// ==UserScript== // @name Krunker Dogeware - by The Gaming Gurus // @description The most advanced krunker cheat // @version 3.8.4 // @author SkidLamer - From The Gaming Gurus // @supportURL https://skidlamer.github.io/wp // @homepage https://skidlamer.github.io/ // @iconURL https://i.imgur.com/MqW6Ufx.png // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/704479 // @match *://krunker.io/* // @exclude *://krunker.io/editor* // @exclude *://krunker.io/social* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // @noframes // ==/UserScript== /* eslint-env es6 */ /* eslint-disable curly, no-undef, no-loop-func, no-return-assign, no-sequences */ // Donations Expected $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ // BTC: 3CsDVq96KgmyPjktUe1YgVSurJVe7LT53G // ETH: 0x5dbF713F95F7777c84e6EFF5080e2f0e0724E8b1 // ETC: 0xF59BEbe25ECe2ac3373477B5067E07F2284C70f3 // Amazon Giftcard - skidlamer@mail.com (function(dogStr, dog) { function Log() { this.info = (str, args = []) => this.log('info', str, args); this.warn = (str, args = []) => this.log('warn', str, args); this.error = (str, args = []) => this.log('error', str, args); this.log = (level, str, args) => { let colour = []; switch(level) { case 'info':colour=["#07a1d5", "#6e07d5"];break; case 'error':colour=["#d50707", "#d53a07"];break; case 'warn':colour=["#d56e07", "#d5d507"];break; } console.log('%c '.concat('[ ', level.toUpperCase(), ' ] '), [ `background: linear-gradient(${colour[0]}, ${colour[1]})` , 'border: 1px solid #3E0E02' , 'color: white' , 'display: block' , 'text-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)' , 'box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) inset, 0 5px 3px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), 0 -13px 5px -10px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) inset' , 'line-height: 12px' , 'text-align: center' , 'font-weight: bold' ].join(';')) if (args.length) console.log(str, args); else console.log(str); } } var log = new Log(); class Dogeware { constructor() { dog = this; //this.token = null; //this.gameJS = null; //this.generated = false; console.dir(this); this.settings = Object.assign({}, { aimbot: 1, superSilent: true, AImbot: true, frustumCheck: false, weaponZoom: 1.0, wallbangs: true, alwaysAim: false, pitchHack: 0, thirdPerson: false, autoReload: false, speedHack: false, rangeCheck: false, alwaysTrail: false, spinAimFrames: 10, animatedBillboards: false, esp: 1, espFontSize: 10, tracers: false, showGuiButton: true, awtv: false, uwtv: false, forceUnsilent: false, bhop: 0, spinBot: false, markTarget: true, skinHack: false, aimOffset: 0, aimNoise: 0, keybinds: true, antikick: true, fovbox: false, drawFovbox: true, fovBoxSize: 1, guiOnMMB: false, hideAdverts: false, hideStreams: false, hideMerch: false, hideNewsConsole: false, hideCookieButton: false, chams: false, chamsCol: 1, wireframe: false, kpalCSS: true, customCSS: "", teamChams: false, autoNuke: false, chamsInterval: 500, preventMeleeThrowing: false, //autoSwap: false, forceNametagsOn: false, aimbotRange: 0, }); this.state = Object.assign({}, { bindAimbotOn: true, quickscopeCanShoot: true, spinFrame: 0, pressedKeys: new Set(), spinCounter: 0, activeTab: 0, nameTags: false, frame: 0 }); this.gaybow = 0; this.colors = { White: "#FFFFFF", Black: "#000000", Purple: "#9400D3", Pink: "#FF1493", Blue: "#1E90FF", DarkBlue: "#0000FF", Aqua: "#00FFFF", Green: "#008000", Lime: "#7FFF00", Orange: "#FF8C00", Yellow: "#FFFF00", Red: "#FF0000", } //this.vars = {}; this.isProxy = Symbol("isProxy"); this.GUI = {}; try { this.onLoad(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.trace(e.stack); } } onLoad() { //this.waitFor(_=>document.documentElement instanceof window.HTMLElement).then(_=>{ // this.iframe(); //}) //this.createObservers(); this.defines(); localStorage.kro_setngss_json ? Object.assign(this.settings, JSON.parse(localStorage.kro_setngss_json)) : localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(this.settings); this.createListeners(); this.hooking(); /* this.waitFor(_=>this.token).then(_ => { if (!this.token) location.reload(); this.version = /\['exports']\['gameVersion']='(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)',/.exec(this.gameJS)[1]; if ( this.isElectron() || !this.isDefined(GM) ) { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); } else if (GM.info.script.version !== this.version) { if (confirm('This Script Needs Updating by Skidlamer, visit The GamingGurus Discord now?\n\nCancel will attempt to use the script anyway \n(CHANCE OF BAN)')) { return window.location.assign("https://skidlamer.github.io/wp"); } else { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); return this.hooking(); } } else { const loader = new Function("WP_fetchMMToken", "Module", this.gamePatch()); loader(new Promise(res=>res(this.token)), { csv: async () => 0 }); } return this.hooking(); })*/ } isType(item, type) { return typeof item === type; } isDefined(item) { return !this.isType(item, "undefined") && item !== null; } objectHas(obj, arr) { return arr.some(prop => obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)); } createElement(type, html, id) { let newElement = document.createElement(type) if (id) newElement.id = id newElement.innerHTML = html return newElement } getVersion() { //const elems = document.getElementsByClassName('terms'); //const version = elems[elems.length - 1].innerText; return this.version//version; } isElectron() { // Renderer process if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.process === 'object' && window.process.type === 'renderer') { return true; } // Main process if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && !!process.versions.electron) { return true; } // Detect the user agent when the `nodeIntegration` option is set to true if (typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof navigator.userAgent === 'string' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Electron') >= 0) { return true; } return false; } saveAs(name, data) { let blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'text/plain' }); let el = window.document.createElement("a"); el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); el.download = name; window.document.body.appendChild(el); el.click(); window.document.body.removeChild(el); } saveScript() { this.fetchScript().then(script => { this.saveAs("game_" + this.getVersion() + ".js", script) }) } /* gamePatch() { let entries = { inView: { regex: /(\w+\['(\w+)']\){if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['position']\['clone']\(\))/, index: 2 }, procInputs: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=function\((\w+),(\w+),\w+,\w+\){(this)\['recon']/, index: 1 }, aimVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']-=0x1\/\(this\['weapon']\['\w+']\/\w+\)/, index: 1 }, didShoot: { regex: /--,\w+\['(\w+)']=!0x0/, index: 1 }, nAuto: { regex: /'Single\\x20Fire','varN':'(\w+)'/, index: 1 }, crouchVal: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=\w\['\w+']\*\w+,0x1<=this\['\w+']/, index: 1 }, ammos: { regex: /\['length'];for\(\w+=0x0;\w+<\w+\['(\w+)']\['length']/, index: 1 }, weaponIndex: { regex: /\['weaponConfig']\[\w+]\['secondary']&&\(\w+\['(\w+)']==\w+/, index: 1 }, objInstances: { regex: /\w+\['\w+']\(0x0,0x0,0x0\);if\(\w+\['(\w+)']=\w+\['\w+']/, index: 1 }, //reloadTimer: {regex: /this\['(\w+)']&&\(\w+\['\w+']\(this\),\w+\['\w+']\(this\)/, index: 1}, reloadTimer: { regex: /0x0>=this\['(\w+')]&&0x0>=this\['swapTime']/, index: 1 }, recoilAnimY: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']\+=this\['\w+']\*\(/, index: 1 }, maxHealth: { regex: /this\['health']\/this\['(\w+)']\?/, index: 1 }, //xVel: { regex: /this\['x']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedX']/, index: 1 }, yVel: { regex: /this\['(\w+)']=this\['\w+'],this\['visible']/, index: 1 }, //zVel: { regex: /this\['z']\+=this\['(\w+)']\*\w+\['map']\['config']\['speedZ']/, index: 1 }, // Patches socket: { regex: /\['onopen']=\(\)=>{/, patch: `$&${dogStr}.socket=this;` }, //frustum: {regex: /(;const (\w+)=this\['frustum']\['containsPoint'];.*?return)!0x1/, patch: "$1 $2"}, //videoAds: {regex: /!function\(\){var \w+=document\['createElement']\('script'\);.*?}\(\);/, patch: ""}, anticheat1:{regex: /&&\w+\(\),window\['utilities']&&\(\w+\(null,null,null,!0x0\),\w+\(\)\)/, patch: ""}, //anticheat2:{regex: /(\[]instanceof Array;).*?(var)/, patch: "$1 $2"}, anticheat3:{regex: /windows\['length'\]>\d+.*?0x25/, patch: `0x25`}, //anticheat4:{regex: /(\w+\=)\(!menuItemContainer\['innerHTML']\['includes'].*?\);/, patch: `$1false;`}, //anticheat4:{regex: /kro_utilities_/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, //kpal:{regex: /1tWAEJx/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, //kpal2:{regex: /jjkFpnV/g, patch: `K_P_A_L__IS__A__G_A_Y__P_E_D_O`}, writeable: { regex: /'writeable':!0x1/g, patch: "writeable:true" }, configurable: { regex: /'configurable':!0x1/g, patch: "configurable:true" }, typeError: { regex: /throw new TypeError/g, patch: "console.error" }, error: { regex: /throw new Error/g, patch: "console.error" }, //exports: {regex: /(this\['\w+']\['\w+']\(this\);};},function\(\w+,\w+,(\w+)\){)/, patch: `$1 ${dogStr}.exports=$2.c; ${dogStr}.modules=$2.m;`}, inputs: { regex: /(\w+\['\w+']\[\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\?'\w+':'push']\()(\w+)\),/, patch: `$1${dogStr}.inputs($2)),` }, nametags: { regex: /&&(\w+\['\w+'])\){(if\(\(\w+=\w+\['\w+']\['\w+']\['\w+'])/, patch: `){if(!$1&&!${dogStr}.state.nameTags)continue;$2` }, wallbangs: { regex: /!(\w+)\['transparent']/, patch: `${dogStr}.settings.wallbangs?!$1.penetrable : !$1.transparent` }, thirdPerson: { regex: /(\w+)\[\'config\'\]\[\'thirdPerson\'\]/g, patch: `${dogStr}.settings.thirdPerson` }, }; let script = this.gameJS; for (let name in entries) { let object = entries[name]; let found = object.regex.exec(script); if (object.hasOwnProperty('index')) { if (!found) { object.val = null; //alert("Failed to Find " + name); console.error("Failed to Find " + name); } else { object.val = found[object.index]; console.log("Found ", name, ":", object.val); } Object.defineProperty(dog.vars, name, { configurable: false, value: object.val }); } else if (found) { script = script.replace(object.regex, object.patch); console.log("Patched ", name); } else console.error("Failed to Patch " + name); //alert("Failed to Patch " + name); } return script; } */ async fetchScript() { const data = await this.request("https://krunker.io/social.html", "text"); const buffer = await this.request("https://krunker.io/pkg/krunker." + /\w.exports="(\w+)"/.exec(data)[1] + ".vries", "arrayBuffer"); const array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(buffer)); const xor = array[0] ^ '!'.charCodeAt(0); return array.map((code) => String.fromCharCode(code ^ xor)).join(''); } async request(url, type, opt = {}) { return fetch(url, opt).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("Network response from " + url + " was not ok") } return response[type]() }) } async waitFor(test, timeout_ms = 2e4, doWhile = null) { let sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { if (typeof timeout_ms != "number") reject("Timeout argument not a number in waitFor(selector, timeout_ms)"); let result, freq = 100; while (result === undefined || result === false || result === null || result.length === 0) { if (doWhile && doWhile instanceof Function) doWhile();; if (timeout_ms % 10000 < freq) console.log("waiting for: ", test); if ((timeout_ms -= freq) < 0) { console.log("Timeout : ", test); resolve(false); return; } await sleep(freq); result = typeof test === "string" ? Function(test)() : test(); } console.log("Passed : ", test); resolve(result); }); }; async hooking() { await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(this.socket)) if (!this.isDefined(this.socket)) location.assign(location.origin); this.socket.send = new Proxy(this.socket.send, { apply(target, that, args) { if (args[0] === "en") { //args[ args.length - 1 ] = true; // AntiPedo that.skinCache = { main: args[1][2][0], secondary: args[1][2][1], hat: args[1][3], body: args[1][4], knife: args[1][9], dye: args[1][14], waist: args[1][17], } } return Reflect.apply(...arguments); } }) this.socket._dispatchEvent = new Proxy(this.socket._dispatchEvent, { apply(target, that, args) { if (dog.settings.skinHack && that.skinCache && args[0] === "0") { let pInfo = args[1][0]; let pSize = 38; while (pInfo.length % pSize !== 0) pSize++; for (let i = 0; i < pInfo.length; i += pSize) { if (pInfo[i] === that.socketId || 0) { pInfo[i + 12] = [that.skinCache.main, that.skinCache.secondary]; pInfo[i + 13] = that.skinCache.hat; pInfo[i + 14] = that.skinCache.body; pInfo[i + 19] = that.skinCache.knife; pInfo[i + 24] = that.skinCache.dye; pInfo[i + 33] = that.skinCache.waist; } } } return target.apply(that, args); } }) await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(this.overlay)) this.ctx = this.overlay.canvas.getContext('2d'); this.overlay.render = new Proxy(this.overlay.render, { apply(target, that, args) { ["scale", "game", "controls", "renderer", "me"].forEach((item, index) => { dog[item] = args[index] }); Reflect.apply(...arguments); if (dog.me && dog.ctx) { dog.ctx.save(); dog.ctx.scale(dog.scale, dog.scale); dog.render(); dog.ctx.restore(); if (!dog.me.procInputs[dog.isProxy]) { dog.me.procInputs = new Proxy(dog.me.procInputs, { apply: function(target, that, [input, game, recon, lock]) { if (that) dog.inputs(input); return target.apply(that, [input, game, recon, lock]); }, get: function(target, key) { return key === dog.isProxy ? true : Reflect.get(target, key); }, }) } // Wallbangs dog.game.map.manager.objects.filter(x => { return x.penetrable }).map((obj, index, array) => { obj.transparent=dog.settings.wallbangs; }); } } }) this.cleanGUI(); this.customCSS(); await this.waitFor(_ => this.isDefined(window.windows)); this.initGUI(); } defines() { const $origSkins = Symbol("origSkins"), $localSkins = Symbol("localSkins"); Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, { //isFaceIT: { // get() { return true } //}, canvas: { set(val) { this._value = val; }, get() { let object = this; if (dog.objectHas(object, ["healthColE", "healthColT", "dmgColor"])) { dog.overlay = this; } return this._value; } }, RENDER: { set(val) { this._value = val; dog.renderer = this._value; Object.defineProperty(this._value, "adsFovMlt", { get() { return dog.settings.weaponZoom } }) dog.fxComposer = this; }, get() { return this._value; } }, OBJLoader: { set(val) { dog.three = this; this._value = val; }, get() { return this._value; } }, skins: { set(fn) { this[$origSkins] = fn; if (void 0 == this.localSkins || !this.localSkins.length) { this[$localSkins] = Array.apply(null, Array(5e3)).map((x, i) => { return { ind: i, cnt: 0x1, } }) } return fn; }, get() { return dog.settings.skinHack && this.stats ? this[$localSkins] : this[$origSkins]; } }, useLooseClient: { enumerable: false, get() { return this._ulc }, set(v) { dog.config = this // Increase the rate in which inView is updated to every frame, making aimbot way more responsive Object.defineProperty(this, "nameVisRate", { value: 0, writable: false, configurable: true, }) this._ulc = v } }, trail: { // All weapon tracers enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.alwaysTrail || this._trail }, set(v) { this._trail = v } }, showTracers: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.alwaysTrail || this._showTracers }, set(v) { this._showTracers = v } }, shaderId: { // Animated billboards enumerable: false, get() { if (this.src && this.src.startsWith("pubs/")) return dog.settings.animatedBillboards ? 1 : this.rshaderId; else return this.rshaderId }, set(v) { this.rshaderId = v } }, // Clientside prevention of inactivity kick idleTimer: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.antikick ? 0 : this._idleTimer }, set(v) { this._idleTimer = v } }, kickTimer: { enumerable: false, get() { return dog.settings.antikick ? Infinity : this._kickTimer }, set(v) { this._kickTimer = v } }, cnBSeen: { set (val) { this.inView = val; }, get() { let isEnemy =!dog.isDefined(dog.me)|| !dog.me.team||dog.me.team !=this.team; return this.inView||isEnemy&&dog.state.nameTags; } }, events: { set (val) { if (this.ahNum ===0) { dog.wsSend = this.send.bind(this); dog.wsEvent = this._dispatchEvent.bind(this); dog.socket = this; } this._events = val; }, get() { return this._events; } }, thirdPerson: { get() {return dog.settings.thirdPerson} }, }); // disable audioparam errors Object.keys(AudioParam.prototype).forEach(name => { if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(AudioParam.prototype, name).get) return const old = AudioParam.prototype[name] AudioParam.prototype[name] = function() { try { return old.apply(this, arguments) } catch (e) { console.log("AudioParam error:\n" + e) return false } } }) } iframe() { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('style', 'display:none'); iframe.setAttribute("id", dogStr); iframe.src = location.origin; document.documentElement.appendChild(iframe); const ifrWin = iframe.contentWindow; const ifrDoc = iframe.contentDocument?iframe.contentDocument:iframe.contentWindow.document; let skidneySplizy = 0; ifrWin.TextDecoder.prototype.decode = new Proxy(window.TextDecoder.prototype.decode, { apply: function(target, that, args) { let string = Reflect.apply(...arguments); if (string.length > 5e4) { log.warn("skidneySplizy = " + skidneySplizy); if (skidneySplizy == 0) { dog.gameJS = string; } else { dog.gameJS += string; } skidneySplizy ++; //console.log(string.length) /* if (!dog.gameJS) { dog.gameJS = string; console.log("1stSTR"); } else { dog.gameJS += string; console.log("2ndSTR"); } */ } //else //console.log(string.length) if (string.includes("generate-token")) dog.generated = true; else if (string.length == 40||dog.generated) { dog.token = string; console.log("Token ", string); document.documentElement.removeChild(iframe); } return string; }, }); } createObservers() { let observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { for (let mutation of mutations) { for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) { if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') { if (node.type === "text/javascript" && node.innerHTML.startsWith("*!", 1)) { node.innerHTML = ""; observer.disconnect(); } else if (node.src) { //console.log(node.src); } } } } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } createListeners() { window.addEventListener("mouseup", (e) => { if (e.which === 2 && dog.settings.guiOnMMB) { e.preventDefault() dog.showGUI() } }) window.addEventListener("keyup", event => { if (this.state.pressedKeys.has(event.code)) this.state.pressedKeys.delete(event.code) if (!(document.activeElement.tagName === "INPUT" || !window.endUI && window.endUI.style.display) && dog.settings.keybinds) { switch (event.code) { case "KeyY": this.state.bindAimbotOn = !this.state.bindAimbotOn this.wsEvent("ch", [null, ("Aimbot " + (this.state.bindAimbotOn ? "on" : "off")), 1]) break case "KeyH": this.settings.esp = (this.settings.esp + 1) % 4 this.wsEvent("ch", [null, "ESP: " + ["disabled", "nametags", "box", "full"][this.settings.esp], 1]) break } } }) window.addEventListener("keydown", event => { if (event.code == "F1") { event.preventDefault(); dog.showGUI(); } if ('INPUT' == document.activeElement.tagName || !window.endUI && window.endUI.style.display) return; switch (event.code) { case 'NumpadSubtract': document.exitPointerLock(); //console.log(document.exitPointerLock) console.dirxml(this) break; default: if (!this.state.pressedKeys.has(event.code)) this.state.pressedKeys.add(event.code); break; } }) } inputs(input) { const key = { frame: 0, delta: 1, xdir: 2, ydir: 3, moveDir: 4, shoot: 5, scope: 6, jump: 7, reload: 8, crouch: 9, weaponScroll: 10, weaponSwap: 11, moveLock: 12 } const moveDir = { leftStrafe: 0, forward: 1, rightStrafe: 2, right: 3, backwardRightStrafe: 4, backward: 5, backwardLeftStrafe: 6, left: 7 } this.state.frame = input[key.frame]; this.state.nameTags = [1, 2].some(n => n == this.settings.esp) || this.settings.forceNametagsOn; if (this.me) { // AUTO NUKE if (this.settings.autoNuke && Object.keys(this.me.streaks).length) { this.wsSend("k", 0) } //AUTO BHOP if (this.settings.bhop) { if (this.state.pressedKeys.has("Space") || this.settings.bhop % 2) { this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jump.val] ^= 1; if (this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.jump.val]) { this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.jump.val] = 1; } if (this.state.pressedKeys.has("Space") || this.settings.bhop == 3) { if (this.me.yVel < -0.03 && this.me.canSlide) { setTimeout(() => { this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 0; }, this.me.slideTimer || 325); this.controls.keys[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 1; this.controls.didPressed[this.controls.binds.crouch.val] = 1; } } } } // Makes nametags show in custom games, where nametags are disabled if (this.settings.forceNametagsOn) { try { Object.defineProperty(this.game.config, "nameTags", { get() { return dog.settings.forceNametagsOn ? false : this.game._nametags }, set(v) { this.game._nametags = v } }) } catch (e) {} } if (this.settings.spinBot) { const rate = 1 input[key.moveDir] !== -1 && (input[key.moveDir] = (input[key.moveDir] + this.state.spinCounter - Math.round(7 * (input[key.ydir] / (Math.PI * 2000)))) % 7) input[key.ydir] = this.state.spinCounter / 7 * (Math.PI * 2000) input[key.frame] % rate === 0 && (this.state.spinCounter = (this.state.spinCounter + 1) % 7) } // AUTO SWAP (not working idk why) // if (this.settings.autoSwap && !this.me.weapon.secondary && this.me[this.vars.ammos][0] === 0 && this.me[this.vars.ammos][1] > 0 && !this.me.swapTime && !this.me[this.vars.reloadTimer]) { // input[key.weaponSwap] = 1 //} // AUTO RELOAD if (this.settings.autoReload && this.me.ammos[this.me.weaponIndex] === 0) { input[key.reload] = 1 } // PITCH HACK if (this.settings.pitchHack) { switch (this.settings.pitchHack) { case 1: input[key.xdir] = -Math.PI * 500 break case 2: input[key.xdir] = Math.PI * 500 break case 3: input[key.xdir] = Math.sin(Date.now() / 50) * Math.PI * 500 break case 4: input[key.xdir] = Math.sin(Date.now() / 250) * Math.PI * 500 break case 5: input[key.xdir] = input[key.frame] % 2 ? Math.PI * 500 : -Math.PI * 500 break case 6: input[key.xdir] = (Math.random() * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2) * 1000 break } } // Add the `pos` property to Players and AIs const getNoise = () => (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * this.settings.aimNoise this.game.players.list.forEach(v => { v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z }; v.npos = { x: v.x + getNoise(), y: v.y + getNoise(), z: v.z + getNoise() }; v.isTarget = false }) if (this.game.AI.ais) { this.game.AI.ais.forEach(v => v.npos = v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z }) } // AIMBOT if (this.renderer && this.renderer.frustum && this.me.active) { this.controls.target = null // Finds all the visible enemies let targets = this.game.players.list.filter(enemy => !enemy.isYTMP && enemy.hasOwnProperty('npos') && (!this.settings.frustumCheck || this.containsPoint(enemy.npos)) && ((this.me.team === null || enemy.team !== this.me.team) && enemy.health > 0 && enemy.inView)).sort((e, e2) => this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, e.npos.x, e.npos.z) - this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, e2.npos.x, e2.npos.z)); let target = targets[0]; // If there's a fov box, pick an enemy inside it instead (if there is) if (this.settings.fovbox) { const scale = this.scale || parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]) const width = innerWidth / scale, height = innerHeight / scale let foundTarget = false for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { const t = targets[i] const sp = this.world2Screen(new this.three.Vector3(t.x, t.y, t.z), width, height, t.height / 2) let fovBox = [width / 3, height / 4, width * (1 / 3), height / 2] switch (this.settings.fovBoxSize) { // medium case 2: fovBox = [width * 0.4, height / 3, width * 0.2, height / 3] break // small case 3: fovBox = [width * 0.45, height * 0.4, width * 0.1, height * 0.2] break } if (sp.x >= fovBox[0] && sp.x <= (fovBox[0] + fovBox[2]) && sp.y >= fovBox[1] && sp.y < (fovBox[1] + fovBox[3])) { target = targets[i] foundTarget = true break } } if (!foundTarget) { target = void "kpal" } } let isAiTarget = false if (this.game.AI.ais && this.settings.AImbot) { let aiTarget = this.game.AI.ais.filter(ent => ent.mesh && ent.mesh.visible && ent.health && ent.pos && ent.canBSeen).sort((p1, p2) => this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, p1.pos.x, p1.pos.z) - this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, p2.pos.x, p2.pos.z)).shift() if (!target || (aiTarget && this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, aiTarget.pos.x, aiTarget.pos.z) > this.getDistance(this.me.x, this.me.z, target.pos.x, target.pos.z))) { target = aiTarget isAiTarget = true } } const isShooting = input[key.shoot] if (target && this.settings.aimbot && this.state.bindAimbotOn && (!this.settings.aimbotRange || this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y, target.z) < this.settings.aimbotRange) && (!this.settings.rangeCheck || this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.x, target.y, target.z) <= this.me.weapon.range) && !this.me.reloadTimer) { if (this.settings.awtv) { input[key.scope] = 1 } target.isTarget = this.settings.markTarget const yDire = (this.getDir(this.me.z, this.me.x, target.npos.z, target.npos.x) || 0) * 1000 const xDire = isAiTarget ? ((this.getXDir(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.npos.x, target.npos.y - target.dat.mSize / 2, target.npos.z) || 0) - (0.3 * this.me.recoilAnimY)) * 1000 : ((this.getXDir(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, target.npos.x, target.npos.y - target.crouchVal * 3 + this.me.crouchVal * 3 + this.settings.aimOffset, target.npos.z) || 0) - (0.3 * this.me.recoilAnimY)) * 1000 // aimbot tweak if (this.settings.forceUnsilent) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(400) } // Different aimbot modes can share the same code switch (this.settings.aimbot) { // quickscope, silent, trigger aim, silent on aim, aim correction, unsilent case 1: case 2: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 10: { let onAim = [5, 6, 9].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot) if ((this.settings.aimbot === 5 && input[key.scope]) || this.settings.aimbot === 10) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(400) } if ([2, 10].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot) || (this.settings.aimbot === 1 && this.me.weapon.id)) { !this.me.weapon.melee && (input[key.scope] = 1) } if (this.me.didShoot) { input[key.shoot] = 0 this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false setTimeout(() => { this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true }, this.me.weapon.rate * .85) } else if (this.state.quickscopeCanShoot && (!onAim || input[key.scope])) { if (!this.me.weapon.melee) { input[key.scope] = 1 } if (!this.settings.superSilent && this.settings.aimbot !== 9) { input[key.ydir] = yDire input[key.xdir] = xDire } if ((this.settings.aimbot !== 9 && (!this.me.aimVal || this.me.weapon.noAim || this.me.weapon.melee)) || (this.settings.aimbot === 9 && isShooting)) { input[key.ydir] = yDire input[key.xdir] = xDire input[key.shoot] = 1 } } } break // spin aim useless rn // case 3: { // if (me[dog.vars.didShoot]) { // input[key.shoot] = 0 // dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false // setTimeout(() => { // dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true // }, me.weapon.rate) // } else if (dog.state.quickscopeCanShoot && !dog.state.spinFrame) { // dog.state.spinFrame = input[key.frame] // } else { // const fullSpin = Math.PI * 2000 // const spinFrames = dog.settings.spinAimFrames // const currentSpinFrame = input[key.frame]-dog.state.spinFrame // if (currentSpinFrame < 0) { // dog.state.spinFrame = 0 // } // if (currentSpinFrame > spinFrames) { // if (!dog.settings.superSilent) { // input[key.ydir] = yDire // input[key.xdir] = xDire // } // if (!me[dog.vars.aimVal] || me.weapon.noAim || me.weapon.melee) { // input[key.ydir] = yDire // input[key.xdir] = xDire // input[key.shoot] = 1 // dog.state.spinFrame = 0 // } // } else { // input[key.ydir] = currentSpinFrame/spinFrames * fullSpin // if (!me.weapon.melee) // input[key.scope] = 1 // } // } // } break // aim assist, smooth on aim, smoother, easy aim assist case 4: case 7: case 8: case 11: if (input[key.scope] || this.settings.aimbot === 11) { this.controls.target = { xD: xDire / 1000, yD: yDire / 1000 } this.controls.update(({ 4: 400, 7: 110, 8: 70, 11: 400 })[this.settings.aimbot]) if ([4, 11].some(n => n == this.settings.aimbot)) { input[key.xdir] = xDire input[key.ydir] = yDire } if (this.me.didShoot) { input[key.shoot] = 0 this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = false setTimeout(() => { this.state.quickscopeCanShoot = true }, this.me.weapon.rate * 0.85) } else if (this.state.quickscopeCanShoot) { input[this.me.weapon.melee ? key.shoot : key.scope] = 1 } } else { this.controls.target = null } break // trigger bot case 12: { if (!this.three || !this.renderer || !this.renderer.camera || !this.game || !this.game.players || !this.game.players.list.length || !input[key.scope] || this.me.aimVal) { break } // Only create these once for performance if (!this.state.raycaster) { this.state.raycaster = new this.three.Raycaster() this.state.mid = new this.three.Vector2(0, 0) } const playerMaps = [] for (let i = 0; i < this.game.players.list.length; i++) { let p = this.game.players.list[i] if (!p || !p.objInstances || p.isYTMP || !(this.me.team === null || p.team !== this.me.team) || !p.inView) { continue } playerMaps.push(p.objInstances) } const raycaster = this.state.raycaster raycaster.setFromCamera(this.state.mid, this.renderer.camera) if (raycaster.intersectObjects(playerMaps, true).length) { input[key.shoot] = this.me.didShoot ? 0 : 1 } } break } } else { if (this.settings.uwtv) { input[key.scope] = 0 } this.state.spinFrame = 0 } } if (this.settings.alwaysAim) { input[key.scope] = 1 } if (this.settings.preventMeleeThrowing && this.me.weapon.melee) { input[key.scope] = 0 } } return input; } render() { var scale = this.scale || parseFloat(document.getElementById("uiBase").style.transform.match(/\((.+)\)/)[1]); let width = innerWidth / scale, height = innerHeight / scale let world2Screen = (pos, yOffset = 0) => { pos.y += yOffset pos.project(this.renderer.camera) pos.x = (pos.x + 1) / 2 pos.y = (-pos.y + 1) / 2 pos.x *= width pos.y *= height return pos } let line = (x1, y1, x2, y2, lW, sS) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.lineWidth = lW + 2 this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.moveTo(x1, y1) this.ctx.lineTo(x2, y2) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.lineWidth = lW this.ctx.strokeStyle = sS this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.restore() } let rect = (x, y, ox, oy, w, h, color, fill) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.translate(~~x, ~~y) this.ctx.beginPath() fill ? this.ctx.fillStyle = color : this.ctx.strokeStyle = color this.ctx.rect(ox, oy, w, h) fill ? this.ctx.fill() : this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() } let getTextMeasurements = (arr) => { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = ~~this.ctx.measureText(arr[i]).width } return arr } let gradient = (x, y, w, h, colors) => { const grad = this.ctx.createLinearGradient(x, y, w, h) for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { grad.addColorStop(i, colors[i]) } return grad } let text = (txt, font, color, x, y) => { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.translate(~~x, ~~y) this.ctx.fillStyle = color this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)" this.ctx.font = font this.ctx.lineWidth = 1 this.ctx.strokeText(txt, 0, 0) this.ctx.fillText(txt, 0, 0) this.ctx.restore() } const padding = 2 for (const player of this.game.players.list.filter(v => (!v.isYTMP && v.active && (v.pos = { x: v.x, y: v.y, z: v.z })))) { const pos = new this.three.Vector3(player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.pos.z) const screenR = world2Screen(pos.clone()) const screenH = world2Screen(pos.clone(), player.height) const hDiff = ~~(screenR.y - screenH.y) const bWidth = ~~(hDiff * 0.6) const font = this.settings.espFontSize + "px GameFont" const enemy = this.me.team === null || player.team !== this.me.team; if (!this.containsPoint(player.pos)) { continue } if (this.settings.tracers) { line(width / 2, (dog.settings.tracers === 2 ? height / 2 : height - 1), screenR.x, screenR.y, 2, player.team === null ? "#FF4444" : player.team === this.me.team ? "#44AAFF" : "#FF4444") } // Chams const obj = player.objInstances; if (this.isDefined(obj)) { if (!obj.visible) { Object.defineProperty(player.objInstances, 'visible', { value: true, writable: false }); } else { let chamsEnabled = this.settings.chams; if (dog.gaybow >= 360) dog.gaybow = 0; else dog.gaybow++; obj.traverse(child => { if (child && child.type == "Mesh" && this.isDefined(child.material)) { if (!child.hasOwnProperty(dogStr)) { child[dogStr] = child.material; } else if (child.hasOwnProperty(dogStr)) { Object.defineProperty(child, 'material', { get(){ return !chamsEnabled||(!enemy && !dog.settings.teamChams) ? this[dogStr] : new dog.three.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: new dog.three.Color(dog.settings.chamsCol == 12 ? `hsl(${dog.gaybow},100%, 50%)` : Object.values(dog.colors)[dog.settings.chamsCol]), depthTest: false, transparent: true, fog: false, wireframe: dog.settings.wireframe }) } }); } } }) } } if (this.settings.esp > 1) { if (player.isTarget) { this.ctx.save() const meas = getTextMeasurements(["TARGET"]) text("TARGET", font, "#FFFFFF", screenH.x - meas[0] / 2, screenH.y - this.settings.espFontSize * 1.5) this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.translate(screenH.x, screenH.y + Math.abs(hDiff / 2)) this.ctx.arc(0, 0, Math.abs(hDiff / 2) + 10, 0, Math.PI * 2) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() } if (this.settings.esp === 2) { this.ctx.save() this.ctx.strokeStyle = (this.me.team === null || player.team !== this.me.team) ? "#FF4444" : "#44AAFF" this.ctx.strokeRect(screenH.x - bWidth / 2, screenH.y, bWidth, hDiff) this.ctx.restore() continue } rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, hDiff + 2, "#000000", false) rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, hDiff + 2, "#44FF44", true) rect((screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 7, ~~screenH.y - 1, 0, 0, 4, ~~((player.maxHealth - player.health) / player.maxHealth * (hDiff + 2)), "#000000", true) this.ctx.save() this.ctx.lineWidth = 4 this.ctx.translate(~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2), ~~screenH.y) this.ctx.beginPath() this.ctx.rect(0, 0, bWidth, hDiff) this.ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.lineWidth = 2 this.ctx.strokeStyle = player.team === null ? '#FF4444' : this.me.team === player.team ? '#44AAFF' : '#FF4444' this.ctx.stroke() this.ctx.closePath() this.ctx.restore() const playerDist = ~~(this.getDistance3D(this.me.x, this.me.y, this.me.z, player.pos.x, player.pos.y, player.pos.z) / 10) this.ctx.save() this.ctx.font = font const meas = getTextMeasurements(["[", playerDist, "m]", player.level, "©", player.name]) this.ctx.restore() const grad2 = gradient(0, 0, meas[4] * 5, 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"]) if (player.level) { const grad = gradient(0, 0, (meas[4] * 2) + meas[3] + (padding * 3), 0, ["rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)"]) rect(~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 12 - (meas[4] * 2) - meas[3] - (padding * 3), ~~screenH.y - padding, 0, 0, (meas[4] * 2) + meas[3] + (padding * 3), meas[4] + (padding * 2), grad, true) text("" + player.level, font, '#FFFFFF', ~~(screenH.x - bWidth / 2) - 16 - meas[3], ~~screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) } rect(~~(screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + padding, ~~screenH.y - padding, 0, 0, (meas[4] * 5), (meas[4] * 4) + (padding * 2), grad2, true) text(player.name, font, player.team === null ? '#FFCDB4' : this.me.team === player.team ? '#B4E6FF' : '#FFCDB4', (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) if (player.clan) text("[" + player.clan + "]", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 8 + meas[5], screenH.y + meas[4] * 1) text(player.health + " HP", font, "#33FF33", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 2) text(player.weapon.name, font, "#DDDDDD", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 3) text("[", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4, screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) text("" + playerDist, font, "#DDDDDD", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4 + meas[0], screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) text("m]", font, "#AAAAAA", (screenH.x + bWidth / 2) + 4 + meas[0] + meas[1], screenH.y + meas[4] * 4) } } if (this.settings.fovbox && this.settings.drawFovbox) { let fovBox = [width / 3, height / 4, width * (1 / 3), height / 2] switch (this.settings.fovBoxSize) { // medium case 2: fovBox = [width * 0.4, height / 3, width * 0.2, height / 3] break // small case 3: fovBox = [width * 0.45, height * 0.4, width * 0.1, height * 0.2] break } this.ctx.save() this.ctx.strokeStyle = "red" this.ctx.strokeRect(...fovBox) this.ctx.restore() } } cleanGUI() { let head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || 0, css = this.createElement("style", "#aMerger, #endAMerger { display: none !important }"); head.appendChild(css); window['onetrust-consent-sdk'].style.display = "none"; window.streamContainer.style.display = "none"; window.merchHolder.style.display = "none"; window.newsHolder.style.display = "none"; } customCSS() { if (!this.isDefined(this.CSSres) && this.settings.kpalCSS) { let head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || 0 this.CSSres = document.createElement("link"); this.CSSres.rel = "stylesheet"; this.CSSres.href = "https://skidlamer.github.io/css/kpal.css" this.CSSres.disabled = false; head.appendChild(this.CSSres); } if (this.settings.customCSS.startsWith("http") && this.settings.customCSS.endsWith(".css")) { //let head = document.head||document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||0 this.CSSres.href = this.settings.customCSS; //head.appendChild(this.CSSres); } else this.CSSres = undefined; } initGUI() { function createButton(name, iconURL, fn) { const menu = document.querySelector("#menuItemContainer"), menuItem = document.createElement("div"), menuItemIcon = document.createElement("div"), menuItemTitle = document.createElement("div") menuItem.className = "menuItem" menuItemIcon.className = "menuItemIcon" menuItemTitle.className = "menuItemTitle" menuItemTitle.innerHTML = name menuItemIcon.style.backgroundImage = `url("https://i.imgur.com/jjkFpnV.gif")` menuItem.append(menuItemIcon, menuItemTitle) menu.append(menuItem) menuItem.addEventListener("click", fn) } dog.GUI.setSetting = function(setting, value) { switch (setting) { case "customCSS": dog.settings.customCSS = value dog.customCSS(); break default: console.log("SET ", setting, " ", value); dog.settings[setting] = value } localStorage.kro_setngss_json = JSON.stringify(dog.settings); } dog.GUI.windowIndex = windows.length + 1 dog.GUI.settings = { aimbot: { val: this.settings.aimbot } } dog.GUI.windowObj = { header: "CH33T", html: "", gen() { return dog.getGuiHtml() } } Object.defineProperty(window.windows, windows.length, { value: dog.GUI.windowObj }) if (this.settings.showGuiButton) { createButton("CH33TS", null, () => { window.showWindow(dog.GUI.windowIndex) }) } } showGUI() { if (document.pointerLockElement || document.mozPointerLockElement) { document.exitPointerLock() } window.showWindow(this.GUI.windowIndex) } getGuiHtml() { const builder = { checkbox: (name, settingName, description = "", needsRestart = false) => `
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