwnProperty(dogStr)) { Object.defineProperty(child, 'material', { get(){ return !chamsEnabled||(!enemy && !dog.settings.teamChams) ? this[dogStr] : new dog.three.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: new dog.three.Color(dog.settings.chamsCol == 12 ? `hsl(${dog.gaybow},100%, 50%)` : Object.values(dog.colors)[dog.settings.chamsCol]), depthTest: false, transparent: true, fog: false, wireframe: dog.settings.wireframe }) } }); } } }) } } if (this.settings.esp > 1) { if (player.isTarget) { this.ctx.save() const meas = getTextMeasurements(["TARGET"]) text("TARGET", font, "#FFFFFF", screenH.x - meas[0] / 2, screenH.y - this.settings.espFontSize * 1.5) this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.translate(screenH.x, screenH.y + Math.abs(hDiff / 2)) this.ctx.arc(0, 0, Math.abs(hDiff / 2) + 10, 0, Math.PI * 2) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() } if (this.settings.esp === 2) { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.strokeStyle = (this.me.team === null || player.team !== this.me.team) ? "#FF4444" : "#44AAFF" this.ctx.strokeRect(screenH.x - bWidth / 2, screenH.y, bWidth, hDiff) this.ctx.restore() continue } rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, hDiff + 2, "#000000", false) rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, hDiff + 2, "#44FF44", true) rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, ~~((player.maxHealth - player.health) / player.maxHealth * (hDiff + 2)), "#000000", true) this.ctx.save() this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 this.ctx.translate(~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2), ~~screenH.y) this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.rect(0, 0, bWidth, hDiff) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 this.ctx.strokeStyle = player.team === null ? '#FF4444' : this.me.team === player.team ? '#44AAFF' : '#FF4444' this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() const playerDist = ~~(this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.pos.z) / 10) this.ctx.save() this.ctx.font = font const meas = getTextMeasurements(["[", playerDist, "m]", player.level, "©", player.name]) this.ctx.restore() const grad2 = gradient(0, 0, meas[4] * 5, 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"]) if (player.level) { const grad = gradient(0, 0, (meas[4] * 2) + meas[3] + (padding * 3), 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"]) rect(~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 12 - (meas[4] * 2) - meas[3] - (padding * 3), ~~screenH.y - padding, 0, 0, (meas[4] * 2) + meas[3] + (padding * 3), meas[4] + (padding * 2), grad, true) text("" + player.level, font, '#FFFFFF', ~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 16 - meas[3], ~~screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) } rect(~~(screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + padding, ~~screenH.y - padding, 0, 0, (meas[4] * 5), (meas[4] * 4) + (padding * 2), grad2, true) text(player.name, font, player.team === null ? '#FFCDB4' : this.me.team === player.team ? '#B4E6FF' : '#FFCDB4', (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) if (player.clan) text("[" + player.clan + "]", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 8 + meas[5], screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) text(player.health + " HP", font, "#33FF33", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 2) text(player.weapon.name, font, "#DDDDDD", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 3) text("[", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) text("" + playerDist, font, "#DDDDDD", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4 + meas[0], screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) text("m]", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4 + meas[0] + meas[1], screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) } } if (this.settings.fovbox && this.settings.drawFovbox) { let fovBox = [width / 3, height / 4, width * (1 / 3), height / 2] switch (this.settings.fovBoxSize) { // medium case 2: fovBox = [width * 0.4, height / 3, width * 0.2, height / 3] break // small case 3: fovBox = [width * 0.45, height * 0.4, width * 0.1, height * 0.2] break } this.ctx.save() this.ctx.strokeStyle = "red" this.ctx.strokeRect(...fovBox) this.ctx.restore() } } cleanGUI() { let head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || 0, css = this.createElement("style", "#aMerger, #endAMerger { display: none !important }"); head.appendChild(css); window['onetrust-consent-sdk'].style.display = "none"; window.streamContainer.style.display = "none"; window.merchHolder.style.display = "none"; window.newsHolder.style.display = "none"; } customCSS() { if (!this.isDefined(this.CSSres) && this.settings.kpalCSS) { let head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || 0 this.CSSres = document.createElement("link"); this.CSSres.rel = "stylesheet"; this.CSSres.href = "https://skidlamer.github.io/css/kpal.css" this.CSSres.disabled = false; head.appendChild(this.CSSres); } if (this.settings.customCSS.startsWith("http") && this.settings.customCSS.endsWith(".css")) { //let head = document.head||document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||0 this.CSSres.href = this.settings.customCSS; //head.appendChild(this.CSSres); } else this.CSSres = undefined; } initGUI() { function createButton(name, iconURL, fn) { const menu = document.querySelector("#menuItemContainer"), menuItem = document.createElement("div"), menuItemIcon = document.createElement("div"), menuItemTitle = document.createElement("div") menuItem.className = "menuItem" menuItemIcon.className = "menuItemIcon" menuItemTitle.className = "menuItemTitle" menuItemTitle.innerHTML = name menuItemIcon.style.backgroundImage = `url("https://i.imgur.com/jjkFpnV.gif")` menuItem.append(menuItemIcon, menuItemTitle) menu.append(menuItem) menuItem.addEventListener("click", fn) } dog.GUI.setSetting = function(setting, value) { switch (setting) { case "customCSS": dog.settings.customCSS = value dog.customCSS(); break default: console.log("SET ", setting, " ", value); dog.settings[setting] = value } localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(dog.settings); } dog.GUI.windowIndex = windows.length + 1 dog.GUI.settings = { aimbot: { val: this.settings.aimbot } } dog.GUI.windowObj = { header: "CH33T", html: "", gen() { return dog.getGuiHtml() } } Object.defineProperty(window.windows, windows.length, { value: dog.GUI.windowObj }) if (this.settings.showGuiButton) { createButton("CH33TS", null, () => { window.showWindow(dog.GUI.windowIndex) }) } } showGUI() { if (document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement) { document.exitPointerLock() } window.showWindow(this.GUI.windowIndex) } getGuiHtml() { const builder = { checkbox: (name, settingName, description = "", needsRestart = false) => `
${name} ${needsRestart ? "*" : ""}
`, client_setting: (name, settingName, description = "", needsRestart = true) => `
${name} ${needsRestart ? "*" : ""}
`, select: (name, settingName, options, description = "", needsRestart = false) => { let built = `
${name} ${needsRestart ? "*" : ""}
" }, slider: (name, settingName, min, max, step, description = "") => `
`, input: (name, settingName, type, description, extra) => `
`, label: (name, description) => "
" + name + " " + (description || "") + "
", nobrlabel: (name, description) => "" + name + " " + (description || "") + "
", br: () => "
", style: content => ``, }; let built = `
` // fix fugly looking 'built +=' before every builder call Object.keys(builder).forEach(name => { const o = builder[name] builder[name] = function() { return built += o.apply(this, arguments), "" } }) // Tabs stuff const tabNames = ["Weapon", "Wallhack", "Visual", "Tweaks", "Movement", "Other"] if (dog.isClient) { tabNames.push("Client") } builder.style(`.cheatTabButton { color: black; background: #ddd; padding: 2px 7px; font-size: 15px; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; } .cheatTabActive { background: #bbb;}`) this.GUI.changeTab = function(tabbtn) { const tn = tabbtn.innerText document.getElementById("cheat-tabbtn-" + tabNames[dog.state.activeTab]).classList.remove("cheatTabActive") document.getElementById("cheat-tab-" + tabNames[dog.state.activeTab]).style.display = "none" tabbtn.classList.add("cheatTabActive") document.getElementById("cheat-tab-" + tn).style.display = "block" dog.state.activeTab = tabNames.indexOf(tn) } built += `` for (let i = 0; i < tabNames.length; i++) { const tab = tabNames[i] built += `` } built += `
` built += tab built += `
` function tab(i, cb) { built += `
` cb() built += `
` } // build gui tab(0, () => { builder.select("Aimbot [Y]", "aimbot", { "None": 0, "Quickscope / Auto pick": 1, "Silent aimbot": 2, //"Spin aimbot": 3, "Aim assist": 4, "Easy aim assist": 11, "SP Trigger bot": 12, "Silent on aim": 6, "Smooth": 7, "Unsilent": 10, "Unsilent on aim": 5, "Aim correction": 9, }) builder.select("Spin aimbot speed", "spinAimFrames", { "1": 30, "2": 20, "3": 15, "4": 10, "5": 5, }) builder.slider("Aim range", "aimbotRange", 0, 1000, 10, "Set above 0 to make the aimbot pick enemies only at the selected range") builder.slider("Aim offset", "aimOffset", -4, 1, 0.1, "The lower it is, the lower the aimbot will shoot (0 - head, -4 - body)") builder.slider("Aim noise", "aimNoise", 0, 2, 0.005, "The higher it is, the lower is the aimbot accuracy") builder.checkbox("Supersilent aim", "superSilent", "Only works with quickscope and silent aim, makes it almost invisible that you're looking at somebody when you're shooting at him") builder.checkbox("Aim at AIs", "AImbot", "Makes the aimbot shoot at NPCs") builder.checkbox("FOV check", "frustumCheck", "Makes you only shoot at enemies that are in your field of view. Prevents 180 flicks") builder.checkbox("FOV box", "fovbox", "Creates a box in which enemies can be targetted, enable with FOV check") builder.select("FOV box size", "fovBoxSize", { "Big": 1, "Medium": 2, "Small": 3, }) builder.checkbox("Wallbangs", "wallbangs", "Makes the aimbot shoot enemies behind walls") builder.checkbox("Aimbot range check", "rangeCheck", "Checks if the enemy is in range of your weapon before shooting it, disable for rocket launcher") builder.checkbox("Auto reload", "autoReload", "Automatically reloads your weapon when it's out of ammo") builder.checkbox("Prevent melee throwing", "preventMeleeThrowing", "Prevents you from throwing your knife") //builder.checkbox("Auto swap", "autoSwap", "Automatically swaps the weapon when you're out of ammo") }) tab(1, () => { builder.select("ESP [H]", "esp", { "None": 0, "Nametags": 1, "Box ESP": 2, "Full ESP": 3, }) builder.select("ESP Font Size", "espFontSize", { "30px": 30, "25px": 25, "20px": 20, "15px": 15, "10px": 10, "5px": 5, }) builder.select("Tracers", "tracers", { "None": 0, "Bottom": 1, "Middle": 2, }, "Draws lines to players") builder.checkbox("Mark aimbot target", "markTarget", "Shows who is the aimbot targetting at the time, useful for aim assist/aim correction") builder.checkbox("Draw FOV box", "drawFovbox", "Draws the FOV box from aimbot settings") builder.checkbox("Chams", "chams") builder.select("Chams colour", "chamsCol", { White: 0, Black: 1, Purple: 2, Pink: 3, Blue: 4, DarkBlue: 5, Aqua: 6, Green: 7, Lime: 8, Orange: 9, Yellow: 10, Red: 11, Gaybow: 12, }) builder.checkbox("Friendly chams", "teamChams", "Show Chams for friendly players") builder.checkbox("Wireframe", "wireframe") builder.slider("RGB interval", "chamsInterval", 50, 1000, 50, "How fast will the RGB chams change colour") }) tab(2, () => { builder.checkbox("Third person mode", "thirdPerson") builder.checkbox("Skin hack", "skinHack", "Makes you able to use any skin in game, only shows on your side") builder.checkbox("Billboard shaders", "animatedBillboards", "Disable if you get fps drops") builder.checkbox("Any weapon trail", "alwaysTrail") builder.slider("Weapon Zoom", "weaponZoom", 0, 20, .1, "Weapon Zoom Multiplier Adjust") }) tab(3, () => { builder.checkbox("Always aim", "alwaysAim", "Makes you slower and jump lower, but the aimbot can start shooting at enemies faster. Only use if ur good at bhopping") builder.checkbox("Aim when target visible", "awtv") builder.checkbox("Unaim when no target visible", "uwtv") builder.checkbox("Force unsilent", "forceUnsilent") }) tab(4, () => { builder.select("Auto bhop", "bhop", { "None": 0, "Auto Jump": 1, "Key Jump": 2, "Auto Slide": 3, "Key Slide": 4, }) builder.label("Only use with silent aim") builder.select("Pitch hax", "pitchHack", { "Disabled": 0, "Downward": 1, "Upward": 2, "sin(time)": 3, "sin(time/5)": 4, "double": 5, "random": 6, }, "Only use with aimbot on") builder.checkbox("Spin bot", "spinBot") }) tab(5, () => { builder.checkbox("Show GUI button", "showGuiButton", "Disable if you don't want the dog under settings to be visible") builder.checkbox("GUI on middle mouse button", "guiOnMMB", "Makes it possible to open this menu by clicking the mouse wheel") builder.checkbox("Keybinds", "keybinds", "Turn keybinds on/off, Aimbot - Y, ESP - H") builder.checkbox("No inactivity kick", "antikick", "Disables the 'Kicked for inactivity' message (client side, but works)") builder.checkbox("Auto nuke", "autoNuke", "Automatically nukes when you are able to") builder.checkbox("Force nametags on", "fgno", "Use in custom games with disabled nametags") builder.checkbox("Use Kpal CSS", "kpalCSS", "Use the kpal CSS when no custom CSS is Applied") builder.input("Custom CSS", "customCSS", "url", "", "URL to CSS file") }) if (dog.isClient) { tab(6, () => { builder.nobrlabel("Restart is required after changing any of these settings") builder.br() builder.client_setting("Uncap FPS", "uncap_fps", "Disables V-Sync") builder.client_setting("Adblock", "adblock", "Disables ads") }) } built += "
" return built; } getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x2 -= x1) * x2 + (y2 -= y1) * y2); } getDistance3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { let dx = x1 - x2; let dy = y1 - y2; let dz = z1 - z2; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); } getXDir(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) { let h = Math.abs(y1 - y2); let dst = this.getDistance3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2); return (Math.asin(h / dst) * ((y1 > y2) ? -1 : 1)); } getDir(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2); } getAngleDist(a, b) { return Math.atan2(Math.sin(b - a), Math.cos(a - b)); } containsPoint(point) { let planes = this.renderer.frustum.planes; for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (planes[i].distanceToPoint(point) < 0) { return false; } } return true; } world2Screen(pos, width, height, yOffset = 0) { pos.y += yOffset pos.project(this.renderer.camera) pos.x = (pos.x + 1) / 2 pos.y = (-pos.y + 1) / 2 pos.x *= width pos.y *= height return pos } }; window[dogStr] = new Dogeware(); })([...Array(8)].map(_ => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' [~~(Math.random() * 52)]).join(''));